The Wownero command line tools can be translated in various languages. If you wish to contribute and need help/support, come chat on `#wownero` (Freenode/IRC)
In order to use the same translation workflow as the [Wownero GUI](, they use Qt Linguist translation files. However, to avoid the dependencies on Qt this normally implies, they use a custom loader to read those files at runtime.
In order to create, update or build translations files, you need to have Qt tools installed. For translating, you need either the **Qt Linguist GUI** ([part of QT Creator]( or a [3rd-party standalone version](, or another tool that supports Qt ts files, such as Transifex. The files are XML, so they can be edited in any plain text editor if needed.
### Creating / modifying translations
You do not need anything from Qt in order to use the final translations.
Use the `tr(string)` function if possible. If the code is in a class, and this class doesn't already have a `tr()` static function, add one, which uses a context named after what `lupdate` uses for the context, usually the fully qualified class name (eg, `cryptonote::simple_wallet`). If you need to use `tr()` in code that's not in a class, you can use the fully qualified version (eg, `simple_wallet::tr`) of the one matching the context you want. Use `QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(string)` if you want to specify a context manually.