# Resources to be used as redirect destinations. # # - Each distinct resource entry is separated by an empty line. # - The first line in a resource entry is: token mime-type[;encoding] # - All following lines are the data. An empty line signals the end of the # data. # # If the encoding is absent, the data will be converted to base64, and the # encoding will be set to `;base64`. hd-main.js application/javascript var L = (function(){ var l = {}; var noopfn = function() { ; }; var props = ["pf", "ed", "Qe", "fd", "xh", "Uc", "ef", "zd", "Ad", "Qc", "Ri", "Wc", "Vc", "Xc", "Wg", "rd", "qd", "sd", "Pe", "Id", "Hd", "Jd", "fg", "Fd", "Ed", "Gd", "ek", "Cd", "Bd", "Dd", "Nj", "Sc", "Rc", "Tc", "wg", "xd", "wd", "yd", "fh", "ld", "md", "nd", "Re", "cd", "Pc", "ke", "Yc", "Xg", "jd", "kd", "oh", "ad", "bd", "mi", "gd", "hd", "ae", "dd", "fk", "ij", "ud", "td", "vd", "ig", "od", "pd", "Yd", "$j", "Oc", "bf"]; for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { l[props[i]] = noopfn; } return l; })(); # http://probablyprogramming.com/2009/03/15/the-tiniest-gif-ever handtinytrans.gif image/gif;base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== 2x2-transparent.png image/png;base64 iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAIAAAACCAYAAABytg0kAAAAC0lEQVQI12NgQAcAABIAAe+JVKQAAAAASUVORK5CYII= fuckadblock.js-3.2.0 application/javascript (function() { var noopfn = function() { ; }; // var Fab = function() {}; Fab.prototype._bait = null; Fab.prototype._checkBait = noopfn; Fab.prototype._creatBait = noopfn; Fab.prototype._destroyBait = noopfn; Fab.prototype._log = noopfn; Fab.prototype._options = null; Fab.prototype._stopLoop = noopfn; Fab.prototype._var = null; Fab.prototype.check = noopfn; Fab.prototype.clearEvent = noopfn; Fab.prototype.emitEvent = noopfn; Fab.prototype.on = function(a, b) { if ( !a ) { b(); } }; Fab.prototype.onDetected = noopfn; Fab.prototype.onNotDetected = function(a) { a(); }; Fab.prototype.setOption = noopfn; window.FuckAdBlock = Fab; // window.fuckAdBlock = new Fab(); })(); noopframe text/html # To neutralize GA scripts. The goal is to provide the minimal API # expected by clients of these scripts so that the end users are able # to wholly block GA while minimizing risks of page breakage. # Test cases (need way more): # - https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/119 www.google-analytics.com/ga.js application/javascript (function() { var noopfn = function() { ; }; // var gaq = function() { ; }; gaq.push = function(a) { if ( typeof a === 'function' ) { a(); } }; // var tracker = function() {}; tracker._getLinkerUrl = function(a) { return a; }; // var gat = function() {}; gat._getTrackerByName = function() { return tracker; }; window._gat = gat; // (function() { var aa = window._gaq || []; if ( Array.isArray(aa) ) { while ( aa[0] ) { gaq.push(aa.shift()); } } })(); window._gaq = gaq; })(); # Ubiquitous googletagservices.com: not blocked by EasyPrivacy. # "Tags are tiny bits of website code that let you measure traffic and # "visitor behavior" googletagservices.com/gpt.js application/javascript (function() { var noopfn = function() { ; }; // var gpt = window.googletag || {}; gpt._vars_ = gpt._vars_ || {}; gpt.cmd = gpt.cmd || []; gpt.getVersion = gpt.getVersion || noopfn; // window.googletag = gpt; })();