/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a comprehensive, efficient content blocker Copyright (C) 2017-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ import { builtinScriptlets } from './js/resources/scriptlets.js'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import { safeReplace } from './safe-replace.js'; /******************************************************************************/ const resourceDetails = new Map(); const resourceAliases = new Map(); const scriptletFiles = new Map(); /******************************************************************************/ function createScriptletCoreCode(scriptletToken) { const details = resourceDetails.get(scriptletToken); const components = new Map([ [ scriptletToken, details.code ] ]); const dependencies = details.dependencies && details.dependencies.slice() || []; while ( dependencies.length !== 0 ) { const token = dependencies.shift(); if ( components.has(token) ) { continue; } const details = resourceDetails.get(token); if ( details === undefined ) { continue; } components.set(token, details.code); if ( Array.isArray(details.dependencies) === false ) { continue; } dependencies.push(...details.dependencies); } return Array.from(components.values()).join('\n\n'); } /******************************************************************************/ export function init() { for ( const scriptlet of builtinScriptlets ) { const { name, aliases, fn } = scriptlet; const entry = { name: fn.name, code: fn.toString(), world: scriptlet.world || 'MAIN', dependencies: scriptlet.dependencies, requiresTrust: scriptlet.requiresTrust === true, }; resourceDetails.set(name, entry); if ( Array.isArray(aliases) === false ) { continue; } for ( const alias of aliases ) { resourceAliases.set(alias, name); } } } /******************************************************************************/ export function reset() { scriptletFiles.clear(); } /******************************************************************************/ export function compile(details) { if ( details.args[0].endsWith('.js') === false ) { details.args[0] += '.js'; } if ( resourceAliases.has(details.args[0]) ) { details.args[0] = resourceAliases.get(details.args[0]); } const scriptletToken = details.args[0]; const resourceEntry = resourceDetails.get(scriptletToken); if ( resourceEntry === undefined ) { return; } if ( resourceEntry.requiresTrust && details.trustedSource !== true ) { console.log(`Rejecting ${scriptletToken}: source is not trusted`); return; } if ( scriptletFiles.has(scriptletToken) === false ) { scriptletFiles.set(scriptletToken, { name: resourceEntry.name, code: createScriptletCoreCode(scriptletToken), world: resourceEntry.world, args: new Map(), hostnames: new Map(), entities: new Map(), exceptions: new Map(), matches: new Set(), }); } const scriptletDetails = scriptletFiles.get(scriptletToken); const argsToken = JSON.stringify(details.args.slice(1)); if ( scriptletDetails.args.has(argsToken) === false ) { scriptletDetails.args.set(argsToken, scriptletDetails.args.size); } const iArgs = scriptletDetails.args.get(argsToken); if ( details.matches ) { for ( const hn of details.matches ) { if ( hn.endsWith('.*') ) { scriptletDetails.matches.clear(); scriptletDetails.matches.add('*'); const entity = hn.slice(0, -2); if ( scriptletDetails.entities.has(entity) === false ) { scriptletDetails.entities.set(entity, new Set()); } scriptletDetails.entities.get(entity).add(iArgs); } else { if ( scriptletDetails.matches.has('*') === false ) { scriptletDetails.matches.add(hn); } if ( scriptletDetails.hostnames.has(hn) === false ) { scriptletDetails.hostnames.set(hn, new Set()); } scriptletDetails.hostnames.get(hn).add(iArgs); } } } else { scriptletDetails.matches.add('*'); } if ( details.excludeMatches ) { for ( const hn of details.excludeMatches ) { if ( scriptletDetails.exceptions.has(hn) === false ) { scriptletDetails.exceptions.set(hn, []); } scriptletDetails.exceptions.get(hn).push(iArgs); } } } /******************************************************************************/ export async function commit(rulesetId, path, writeFn) { const scriptletTemplate = await fs.readFile( './scriptlets/scriptlet.template.js', { encoding: 'utf8' } ); const patchHnMap = hnmap => { const out = Array.from(hnmap); out.forEach(a => { const values = Array.from(a[1]); a[1] = values.length === 1 ? values[0] : values; }); return out; }; const scriptletStats = []; for ( const [ name, details ] of scriptletFiles ) { let content = safeReplace(scriptletTemplate, 'function $scriptletName$(){}', details.code ); content = safeReplace(content, /\$rulesetId\$/, rulesetId, 0); content = safeReplace(content, /\$scriptletName\$/, details.name, 0); content = safeReplace(content, '$world$', details.world); content = safeReplace(content, 'self.$argsList$', JSON.stringify(Array.from(details.args.keys()).map(a => JSON.parse(a))) ); content = safeReplace(content, 'self.$hostnamesMap$', JSON.stringify(patchHnMap(details.hostnames)) ); content = safeReplace(content, 'self.$entitiesMap$', JSON.stringify(patchHnMap(details.entities)) ); content = safeReplace(content, 'self.$exceptionsMap$', JSON.stringify(Array.from(details.exceptions)) ); writeFn(`${path}/${rulesetId}.${name}`, content); scriptletStats.push([ name.slice(0, -3), Array.from(details.matches).sort() ]); } return scriptletStats; } /******************************************************************************/