complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l daemon-ssl-private-key -r-k-a"(__fish_complete_suffix .pem)"-d"Path to a PEM format private key"
complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l daemon-ssl-certificate -r-k-a"(__fish_complete_suffix .pem)"-d"Path to a PEM format certificate"
complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l daemon-ssl-ca-certificates -r-F-d"Path to file containing concatenated PEM format certificate(s) to replace system CA(s)."
complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l daemon-ssl-allowed-fingerprints -r-d"List of valid fingerprints of allowed RPC servers"
complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l daemon-ssl-allow-any-cert -d"Allow any SSL certificate from the daemon"
complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l tx-notify -r-d"Run a program for each new incoming transaction, '%s' will be replaced by the transaction hash"
complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l no-dns -d"Do not use DNS"
complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l offline -d"Do not connect to a daemon, nor use DNS"
complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l extra-entropy -r-F-d"File containing extra entropy to initialize the PRNG (any data, aim for 256 bits of entropy to be useful, which typically means more than 256 bits of data)"
complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l rpc-ssl-private-key -r-k-a"(__fish_complete_suffix .pem)"-d"Path to a PEM format private key"
complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l rpc-ssl-certificate -r-k-a"(__fish_complete_suffix .pem)"-d"Path to a PEM format certificate"
complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l rpc-ssl-ca-certificates -r-F-d"Path to file containing concatenated PEM format certificate(s) to replace system CA(s)."
complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l rpc-ssl-allowed-fingerprints -r-d"List of certificate fingerprints to allow"
complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l rpc-ssl-allow-chained -d"Allow user (via --rpc-ssl-certificates) chain certificates"
complete-c monero-wallet-rpc -l disable-rpc-ban -d"Do not ban hosts on RPC errors"