2022-09-05 18:16:48 -06:00
import json
import os
import shutil
json_file_path = "metadata/posts000000000000.json" ##Name of the JSON file to use
def writefile(filename, text):
f = open(filename, "w")
print('Saved the following: ' + text)
#Converts tags to T2I-like prompts (blue_dress, 1girl -> A blue dress, one girl)
def convert_tags_to_humantxt(input):
tars = input
tars = tars.replace(' ', ', ')
tars = tars.replace('_', ' ')
tars = tars.replace('1girl', 'one girl')
tars = tars.replace('2girls', 'two girls')
tars = tars.replace('3girls', 'three girls')
tars = tars.replace('4girls', 'four girls')
tars = tars.replace('5girls', 'five girls')
##Implying it will ever be able to differentiate so many entities
tars = tars.replace('6girls', 'six girls')
#Almost forgot about boys tags... I wonder if theres also for other entities?
2022-09-08 12:52:38 -06:00
tars = tars.replace('1boy', 'one boy')
2022-09-05 18:16:48 -06:00
tars = tars.replace('2boys', 'two boys')
tars = tars.replace('3boys', 'three boys')
tars = tars.replace('4boys', 'four boys')
tars = tars.replace('5boys', 'five boys')
tars = tars.replace('6boys', 'six boys')
print("FINAL TARS: " + tars)
return tars
#Converts ratings to X content
def convert_rating_to_humanrating(input):
if input == "e":
return "explicit content"
if input == "g":
return "general content"
if input == "q":
return "questionable content"
if input == "s":
return "sensitive content"
##This will be the start of everything unethical
##Open the file
with open(json_file_path, 'r', encoding="utf8") as json_file:
json_list = list(json_file)
##Read line
current_saved_file_count = 0
current_line_count = 0
for json_str in json_list:
current_line_count = current_line_count + 1
##415627 last line of 00.json, ignore
print("Current Line:" + str(current_line_count) + '/415627 | Current saved files count: ' + str(current_saved_file_count) )
#here, result = line
result = json.loads(json_str)
img_id = str(result['id'])
except Exception:
img_id = "nan"
print("failed to get img_id")
tmp_img_id = img_id[-3:]
img_id_last3 = tmp_img_id.zfill(3)
except Exception:
img_id_last3 = "nan"
print("failed to get img_id_last3")
img_tags = result['tag_string']
except Exception:
img_tags = "none"
print("failed to get img_tags")
img_ext = result['file_ext']
except Exception:
print("failed to get img_ext")
img_rating = result['rating']
except Exception:
print("failed to get img_rating")
file_path = "512px/0" + img_id_last3 + "/" + img_id + "." + img_ext
if os.path.exists(file_path):
shutil.copyfile(file_path, 'labeled_data/' + img_id + "." + img_ext)
humanoid_tags = convert_tags_to_humantxt(img_tags)
humanoid_rating = convert_rating_to_humanrating(img_rating)
to_write = humanoid_tags + ', ' + humanoid_rating + ', uploaded on Danbooru'
txt_name = "labeled_data/" + img_id + '.txt'
writefile(txt_name, to_write)
current_saved_file_count = current_saved_file_count + 1