Resolves#8932 and:
2. Not storing cache when new path is different from old in `store_to()` and
3. Detecting same path when new path contains entire string of old path in `store_to()` and
4. Changing your password / decrypting your keys (in this method or others) and providing a bad original password and getting no error and
5. Changing your password and storing to a new file
f137a35 Enforce restricted # pool txs served via RPC + optimize chunked reqs [release-v0.18] (j-berman)
23f782b wallet2, RPC: Optimize RPC calls for periodic refresh from 3 down to 1 call [release-v0.18] (rbrunner7)
- `/getblocks.bin` respects the `RESTRICTED_TX_COUNT` (=100) when
returning pool txs via a restricted RPC daemon.
- A restricted RPC daemon includes a max of `RESTRICTED_TX_COUNT` txs
in the `added_pool_txs` field, and returns any remaining pool hashes
in the `remaining_added_pool_txids` field. The client then requests
the remaining txs via `/gettransactions` in chunks.
- `/gettransactions` no longer does expensive no-ops for ALL pool txs
if the client requests a subset of pool txs. Instead it searches for
the txs the client explicitly requests.
- Reset `m_pool_info_query_time` when a user:
(1) rescans the chain (so the wallet re-requests the whole pool)
(2) changes the daemon their wallets points to (a new daemon would
have a different view of the pool)
- `/getblocks.bin` respects the `req.prune` field when returning
pool txs.
- Pool extension fields in response to `/getblocks.bin` are optional
with default 0'd values.
835896e wallet2: do not lose exception in current thread on refresh (Crypto City)
62bb95b wallet2: fix missing exceptions from failing wallet refresh (Crypto City)
Before this change, if a multisig peer asked you to sign a transaction with a frozen enote, the wallet will do it without any error or warning. This change makes it
so that wallets will refuse to sign multisig transactions with frozen enotes.
Disclaimer: This PR was generously funded by @LocalMonero.
All Monero binaries have 1 second startup delay because of this code. This is especially noticeable and affects UX in Monero GUI wallet with local node where it often starts another monerod instance to run commands and query node status.