/******************************************************************************* µBlock - a Chromium browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global chrome, µBlock */ /******************************************************************************/ // Start isolation from global scope µBlock.webRequest = (function() { /******************************************************************************/ // Intercept and filter web requests. var onBeforeRequest = function(details) { //console.debug('onBeforeRequest()> "%s": %o', details.url, details); // Do not block behind the scene requests. var tabId = details.tabId; if ( tabId < 0 ) { return; } var µb = µBlock; var requestURL = details.url; var requestType = details.type; // Special handling for root document. if ( requestType === 'main_frame' && details.parentFrameId === -1 ) { µb.bindTabToPageStats(tabId, requestURL, 'beforeRequest'); return; } // Commented out until (and if ever) there is a fix for: // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=410382 // // Try to transpose generic `other` category into something more meaningful. if ( requestType === 'other' ) { requestType = µb.transposeType('other', µb.URI.set(requestURL).path); // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/206 // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=410382 // Work around the issue of Chromium not properly setting the type for // `object` requests. Unclear whether this issue will be fixed, hence // this workaround to prevent torch-and-pitchfork mobs because ads are // no longer blocked in videos. // onBeforeSendHeaders() will handle this for now. if ( requestType === 'other' ) { return; } } // Lookup the page store associated with this tab id. var pageStore = µb.pageStoreFromTabId(tabId); if ( !pageStore ) { return; } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/114 var requestContext = pageStore; var frameStore; var frameId = details.frameId; if ( frameId > 0 ) { if ( frameStore = pageStore.getFrame(frameId) ) { requestContext = frameStore; } } var result = ''; if ( pageStore.getNetFilteringSwitch() ) { result = pageStore.filterRequest(requestContext, requestType, requestURL); } // Not blocked if ( pageStore.boolFromResult(result) === false ) { pageStore.perLoadAllowedRequestCount++; µb.localSettings.allowedRequestCount++; // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/114 if ( frameId > 0 && frameStore === undefined ) { pageStore.addFrame(frameId, requestURL); } if ( µb.userSettings.experimentalEnabled ) { // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=387198 // Not all redirects will succeed, until bug above is fixed. var redirectURL = µb.mirrors.toURL(requestURL, true); if ( redirectURL !== '' ) { pageStore.setRequestFlags(requestURL, 0x01, 0x01); //console.debug('"%s" redirected to "%s..."', requestURL.slice(0, 50), redirectURL.slice(0, 50)); return { redirectUrl: redirectURL }; } } //console.debug('µBlock> onBeforeRequest()> ALLOW "%s" (%o)', details.url, details); return; } // Blocked pageStore.perLoadBlockedRequestCount++; µb.localSettings.blockedRequestCount++; µb.updateBadgeAsync(tabId); // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/18 // Do not use redirection, we need to block outright to be sure the request // will not be made. There can be no such guarantee with redirection. // console.debug('µBlock> onBeforeRequest()> BLOCK "%s" (%o) because "%s"', details.url, details, result); return { 'cancel': true }; }; /******************************************************************************/ // Intercept root frame requests. This is where we identify and block popups. var onBeforeSendHeaders = function(details) { // TODO: I vaguely remember reading that when pre-fetch is enabled, // the tab id could be -1, despite the request not really being a // behind-the-scene request. If true, the test below would prevent // the popup blocker from working. Need to check this. // Do not block behind the scene requests. var tabId = details.tabId; if ( tabId < 0 ) { return; } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/206 // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=410382 // Work around the issue of Chromium not properly setting the type for // `object` requests. Unclear whether this issue will be fixed, hence this // workaround to prevent widespread breakage of the extension. if ( details.type === 'other' ) { return cr410382Workaround(details); } // Only root document. if ( details.parentFrameId !== -1 ) { return; } var µb = µBlock; var requestURL = details.url; // Lookup the page store associated with this tab id. var pageStore = µb.pageStoreFromTabId(tabId); if ( !pageStore ) { console.error('µBlock> onBeforeSendHeaders(): no page store for "%s"', requestURL); return; } // Heuristic to determine whether we are dealing with a popup: // - the page store is new (it's not a reused one) // - the referrer is not nil // Can't be a popup, the tab was in use previously. if ( pageStore.previousPageURL !== '' ) { return; } var referrer = headerValue(details.requestHeaders, 'referer'); if ( referrer === '' ) { return; } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/67 // We need to pass the details of the page which opened this popup, // so that the `third-party` option works. var µburi = µb.URI; var referrerHostname = µburi.hostnameFromURI(referrer); var pageDetails = { pageHostname: referrerHostname, pageDomain: µburi.domainFromHostname(referrerHostname) }; //console.debug('Referrer="%s"', referrer); // TODO: I think I should test the switch of the referrer instead, not the // switch of the popup. If so, that would require being able to lookup // a page store from a URL. Have to keep in mind the same URL can appear // in multiple tabs. var result = ''; if ( pageStore.getNetFilteringSwitch() ) { result = µb.netFilteringEngine.matchStringExactType(pageDetails, requestURL, 'popup'); } // Not blocked? if ( result === '' || result.slice(0, 2) === '@@' ) { return; } // It is a popup, block and remove the tab. µb.unbindTabFromPageStats(tabId); chrome.tabs.remove(tabId); return { 'cancel': true }; }; /******************************************************************************/ // Work around the issue of Chromium not properly setting the type for // `object` requests. Unclear whether this issue will be fixed, hence this // workaround to prevent widespread breakage of the extension. var cr410382Workaround = function(details) { //console.debug('cr410382Workaround()> "%s": %o', details.url, details); var µb = µBlock; var requestURL = details.url; var µburi = µb.URI.set(requestURL); // If the type can be successfully transposed, this means the request // was processed at onBeforeRequest time. if ( µb.transposeType('other', µburi.path) !== 'other' ) { return; } // Lookup "X-Requested-With" header: this will tell us whether the request // is of type "object". // Reference: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=145090 var requestedWith = headerValue(details.requestHeaders, 'x-requested-with'); // Reference: https://codereview.chromium.org/451923002/patch/120001/130008 var requestType = requestedWith.indexOf('ShockwaveFlash') !== -1 ? 'object' : 'other'; // Lookup the page store associated with this tab id. var pageStore = µb.pageStoreFromTabId(details.tabId); if ( !pageStore ) { return; } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/114 var requestContext = pageStore; var frameStore; var frameId = details.frameId; if ( frameId > 0 ) { if ( frameStore = pageStore.getFrame(frameId) ) { requestContext = frameStore; } } var result = ''; if ( pageStore.getNetFilteringSwitch() ) { result = pageStore.filterRequest(requestContext, requestType, requestURL); } // Not blocked if ( pageStore.boolFromResult(result) === false ) { pageStore.perLoadAllowedRequestCount++; µb.localSettings.allowedRequestCount++; // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/114 if ( frameId > 0 && frameStore === undefined ) { pageStore.addFrame(frameId, requestURL); } //console.debug('µBlock> cr410382Workaround()> ALLOW "%s" (%o)', details.url, details); return; } // Blocked pageStore.perLoadBlockedRequestCount++; µb.localSettings.blockedRequestCount++; µb.updateBadgeAsync(details.tabId); //console.debug('µBlock> cr410382Workaround()> BLOCK "%s" (%o) because "%s"', details.url, details, result); return { 'cancel': true }; }; /******************************************************************************/ // To handle `inline-script`. var onHeadersReceived = function(details) { // Only root document. if ( details.parentFrameId !== -1 ) { return; } // Do not interfere with behind-the-scene requests. var tabId = details.tabId; if ( tabId < 0 ) { return; } // Lookup the page store associated with this tab id. var µb = µBlock; var pageStore = µb.pageStoreFromTabId(tabId); if ( !pageStore ) { return; } var result = ''; if ( pageStore.getNetFilteringSwitch() ) { result = µb.netFilteringEngine.matchStringExactType(pageStore, details.url, 'inline-script'); } // Not blocked? if ( result === '' || result.slice(0, 2) === '@@' ) { return; } // Record request if ( result !== '' ) { pageStore.recordResult('script', details.url, result); } // Blocked pageStore.perLoadBlockedRequestCount++; µb.localSettings.blockedRequestCount++; µb.updateBadgeAsync(tabId); details.responseHeaders.push({ 'name': 'Content-Security-Policy', 'value': "script-src 'unsafe-eval' *" }); return { 'responseHeaders': details.responseHeaders }; }; /******************************************************************************/ var headerValue = function(headers, name) { var i = headers.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( headers[i].name.toLowerCase() === name ) { return headers[i].value; } } return ''; }; /******************************************************************************/ chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener( //function(details) { // quickProfiler.start('onBeforeRequest'); // var r = onBeforeRequest(details); // quickProfiler.stop(); // return r; //}, onBeforeRequest, { "urls": [ "http://*/*", "https://*/*" ], "types": [ "main_frame", "sub_frame", 'stylesheet', "script", "image", "object", "xmlhttprequest", "other" ] }, [ "blocking" ] ); chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener( //function(details) { // quickProfiler.start('onBeforeSendHeaders'); // var r = onBeforeSendHeaders(details); // quickProfiler.stop(); // return r; //}, onBeforeSendHeaders, { "urls": [ "http://*/*", "https://*/*" ], "types": [ "main_frame", "other" // Because cr410382Workaround() ] }, [ "blocking", "requestHeaders" ] ); chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener( onHeadersReceived, { "urls": [ "http://*/*", "https://*/*" ], "types": [ "main_frame" ] }, [ "blocking", "responseHeaders" ] ); console.log('µBlock> Beginning to intercept net requests at %s', (new Date()).toISOString()); /******************************************************************************/ })(); /******************************************************************************/