# Portable Storage Format ## Background Monero makes use of a set of helper classes from a small library named [epee](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/tree/master/contrib/epee). Part of this library implements a networking protocol called [Levin](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/contrib/epee/include/net/levin_base.h), which internally uses a storage format called [Portable Storage](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/tree/master/contrib/epee/include/storages). This format (amongst the rest of the [epee](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/tree/master/contrib/epee) library), is undocumented - or rather relies on the code itself to serve as the documentation. Unfortunately, whilst the rest of the library is fairly straightforward to decipher, the Portable Storage is less-so. Hence this document. ## Preliminaries ### String and integer encoding #### varint Varints are used to pack integers in an portable and space optimized way. The lowest 2 bits store the amount of bytes required, which means the largest value integer that can be packed into 1 byte is 63 (6 bits). | Lowest 2 bits | Size value | Value range | |---------------|---------------|-----------------------------------| | b00 | 1 byte | 0 to 63 | | b01 | 2 bytes | 64 to 16383 | | b10 | 4 bytes | 16384 to 1073741823 | | b11 | 8 bytes | 1073741824 to 4611686018427387903 | #### string These are simply length (varint) prefixed char strings. ## Packet format ### Header A packet starts with a header: | Header | Type | Value | |---------------|-----------|-----------------------| | Signature | 8 bytes | 0x0111010101010201| | | Version | byte | 0x01 | ### Section Next we have a root object (or section as the library calls it). This is a map of name-value pairs called [entries](#Entry). It starts with a count: | Section | Type | |---------------|-----------| | Entry count | varint | Which is followed by the section's name-value [entries](#Entry) sequentially: ### Entry | Entry | Type | |-------------------|-----------------------| | Name | string1 | | Type | byte | | Count2 | varint | | Value(s) | (type dependant data) | 1 Note, the string used for the entry name is not prefixed with a varint, it is prefixed with a single byte to specify the length of the name. This means an entry name cannot be more that 255 chars, which seems a reasonable restriction. 2 Note, this is only present if the entry type has the array flag (see below). #### Entry types The types defined are: ```cpp #define SERIALIZE_TYPE_INT64 1 #define SERIALIZE_TYPE_INT32 2 #define SERIALIZE_TYPE_INT16 3 #define SERIALIZE_TYPE_INT8 4 #define SERIALIZE_TYPE_UINT64 5 #define SERIALIZE_TYPE_UINT32 6 #define SERIALIZE_TYPE_UINT16 7 #define SERIALIZE_TYPE_UINT8 8 #define SERIALIZE_TYPE_DUOBLE 9 #define SERIALIZE_TYPE_STRING 10 #define SERIALIZE_TYPE_BOOL 11 #define SERIALIZE_TYPE_OBJECT 12 #define SERIALIZE_TYPE_ARRAY 13 ``` The entry type can be bitwise OR'ed with a flag: ```cpp #define SERIALIZE_FLAG_ARRAY 0x80 ``` This signals there are multiple *values* for the entry. When we are dealing with an array, the next value is a varint specifying the array length followed by the array item values. For example:

name, type, count, value1, value2,..., valuen

#### Entry values It's important to understand that entry *values* can be encoded any way in which an implementation chooses. For example, the integers can be in either big or little endian byte order. Entry values which are objects (i.e. `SERIALIZE_TYPE_OBJECT`), are stored as [sections](#Section). Note, I have not yet seen the type `SERIALIZE_TYPE_ARRAY` in use. My assumption is this would be used for *untyped* arrays and so subsequent entries could be of any type. ## Monero specifics ### Entry values #### Strings These are prefixed with a varint to specify the string length. #### Integers These are stored little endian byte order. #### Hashes, Keys, Blobs These are stored as strings, `SERIALIZE_TYPE_STRING`. #### STL containers (vector, list) These can be arrays of standard integer types, strings or `SERIALIZE_TYPE_OBJECT`'s for structs. #### Links to some Monero struct definitions - [Core RPC definitions](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/src/rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h) - [CryptoNote protocol definitions](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_defs.h) [//]: # ( vim: set tw=80: )