260 lines
9.1 KiB
260 lines
9.1 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# this module is part of undetected_chromedriver
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by UltrafunkAmsterdam (https://github.com/ultrafunkamsterdam)
import io
import logging
import os
import random
import re
import string
import sys
import zipfile
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from urllib.request import urlopen, urlretrieve
from selenium.webdriver import Chrome as _Chrome, ChromeOptions as _ChromeOptions
logger = logging.getLogger("uc")
class Chrome:
def __new__(cls, *args, emulate_touch=False, **kwargs):
if not ChromeDriverManager.installed:
ChromeDriverManager(*args, **kwargs).install()
if not ChromeDriverManager.selenium_patched:
ChromeDriverManager(*args, **kwargs).patch_selenium_webdriver()
if not kwargs.get("executable_path"):
kwargs["executable_path"] = "./{}".format(
ChromeDriverManager(*args, **kwargs).executable_path
if not kwargs.get("options"):
kwargs["options"] = ChromeOptions()
instance = object.__new__(_Chrome)
instance.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
instance._orig_get = instance.get
def _get_wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
if instance.execute_script("return navigator.webdriver"):
"source": """
Object.defineProperty(window, 'navigator', {
value: new Proxy(navigator, {
has: (target, key) => (key === 'webdriver' ? false : key in target),
get: (target, key) =>
key === 'webdriver'
? undefined
: typeof target[key] === 'function'
? target[key].bind(target)
: target[key]
return instance._orig_get(*args, **kwargs)
instance.get = _get_wrapped
instance.get = _get_wrapped
instance.get = _get_wrapped
original_user_agent_string = instance.execute_script(
"return navigator.userAgent"
"userAgent": original_user_agent_string.replace("Headless", ""),
if emulate_touch:
"source": """
Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'maxTouchPoints', {
get: () => 1
logger.info(f"starting undetected_chromedriver.Chrome({args}, {kwargs})")
return instance
class ChromeOptions:
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if not ChromeDriverManager.installed:
ChromeDriverManager(*args, **kwargs).install()
if not ChromeDriverManager.selenium_patched:
ChromeDriverManager(*args, **kwargs).patch_selenium_webdriver()
instance = object.__new__(_ChromeOptions)
instance.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ["enable-automation"])
return instance
class ChromeDriverManager(object):
installed = False
selenium_patched = False
target_version = None
DL_BASE = "https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/"
def __init__(self, executable_path=None, target_version=None, *args, **kwargs):
_platform = sys.platform
# use global if set
self.target_version = TARGET_VERSION
if target_version:
# use explicitly passed target
self.target_version = target_version # user override
if not self.target_version:
# none of the above (default) and just get current version
self.target_version = self.get_release_version_number().version[
] # only major version int
self._base = base_ = "chromedriver{}"
exe_name = self._base
if _platform in ("win32",):
exe_name = base_.format(".exe")
if _platform in ("linux",):
_platform += "64"
exe_name = exe_name.format("")
if _platform in ("darwin",):
_platform = "mac64"
exe_name = exe_name.format("")
self.platform = _platform
self.executable_path = executable_path or exe_name
self._exe_name = exe_name
def patch_selenium_webdriver(self_):
Patches selenium package Chrome, ChromeOptions classes for current session
import selenium.webdriver.chrome.service
import selenium.webdriver
selenium.webdriver.Chrome = Chrome
selenium.webdriver.ChromeOptions = ChromeOptions
logger.info("Selenium patched. Safe to import Chrome / ChromeOptions")
self_.__class__.selenium_patched = True
def install(self, patch_selenium=True):
Initialize the patch
This will:
download chromedriver if not present
patch the downloaded chromedriver
patch selenium package if <patch_selenium> is True (default)
:param patch_selenium: patch selenium webdriver classes for Chrome and ChromeDriver (for current python session)
if not os.path.exists(self.executable_path):
if not self.__class__.installed:
if self.patch_binary():
self.__class__.installed = True
if patch_selenium:
def get_release_version_number(self):
Gets the latest major version available, or the latest major version of self.target_version if set explicitly.
:return: version string
path = (
if not self.target_version
else f"LATEST_RELEASE_{self.target_version}"
return LooseVersion(urlopen(self.__class__.DL_BASE + path).read().decode())
def fetch_chromedriver(self):
Downloads ChromeDriver from source and unpacks the executable
:return: on success, name of the unpacked executable
base_ = self._base
zip_name = base_.format(".zip")
ver = self.get_release_version_number().vstring
if os.path.exists(self.executable_path):
return self.executable_path
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name) as zf:
if sys.platform != "win32":
os.chmod(self._exe_name, 0o755)
return self._exe_name
def random_cdc():
cdc = random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=26)
cdc[-6:-4] = map(str.upper, cdc[-6:-4])
cdc[2] = cdc[0]
cdc[3] = "_"
return "".join(cdc).encode()
def patch_binary(self):
Patches the ChromeDriver binary
:return: False on failure, binary name on success
linect = 0
replacement = self.random_cdc()
with io.open(self.executable_path, "r+b") as fh:
for line in iter(lambda: fh.readline(), b""):
if b"cdc_" in line:
fh.seek(-len(line), 1)
newline = re.sub(b"cdc_.{22}", replacement, line)
linect += 1
return linect
def install(executable_path=None, target_version=None, *args, **kwargs):
ChromeDriverManager(executable_path, target_version, *args, **kwargs).install()