changed the way how patcher works (for those using multiple sessions/processes).

when not specifying a executable_path (the default, and recommended!), the filename
    gets randomized to <somehex>_chromedriver[.exe]. this should fix the issue for multiprocessing
    (although Chrome/driver itself has restrictions in this as well, see it using processhacker).
    As i told before, webdriver is a purely io-based operation which only sends and pulls data. multiprocessing/threading isn't going to help much. You'd better use asyncio.)

    added google-chrome-stable to the list, as some distro's have this name.

 Chrome(advanced_elements)bool, optional, default: False

        makes it easier to recognize elements like you know them from html/browser inspection, especially when working in an interactive environment

        default webelement repr:
        <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="85ff0f671512fa535630e71ee951b1f2", element="6357cb55-92c3-4c0f-9416-b174f9c1b8c4")>

        advanced webelement repr
        <WebElement(<a class="mobile-show-inline-block mc-update-infos init-ok" href="#" id="main-cat-switcher-mobile">)>

    note: when retrieving large amounts of elements ( example: find_elements_by_tag("*") ) and **print** them, it does take a little more time for all the repr's to fetch

also known as executable_path
    if you really need to specify your own chromedriver binary.
    (don't log issues when you are not using the default. the downloading per session happens for a reason. remember this is a detection-focussed fork)

        ( = browser binary path )
    to specify your browser in case you use exotic locations instead of the more default install folders

        if set to True, webelements get a nicer REPR showing. this is very convenient when working
        interactively (like ipython for example).

        <WebElement(<a class="mobile-show-inline-block mc-update-infos init-ok" href="#" id="main-cat-switcher-mobile">)>

        instead of

        <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="85ff0f671512fa535630e71ee951b1f2",element="6357cb55-92c3-4c0f-9416-b174f9c1b8c4")>
This commit is contained in:
UltrafunkAmsterdam 2022-03-14 00:06:49 +01:00
commit bf1cf1bc14
1 changed files with 80 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
@echo off
:: To make it as clean as possible without interfering packages or plugins:
:: - this creates a new python virtual environment
:: - installs undetected chromedriver
:: - executes a test
:: - cleans up the virtual environment
:: this is for Windows only currently
set uc_test_dir=%temp%\ucvenv
set curdir=%CD%
set prog=
:: ===================
call :hasprog "conda"
if [%prog%]==[conda] (
echo "conda is found, activating..."
call %prog% activate
goto :next
call :hasprog "python"
if [%prog%]==[python] (
echo "python is found"
goto :next
echo "no python interpreter or conda could be found. exiting"
exit 1
:: ===================
call %~1 --help >nul 2>&1
set prog=%~1
exit /B
:: ===================
mkdir %uc_test_dir%
echo "created temp directory for the virtual environment: %uc_test_dir%"
python -m venv %uc_test_dir%
set pythonv=%uc_test_dir%\scripts\python
%pythonv% -m pip install -U undetected-chromedriver
%pythonv% -c "exec(\"import time,logging,undetected_chromedriver as uc, as ec, as wwait;logging.basicConfig(level=10);dr=uc.Chrome();dr.get('');wwait.WebDriverWait(dr,15).until(ec.visibility_of_element_located(('css selector','.hystericalbg')));print('====================WORKING=============');time.sleep(3)\")"
if [%prog%]==[conda] (
echo "deactivating conda env"
%prog% deactivate
cd %curdir%
rd /S /Q %uc_test_dir%
echo "cleaning up temp directory for the virtual environment: %uc_test_dir%"