#!/usr/bin/env python3 # this module is part of undetected_chromedriver import json import logging from collections import Mapping, Sequence import requests import websockets log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CDPObject(dict): def __init__(self, *a, **k): super().__init__(*a, **k) self.__dict__ = self for k in self.__dict__: if isinstance(self.__dict__[k], dict): self.__dict__[k] = CDPObject(self.__dict__[k]) elif isinstance(self.__dict__[k], list): for i in range(len(self.__dict__[k])): if isinstance(self.__dict__[k][i], dict): self.__dict__[k][i] = CDPObject(self) def __repr__(self): tpl = f"{self.__class__.__name__}(\n\t{{}}\n\t)" return tpl.format("\n ".join(f"{k} = {v}" for k, v in self.items())) class PageElement(CDPObject): pass class CDP: log = logging.getLogger("CDP") endpoints = CDPObject({ "json": "/json", "protocol": "/json/protocol", "list": "/json/list", "new": "/json/new?{url}", "activate": "/json/activate/{id}", "close": "/json/close/{id}", }) def __init__(self, options: "ChromeOptions"): # noqa self.server_addr = "http://{0}:{1}".format(*options.debugger_address.split(":")) self._reqid = 0 self._session = requests.Session() self._last_resp = None self._last_json = None resp = self.get(self.endpoints.json) # noqa self.sessionId = resp[0]["id"] self.wsurl = resp[0]["webSocketDebuggerUrl"] def tab_activate(self, id=None): if not id: active_tab = self.tab_list()[0] id = active_tab.id # noqa self.wsurl = active_tab.webSocketDebuggerUrl # noqa return self.post(self.endpoints["activate"].format(id=id)) def tab_list(self): retval = self.get(self.endpoints["list"]) return [PageElement(o) for o in retval] def tab_new(self, url): return self.post(self.endpoints["new"].format(url=url)) def tab_close_last_opened(self): sessions = self.tab_list() opentabs = [s for s in sessions if s["type"] == "page"] return self.post(self.endpoints["close"].format(id=opentabs[-1]["id"])) async def send(self, method: str, params: dict): self._reqid += 1 async with websockets.connect(self.wsurl) as ws: await ws.send( json.dumps({"method": method, "params": params, "id": self._reqid}) ) self._last_resp = await ws.recv() self._last_json = json.loads(self._last_resp) self.log.info(self._last_json) def get(self, uri): resp = self._session.get(self.server_addr + uri) try: self._last_resp = resp self._last_json = resp.json() except Exception: return else: return self._last_json def post(self, uri, data: dict = None): if not data: data = {} resp = self._session.post(self.server_addr + uri, json=data) try: self._last_resp = resp self._last_json = resp.json() except Exception: return self._last_resp @property def last_json(self): return self._last_json