#!/usr/bin/env python3 # this module is part of undetected_chromedriver import base64 import os from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options as _ChromeOptions from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities class ChromeOptions(_ChromeOptions): KEY = "goog:chromeOptions" session = None emulate_touch = True mock_permissions = True mock_chrome_global = False mock_canvas_fp = True _user_data_dir = None def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._arguments = [] self._binary_location = "" self._extension_files = [] self._extensions = [] self._experimental_options = {} self._debugger_address = None self._caps = self.default_capabilities self.mobile_options = None self.set_capability("pageLoadStrategy", "normal") @property def user_data_dir(self): return self._user_data_dir @user_data_dir.setter def user_data_dir(self, path: str): """ Sets the browser profile folder to use, or creates a new profile at given . Parameters ---------- path: str the path to a chrome profile folder if it does not exist, a new profile will be created at given location """ apath = os.path.abspath(path) self._user_data_dir = os.path.normpath(apath) @property def arguments(self): """ :Returns: A list of arguments needed for the browser """ return self._arguments @property def binary_location(self) -> str: """ :Returns: The location of the binary, otherwise an empty string """ return self._binary_location @binary_location.setter def binary_location(self, value: str): """ Allows you to set where the chromium binary lives :Args: - value: path to the Chromium binary """ self._binary_location = value @property def debugger_address(self) -> str: """ :Returns: The address of the remote devtools instance """ return self._debugger_address @debugger_address.setter def debugger_address(self, value: str): """ Allows you to set the address of the remote devtools instance that the ChromeDriver instance will try to connect to during an active wait. :Args: - value: address of remote devtools instance if any (hostname[:port]) """ self._debugger_address = value @property def extensions(self): """ :Returns: A list of encoded extensions that will be loaded """ encoded_extensions = [] for ext in self._extension_files: file_ = open(ext, "rb") # Should not use base64.encodestring() which inserts newlines every # 76 characters (per RFC 1521). Chromedriver has to remove those # unnecessary newlines before decoding, causing performance hit. encoded_extensions.append(base64.b64encode(file_.read()).decode("UTF-8")) file_.close() return encoded_extensions + self._extensions def add_extension(self, extension: str): """ Adds the path to the extension to a list that will be used to extract it to the ChromeDriver :Args: - extension: path to the \\*.crx file """ if extension: extension_to_add = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(extension)) if os.path.exists(extension_to_add): self._extension_files.append(extension_to_add) else: raise IOError("Path to the extension doesn't exist") else: raise ValueError("argument can not be null") def add_encoded_extension(self, extension: str): """ Adds Base64 encoded string with extension data to a list that will be used to extract it to the ChromeDriver :Args: - extension: Base64 encoded string with extension data """ if extension: self._extensions.append(extension) else: raise ValueError("argument can not be null") @property def experimental_options(self) -> dict: """ :Returns: A dictionary of experimental options for chromium """ return self._experimental_options def add_experimental_option(self, name: str, value: dict): """ Adds an experimental option which is passed to chromium. :Args: name: The experimental option name. value: The option value. """ self._experimental_options[name] = value @property def headless(self) -> bool: """ :Returns: True if the headless argument is set, else False """ return "--headless" in self._arguments @headless.setter def headless(self, value: bool): """ Sets the headless argument :Args: value: boolean value indicating to set the headless option """ args = {"--headless"} if value is True: self._arguments.extend(args) else: self._arguments = list(set(self._arguments) - args) @property def page_load_strategy(self) -> str: return self._caps["pageLoadStrategy"] @page_load_strategy.setter def page_load_strategy(self, strategy: str): if strategy in ["normal", "eager", "none"]: self.set_capability("pageLoadStrategy", strategy) else: raise ValueError( "Strategy can only be one of the following: normal, eager, none" ) @property def capabilities(self): return self._caps def set_capability(self, name, value): """ Sets a capability """ self._caps[name] = value def to_capabilities(self) -> dict: """ Creates a capabilities with all the options that have been set :Returns: A dictionary with everything """ caps = self._caps chrome_options = self.experimental_options.copy() if self.mobile_options: chrome_options.update(self.mobile_options) chrome_options["extensions"] = self.extensions if self.binary_location: chrome_options["binary"] = self.binary_location chrome_options["args"] = self._arguments if self.debugger_address: chrome_options["debuggerAddress"] = self.debugger_address caps[self.KEY] = chrome_options return caps def ignore_local_proxy_environment_variables(self): """ By calling this you will ignore HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY from being picked up and used. """ self._ignore_local_proxy = True @property def default_capabilities(self) -> dict: return DesiredCapabilities.CHROME.copy() def enable_mobile( self, android_package: str = None, android_activity: str = None, device_serial: str = None, ): """ Enables mobile browser use for browsers that support it :Args: android_activity: The name of the android package to start """ if not android_package: raise AttributeError("android_package must be passed in") self.mobile_options = {"androidPackage": android_package} if android_activity: self.mobile_options["androidActivity"] = android_activity if device_serial: self.mobile_options["androidDeviceSerial"] = device_serial def add_argument(self, argument): """ Adds an argument to the list :Args: - Sets the arguments """ if argument: self._arguments.append(argument) else: raise ValueError("argument can not be null") @classmethod def from_options(cls, options): o = cls() o.__dict__.update(options.__dict__) return o