/******************************************************************************* µBlock - a Chromium browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global chrome */ // Injected into content pages /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ (function() { /******************************************************************************/ // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/345 var messaging = (function(name){ var port = null; var dangling = false; var requestId = 1; var requestIdToCallbackMap = {}; var listenCallback = null; var onPortMessage = function(details) { if ( typeof details.id !== 'number' ) { return; } // Announcement? if ( details.id < 0 ) { if ( listenCallback ) { listenCallback(details.msg); } return; } var callback = requestIdToCallbackMap[details.id]; if ( !callback ) { return; } callback(details.msg); delete requestIdToCallbackMap[details.id]; checkDisconnect(); }; var start = function(name) { port = chrome.runtime.connect({ name: name + '/' + String.fromCharCode( Math.random() * 0x7FFF | 0, Math.random() * 0x7FFF | 0, Math.random() * 0x7FFF | 0, Math.random() * 0x7FFF | 0 ) }); port.onMessage.addListener(onPortMessage); }; if ( typeof name === 'string' && name.length > 0 ) { start(name); } var stop = function() { listenCallback = null; dangling = true; checkDisconnect(); }; var ask = function(msg, callback) { if ( !callback ) { tell(msg); return; } var id = requestId++; port.postMessage({ id: id, msg: msg }); requestIdToCallbackMap[id] = callback; }; var tell = function(msg) { port.postMessage({ id: 0, msg: msg }); }; var listen = function(callback) { listenCallback = callback; }; var checkDisconnect = function() { if ( !dangling ) { return; } if ( Object.keys(requestIdToCallbackMap).length ) { return; } port.disconnect(); port = null; }; return { start: start, stop: stop, ask: ask, tell: tell, listen: listen }; })('contentscript-end.js'); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // ABP cosmetic filters var cosmeticFiltering = (function() { var queriedSelectors = {}; var injectedSelectors = {}; var classSelectors = null; var idSelectors = null; var domLoaded = function() { // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/14 // Treat any existing domain-specific exception selectors as if they had // been injected already. var style = document.getElementById('uBlock1ae7a5f130fc79b4fdb8a4272d9426b5'); var exceptions = style && style.getAttribute('uBlock1ae7a5f130fc79b4fdb8a4272d9426b5'); if ( exceptions ) { exceptions = decodeURIComponent(exceptions).split('\n'); var i = exceptions.length; while ( i-- ) { injectedSelectors[exceptions[i]] = true; } } // TODO: evaluate merging into a single loop selectorsFromNodeList(document.querySelectorAll('*[class],*[id]')); retrieveGenericSelectors(); }; var retrieveGenericSelectors = function() { var selectors = classSelectors !== null ? Object.keys(classSelectors) : []; if ( idSelectors !== null ) { selectors = selectors.concat(idSelectors); } if ( selectors.length > 0 ) { //console.log('µBlock> ABP cosmetic filters: retrieving CSS rules using %d selectors', selectors.length); messaging.ask({ what: 'retrieveGenericCosmeticSelectors', pageURL: window.location.href, selectors: selectors }, retrieveHandler ); } idSelectors = null; classSelectors = null; }; var retrieveHandler = function(selectors) { if ( !selectors ) { return; } var styleText = []; filterLowGenerics(selectors, 'hide'); filterHighGenerics(selectors, 'hide'); reduce(selectors.hide, injectedSelectors); if ( selectors.hide.length ) { var hideStyleText = '{{hideSelectors}} {display:none !important;}' .replace('{{hideSelectors}}', selectors.hide.join(',')); styleText.push(hideStyleText); applyCSS(selectors.hide, 'display', 'none'); //console.debug('µBlock> generic cosmetic filters: injecting %d CSS rules:', selectors.hide.length, hideStyleText); } filterLowGenerics(selectors, 'donthide'); filterHighGenerics(selectors, 'donthide'); reduce(selectors.donthide, injectedSelectors); if ( selectors.donthide.length ) { var dontHideStyleText = '{{donthideSelectors}} {display:initial !important;}' .replace('{{donthideSelectors}}', selectors.donthide.join(',')); styleText.push(dontHideStyleText); applyCSS(selectors.donthide, 'display', 'initial'); //console.debug('µBlock> generic cosmetic filters: injecting %d CSS rules:', selectors.donthide.length, dontHideStyleText); } if ( styleText.length > 0 ) { var style = document.createElement('style'); style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(styleText.join('\n'))); var parent = document.body || document.documentElement; if ( parent ) { parent.appendChild(style); } } }; var applyCSS = function(selectors, prop, value) { if ( document.body === null ) { return; } var elems = document.querySelectorAll(selectors); var i = elems.length; while ( i-- ) { elems[i].style[prop] = value; } }; var filterTitleGeneric = function(generics, root, out) { if ( !root.title.length ) { return; } var selector = '[title="' + root.title + '"]'; if ( generics[selector] && !injectedSelectors[selector] ) { out.push(selector); } selector = root.tagName + selector; if ( generics[selector] && !injectedSelectors[selector] ) { out.push(selector); } }; var filterAltGeneric = function(generics, root, out) { var alt = root.getAttribute('alt'); if ( !alt || !alt.length ) { return; } var selector = '[alt="' + root.title + '"]'; if ( generics[selector] && !injectedSelectors[selector] ) { out.push(selector); } selector = root.tagName + selector; if ( generics[selector] && !injectedSelectors[selector] ) { out.push(selector); } }; var filterLowGenerics = function(selectors, what) { if ( selectors[what + 'LowGenericCount'] === 0 ) { return; } var out = selectors[what]; var generics = selectors[what + 'LowGenerics']; var nodeList, iNode; // Low generics: ["title"] nodeList = document.querySelectorAll('[title]'); iNode = nodeList.length; while ( iNode-- ) { filterTitleGeneric(generics, nodeList[iNode], out); } // Low generics: ["alt"] nodeList = document.querySelectorAll('[alt]'); iNode = nodeList.length; while ( iNode-- ) { filterAltGeneric(generics, nodeList[iNode], out); } }; var filterHighGenerics = function(selectors, what) { var out = selectors[what]; var generics = selectors[what + 'HighGenerics']; var iGeneric = generics.length; var selector; while ( iGeneric-- ) { selector = generics[iGeneric]; if ( injectedSelectors[selector] ) { continue; } if ( document.querySelector(selector) !== null ) { out.push(selector); } } }; var reduce = function(selectors, dict) { var i = selectors.length, selector, end; while ( i-- ) { selector = selectors[i]; if ( !dict[selector] ) { if ( end !== undefined ) { selectors.splice(i+1, end-i); end = undefined; } dict[selector] = true; } else if ( end === undefined ) { end = i; } } if ( end !== undefined ) { selectors.splice(0, end+1); } }; // TODO: split back into to specialized functions as it was before. Too // many code paths creeped back, I thought I could get rid of most. var selectorsFromNodeList = function(nodes) { if ( !nodes || !nodes.length ) { return; } if ( idSelectors === null ) { idSelectors = []; } if ( classSelectors === null ) { classSelectors = {}; } var qq = queriedSelectors; var cc = classSelectors; var ii = idSelectors; var node, v, classNames, j; var i = nodes.length; while ( i-- ) { node = nodes[i]; if ( node.nodeType !== 1 ) { continue; } // id v = nodes[i].id; // quite unlikely, so no need to be fancy if ( typeof v !== 'string' ) { v = ''; } v = v.trim(); if ( v !== '' ) { v = '#' + v; if ( !qq[v] ) { ii.push(v); qq[v] = true; } } // class v = nodes[i].className; // it could be an SVGAnimatedString... if ( typeof v !== 'string' ) { continue; } v = v.trim(); if ( v === '' ) { continue; } // one class if ( v.indexOf(' ') < 0 ) { v = '.' + v; if ( qq[v] ) { continue; } cc[v] = true; qq[v] = true; continue; } // many classes classNames = v.trim().split(/\s+/); j = classNames.length; while ( j-- ) { v = classNames[j]; if ( v === '' ) { continue; } v = '.' + v; if ( qq[v] ) { continue; } cc[v] = true; qq[v] = true; } } }; var processNodeLists = function(nodeLists) { var i = nodeLists.length; var nodeList, j, node; while ( i-- ) { nodeList = nodeLists[i]; selectorsFromNodeList(nodeList); j = nodeList.length; while ( j-- ) { node = nodeList[j]; if ( node.querySelectorAll ) { selectorsFromNodeList(node.querySelectorAll('*[id],*[class]')); } } } retrieveGenericSelectors(); }; domLoaded(); return { processNodeLists: processNodeLists }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/7 var blockedElementHider = (function() { var hideOne = function(elem, collapse) { // If `!important` is not there, going back using history will likely // cause the hidden element to re-appear. elem.style.visibility = 'hidden !important'; if ( collapse && elem.parentNode ) { elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); } }; var observeOne = function(elem) { var onComplete = function() { var elem = this; var onAnswerReceived = function(details) { if ( details.blocked ) { hideOne(elem, details.collapse); } }; messaging.ask({ what: 'blockedRequest', url: this.src }, onAnswerReceived); this.removeEventListener('load', onComplete); }; elem.addEventListener('load', onComplete); }; var hideMany = function(elems, details) { var blockedRequests = details.blockedRequests; var collapse = details.collapse; var i = elems.length; var elem, src; while ( i-- ) { elem = elems[i]; src = elem.src; if ( typeof src !== 'string' ) { continue; } if ( src === '' ) { observeOne(elem); } else if ( blockedRequests[src] ) { hideOne(elem, collapse); } } }; var processElements = function(elems) { var blockedRequestsReceived = function(details) { hideMany(elems, details); var i = elems.length; while ( i-- ) { hideMany(elems[i].querySelectorAll('img,iframe'), details); } }; messaging.ask({ what: 'blockedRequests' }, blockedRequestsReceived); }; // rhill 2014-07-01: Avoid useless work: only nodes which are element are // of interest at this point -- because it is common that a lot of plain // text nodes get added. var addNodeLists = function(nodeLists) { var elems = []; var i = nodeLists.length; var nodeList, j, node; while ( i-- ) { nodeList = nodeLists[i]; j = nodeList.length; while ( j-- ) { node = nodeList[j]; if ( node.querySelectorAll ) { elems.push(node); } } } if ( elems.length ) { processElements(elems); } }; var onBlockedRequestsReceived = function(details) { hideMany(document.querySelectorAll('img,iframe'), details); }; messaging.ask({ what: 'blockedRequests' }, onBlockedRequestsReceived); return { addNodeLists: addNodeLists }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ // rhill 2013-11-09: Weird... This code is executed from µBlock // context first time extension is launched. Avoid this. // TODO: Investigate if this was a fluke or if it can really happen. // I suspect this could only happen when I was using chrome.tabs.executeScript(), // because now a delarative content script is used, along with "http{s}" URL // pattern matching. // console.debug('µBlock> window.location.href = "%s"', window.location.href); if ( /^https?:\/\/./.test(window.location.href) === false ) { console.debug("Huh?"); return; } /******************************************************************************/ // Observe changes in the DOM var mutationObservedHandler = function(mutations) { var iMutation = mutations.length; var nodeLists = [], nodeList; while ( iMutation-- ) { nodeList = mutations[iMutation].addedNodes; if ( nodeList && nodeList.length ) { nodeLists.push(nodeList); } } if ( nodeLists.length ) { cosmeticFiltering.processNodeLists(nodeLists); blockedElementHider.addNodeLists(nodeLists); } }; // This fixes http://acid3.acidtests.org/ if ( document.body ) { // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/176 var observer = new MutationObserver(mutationObservedHandler); observer.observe(document.body, { attributes: false, childList: true, characterData: false, subtree: true }); } /******************************************************************************/ })();