{ "extName": { "message": "uBlock Origin Lite", "description": "extension name." }, "extShortDesc": { "message": "Õigustevaba sisublokeerija. Blokeerib reklaamid, jälitajad, kaevandajad ja teised kohe pärast paigaldust.", "description": "this will be in the Chrome web store: must be 132 characters or less" }, "perRulesetStats": { "message": "{{ruleCount}} reeglit, konverteeritud {{filterCount}} võrgufiltrist", "description": "Appears aside each filter list in the _3rd-party filters_ pane" }, "dashboardName": { "message": "uBO Lite — Töölaud", "description": "English: uBO Lite — Dashboard" }, "settingsPageName": { "message": "Sätted", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard" }, "aboutPageName": { "message": "Teave", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard" }, "aboutPrivacyPolicy": { "message": "Privaatsusteatis", "description": "Link to privacy policy on GitHub (English)" }, "popupFilteringModeLabel": { "message": "filtreerimisrežiim", "description": "Label in the popup panel for the current filtering mode" }, "popupTipReport": { "message": "Teavita veast selle veebilehega", "description": "Tooltip used for the 'chat' icon in the panel" }, "popupTipDashboard": { "message": "Ava töölaud", "description": "English: Click to open the dashboard" }, "popupMoreButton": { "message": "Rohkem", "description": "Label to be used to show popup panel sections" }, "popupLessButton": { "message": "Vähem", "description": "Label to be used to hide popup panel sections" }, "3pGroupDefault": { "message": "Vaikimisi", "description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "3pGroupAds": { "message": "Reklaamid", "description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "3pGroupPrivacy": { "message": "Privaatsus", "description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "3pGroupMalware": { "message": "Pahavara domeenid", "description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "3pGroupAnnoyances": { "message": "Tüütused", "description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "3pGroupMisc": { "message": "Varia", "description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "3pGroupRegions": { "message": "Regioonid, keeled", "description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "aboutChangelog": { "message": "Muudatuste logi", "description": "" }, "aboutCode": { "message": "Lähtekood (GPLv3)", "description": "English: Source code (GPLv3)" }, "aboutContributors": { "message": "Toetajad", "description": "English: Contributors" }, "aboutSourceCode": { "message": "Lähtekood", "description": "Link text to source code repo" }, "aboutTranslations": { "message": "Tõlked", "description": "Link text to translations repo" }, "aboutFilterLists": { "message": "Filtriloendid", "description": "Link text to uBO's own filter lists repo" }, "aboutDependencies": { "message": "Välised sõltuvused (ühilduvad GPLv3-ga):", "description": "Shown in the About pane" }, "supportS6H": { "message": "Teavita filtri veast", "description": "Header of 'Report a filter issue' section in Support pane" }, "supportS3P1": { "message": "Teavita vigasest filtrist kindlate veebilehtedega uBlockOrigin/uAssets vigade andmebaasi kaudu. Nõuab GitHubi kontot.", "description": "First paragraph of 'Filter issues' section in Support pane" }, "supportS6P1S1": { "message": "Vabatahtlike koormamise vältimiseks samade teadetega veenduge, et keegi pole selle murega juba varem pöördunud.", "description": "A paragraph in the filter issue reporter section" }, "supportFindSpecificButton": { "message": "Leidke sarnased aruanded", "description": "A clickable link in the filter issue reporter section" }, "supportS6URL": { "message": "Veebilehe aadress:", "description": "Label for the URL of the page" }, "supportS6Select1": { "message": "Veebileht...", "description": "Label for widget to select type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option0": { "message": "-- Valige --", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option1": { "message": "Näitab reklaame või reklaami kohatäitjaid", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option2": { "message": "Omab ülekatteid või teisi nuhtlusi", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option3": { "message": "Tuvastab uBO Lite'i", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option4": { "message": "Omab privaatsusega seonduvaid probleeme", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option5": { "message": "Streigib, kui uBO Lite on kasutusel", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option6": { "message": "Avab soovimatuid kaarte või aknaid", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option7": { "message": "Põhjustab pahavara, õngitsuskirju", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Checkbox1": { "message": "Märgi veebileht kui „NSFW” („Ohtlik”)", "description": "A checkbox to use for NSFW sites" }, "supportReportSpecificButton": { "message": "Loo uus aruanne", "description": "Text for button which open an external webpage in Support pane" }, "firstRunSectionLabel": { "message": "Tere tulemast", "description": "The header text for the welcome message section" }, "firstRunDescription": { "message": "Olete paigaldanud uBO Lite'i. Nüüd valige kõigil veebilehtedel kasutatav üldine filtreerimisrežiim.\n\nTavaliselt kehtib Põhiline režiim, kuna see ei vaja andmete lugemise ja muutmise luba. uBO Lite'i usaldamisel saate sel lubada andmeid lugeda ja muuta kõigil veebilehtedel, et neid saaks vaikimisi filtreerida põhjalikumalt.", "description": "Descriptive text shown at first install time only " }, "defaultFilteringModeSectionLabel": { "message": "Tavaline filtreerimisrežiim", "description": "The header text for the default filtering mode section" }, "defaultFilteringModeDescription": { "message": "Tavalise filtreerimisrežiimi asemel kasutatakse vajadusel veebilehepõhiseid filtreerimisrežiime. Saate veebilehte filtreerida kõige paremini toimiva režiimiga. Igal režiimil on omad eelised ja puudused.", "description": "This describes the default filtering mode setting" }, "filteringMode0Name": { "message": "filtreerimine puudub", "description": "Name of blocking mode 0" }, "filteringMode1Name": { "message": "põhiline", "description": "Name of blocking mode 1" }, "filteringMode2Name": { "message": "optimaalne", "description": "Name of blocking mode 2" }, "filteringMode3Name": { "message": "põhjalik", "description": "Name of blocking mode 3" }, "basicFilteringModeDescription": { "message": "Interneti üldine filtreerimine valitud filtreerimisloenditega.\n\nPole vaja veebilehtede andmete lugemise ja muutmise luba.", "description": "This describes the 'basic' filtering mode" }, "optimalFilteringModeDescription": { "message": "Interneti täpsem filtreerimine enda valitud filtreerimisloenditega.\n\nVajab veebilehtede andmete lugemise ja muutmise üldist luba.", "description": "This describes the 'optimal' filtering mode" }, "completeFilteringModeDescription": { "message": "Interneti põhjalikum filtreerimine ja enda valitud filtreerimisloenditega täpsem ning üldisem filtreerimine.\n\nVajab kõikide veebilehtede andmete lugemise ja muutmise üldist luba.\n\nÜldine ja põhjalikum filtreerimine võib koormata veebilehe ressursse tavapärasest rohkem.", "description": "This describes the 'complete' filtering mode" }, "noFilteringModeDescription": { "message": "Veebilehtede loend, kus filtreid ei kasutata.", "description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites" }, "noFilteringModePlaceholder": { "message": "[ainult hostinimed]\nnäide.com\nmängud.näide\n...", "description": "Default text for in edit field" }, "behaviorSectionLabel": { "message": "Käitumine", "description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section" }, "autoReloadLabel": { "message": "Leht laadib ise uuesti filtreerimisrežiimi muutmisel", "description": "Label for a checkbox in the options page" }, "showBlockedCountLabel": { "message": "Kuva tööriistariba ikoonil blokeeritud elementide arv", "description": "Label for a checkbox in the options page" } }