Related issue:
- `pattern`: a string or regex to match in the outbound text. If
not provided or empty, the scriptlet will only log the outbound
text without modifying it.
- `replacement`: the replacement string for the matched part.
New special properties:
- `[-]`: remove an array entry if part right of `[-]` matches the
inspected item.
- `{-}`: remove a property if part right of `{-}` mmatches the
inspected item.
This is useful to remove entries which have unspecified names.
As suggested by in internal
email to ubo-security:
> As a sidenote, it may be worth considering if `set-attr` should
> be able to set event handler attributes. It could potentially
> be used to copy the contents of e.g. onclick to other event handlers,
> resulting in self-clicking buttons.
...##+js(remove-cache-storage-item, cacheNamePattern[, urlPattern])
`cacheNamePattern`: the name of the cache to target. Plain string
or regex.
`urlPattern`: the URL of the resource to remove. Plain string
or regex. If no pattern is provided, the whole cache is removed.
Avoid race conditions between isolated world-side broadcast channel
and main-side broadcast channel, so as to not lose logging
information if the isolated world-side is not yet ready to
receive through its broadcast channel.
Additionally, added new scriptlet: `trusted-replace-argument`.
[...]##+js(trusted-replace-argument, fn, argpos, argval [,condition, pattern])
- `fn` is the function we want to proxy through an `apply` handler.
This can also be a class, in which case the scriptlet will proxy
through `construct` handler. At the moment, `fn` must exist at the
time the scriptlet executes.
- `argpos` is the 0-based position of the argument we want to change
- `argval` is the value we want to have for the argument -- the value
is interpreted the same way the value for `set-constant` is
- `condition, pattern` is a vararg which tells the scriptlet to act
only if `pattern` is found in the argument to overwrite.
Example of usage:, MutationObserver, 0, noopFunc)
This commit brings the following changes to the logger:
All logging output generated by injected scriptlets are now sent to
the logger, the developer console will no longer be used to log
scriptlet logging information.
When the logger is not opened, the scriplets will not output any
logging information.
The goal with this new approach is to allow filter authors to
more easily assess the working of scriptlets without having to
go through scriptlet parameters to enable logging.
Consequently all the previous ways to tell scriptlets to log
information are now obsolete: if the logger is opened, the
scriptlets will log information to the logger.
Another benefit of this approach is that the dev tools do not
need to be open to obtain scriptlets logging information.
Accordingly, new filter expressions have been added to the logger:
"info" and "error". Selecting the "scriptlet" expression will also
keep the logging information from scriptlets.
A new button has been added to the logger (not yet i18n-ed): a
"volume" icon, which allows to enable verbose mode. When verbose
mode is enabled, the scriptlets may choose to output more
information regarding their inner working.
The entries in the logger will automatically expand on mouse hover.
This allows to scroll through entries which text does not fit into
a single row.
Clicking anywhere on an entry in the logger will open the detailed
view when applicable.
Generic information/errors will now be rendered regardless of which
tab is currently selected in the logger (similar to how tabless
entries are already being rendered).
If present, `elements` vararg must be a valid CSS selector, which will
be used to apply the scriptlet to only elements matching the
Related issue:
Example of usage:
[...]##+js(aeld, click, return"undefined", elements, a.indirect)
Related issue:
Example usage:
...##+js(trusted-trusted-click-element, #cmpwrapper >>> .cmpboxbtnyes)
The substring before ` >>> ` must select an element with a non-null
shadow root, in which case the substring after ` >>> ` will be used
to find the element in the targeted shadow root. ` >>> ` can be used
recursively when multiple shadow root must be pierced.
Related issue:
Support fulfilling the response with the content of a
`web_accessible_resources` resource, using the syntax already
supported by `prevent-xhr`: `war:[name of resource]`
Support fulfilling the response with randomized text with length
specified using `length:min[-max]` directive.
Essentially a complement of `trusted-prune-inbound-object.js` added in
To perform object pruning on any object returned synchronously by
any given call.
The arguments for `trusted-prune-outbound-object` in order are:
- The name of the property to trap. Must be a function, and must
exist when the scriptlet tries to install the trap.
- The properties to prune (as with `json-prune`)
- The properties which must all be present for pruning to occur
(as with `json-prune`)
The scriptlets `json-prune.js` and `evaldata-prune.js` essentially
perform the same function, and will eventually be rewritten to
internally delegate to generic `trusted-prune-outbound-object.js`.
As per discussion with filter list maintainers.
To perform object pruning for any given call which has an object
as argument (hence "inbound").
Since `json-prune-stringify` scriptlet is a specific form of
pruning inbound objects, it has been removed.
The arguments for `trusted-prune-inbound-object` in order are:
- The name of the property to trap. Must be a function, and must
exist when the scriptlet tries to install the trap.
- The position of the object to prune in the argument list when
the trapped function is called. The position is 1-based and
must be an integer greater than 0.
- The properties to prune (as with `json-prune`)
- The properties which must all be present for pruning to occur
(as with `json-prune`)
- Varargs:
- `, dontOverwrite, 1`: do not modify the target inbound object
Remove `title` and `name` properties before passing the object to
`JSON.stringify` call:, JSON.stringify, 1, title name)
Remove `status` property before passing the object to `Object.keys`
call but do not modify caller's instance of the object:, Object.keys, 1, status, , dontOverwrite, 1)