msg( 'contactpage' )->text(); } /** * @var string */ protected $formType; /** * @return array */ protected function getTypeConfig() { global $wgContactConfig; if ( isset( $wgContactConfig[$this->formType] ) ) { return $wgContactConfig[$this->formType] + $wgContactConfig['default']; } return $wgContactConfig['default']; } /** * Main execution function * * @param string|null $par Parameters passed to the page * @throws UserBlockedError * @throws ErrorPageError */ public function execute( $par ) { global $wgEnableEmail; if ( !$wgEnableEmail ) { // From Special:EmailUser throw new ErrorPageError( 'usermaildisabled', 'usermaildisabledtext' ); } $request = $this->getRequest(); $this->formType = strtolower( $request->getText( 'formtype', $par ) ); $config = $this->getTypeConfig(); if ( $config['MustBeLoggedIn'] ) { $this->requireLogin( 'contactpage-mustbeloggedin' ); } if ( !$config['RecipientUser'] ) { $this->getOutput()->showErrorPage( 'contactpage-config-error-title', 'contactpage-config-error' ); return; } $user = $this->getUser(); $nu = User::newFromName( $config['RecipientUser'] ); if ( is_null( $nu ) || !$nu->canReceiveEmail() ) { $this->getOutput()->showErrorPage( 'noemailtitle', 'noemailtext' ); return; } // Blocked users cannot use the contact form if they're disabled from sending email. if ( $user->isBlockedFromEmailuser() ) { throw new UserBlockedError( $this->getUser()->mBlock ); } $pageTitle = ''; if ( $this->formType != '' ) { $message = $this->msg( 'contactpage-title-' . $this->formType ); if ( !$message->isDisabled() ) { $pageTitle = $message; } } if ( $pageTitle === '' ) { $pageTitle = $this->msg( 'contactpage-title' ); } $this->getOutput()->setPageTitle( $pageTitle ); $subject = ''; # Check for type in [[Special:Contact/type]]: change pagetext and prefill form fields if ( $this->formType != '' ) { $message = $this->msg( 'contactpage-pagetext-' . $this->formType ); if ( !$message->isDisabled() ) { $formText = $message->parseAsBlock(); } else { $formText = $this->msg( 'contactpage-pagetext' )->parseAsBlock(); } $message = $this->msg( 'contactpage-subject-' . $this->formType ); if ( !$message->isDisabled() ) { $subject = $message->inContentLanguage()->plain(); } } else { $formText = $this->msg( 'contactpage-pagetext' )->parseAsBlock(); } $subject = trim( $subject ); if ( $subject === '' ) { $subject = $this->msg( 'contactpage-defsubject' )->inContentLanguage()->text(); } $fromAddress = ''; $fromName = ''; if ( $user->isLoggedIn() ) { // Use real name if set $realName = $user->getRealName(); if ( $realName ) { $fromName = $realName; } else { $fromName = $user->getName(); } $fromAddress = $user->getEmail(); } $additional = $config['AdditionalFields']; $formItems = [ 'FromName' => [ 'label-message' => 'contactpage-fromname', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => $config['RequireDetails'], 'default' => $fromName, ], 'FromAddress' => [ 'label-message' => 'contactpage-fromaddress', 'type' => 'email', 'required' => $config['RequireDetails'], 'default' => $fromAddress, ], 'FromInfo' => [ 'label' => '', 'type' => 'info', 'default' => Html::rawElement( 'small', [], $this->msg( 'contactpage-formfootnotes' )->escaped() ), 'raw' => true, ], 'Subject' => [ 'label-message' => 'emailsubject', 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $subject, ], ] + $additional + [ 'CCme' => [ 'label-message' => 'emailccme', 'type' => 'check', 'default' => $this->getUser()->getBoolOption( 'ccmeonemails' ), ], 'FormType' => [ 'class' => 'HTMLHiddenField', 'label' => 'Type', 'default' => $this->formType, ] ]; if ( $config['IncludeIP'] && $user->isLoggedIn() ) { $formItems['IncludeIP'] = [ 'label-message' => 'contactpage-includeip', 'type' => 'check', ]; } if ( $this->useCaptcha() ) { $formItems['Captcha'] = [ 'label-message' => 'captcha-label', 'type' => 'info', 'default' => $this->getCaptcha(), 'raw' => true, ]; } $form = HTMLForm::factory( 'ooui', $formItems, $this->getContext(), "contactpage-{$this->formType}" ); $form->setWrapperLegendMsg( 'contactpage-legend' ); $form->setSubmitTextMsg( 'emailsend' ); if ( $this->formType != '' ) { $form->setId( Sanitizer::escapeId( "contactpage-{$this->formType}" ) ); $msg = $this->msg( "contactpage-legend-{$this->formType}" ); if ( !$msg->isDisabled() ) { $form->setWrapperLegendMsg( $msg ); } $msg = $this->msg( "contactpage-emailsend-{$this->formType}" ); if ( !$msg->isDisabled() ) { $form->setSubmitTextMsg( $msg ); } } $form->setSubmitCallback( [ $this, 'processInput' ] ); $form->loadData(); // Stolen from Special:EmailUser if ( !Hooks::run( 'EmailUserForm', [ &$form ] ) ) { return; } $result = $form->show(); if ( $result === true || ( $result instanceof Status && $result->isGood() ) ) { $out = $this->getOutput(); $pageTitle = $this->msg( 'emailsent' ); $pageText = 'emailsenttext'; if ( $this->formType !== '' ) { $msg = $this->msg( "contactpage-emailsent-{$this->formType}" ); if ( !$msg->isDisabled() ) { $pageTitle = $msg; } if ( !$this->msg( "contactpage-emailsenttext-{$this->formType}" )->isDisabled() ) { $pageText = "contactpage-emailsenttext-{$this->formType}"; } } $out->setPageTitle( $pageTitle ); $out->addWikiMsg( $pageText ); $out->returnToMain( false ); } else { if ( $config['RLStyleModules'] ) { $this->getOutput()->addModuleStyles( $config['RLStyleModules'] ); } if ( $config['RLModules'] ) { $this->getOutput()->addModules( $config['RLModules'] ); } $this->getOutput()->prependHTML( trim( $formText ) ); } } /** * @param array $formData * @return bool|string * true: Form won't be displayed * false: Form will be redisplayed * string: Error message to display */ public function processInput( $formData ) { global $wgUserEmailUseReplyTo, $wgPasswordSender, $wgCaptcha; $config = $this->getTypeConfig(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $this->getUser(); $senderIP = $request->getIP(); // Setup user that is going to recieve the contact page response $contactRecipientUser = User::newFromName( $config['RecipientUser'] ); $contactRecipientAddress = MailAddress::newFromUser( $contactRecipientUser ); // Used when user hasn't set an email, or when sending CC email to user $contactSender = new MailAddress( $config['SenderEmail'] ?: $wgPasswordSender, $config['SenderName'] ); $replyTo = null; $fromAddress = $formData['FromAddress']; $fromName = $formData['FromName']; if ( !$fromAddress ) { // No email address entered, so use $contactSender instead $senderAddress = $contactSender; } else { // Use user submitted details $senderAddress = new MailAddress( $fromAddress, $fromName ); if ( $wgUserEmailUseReplyTo ) { // Define reply-to address $replyTo = $senderAddress; } } $includeIP = isset( $config['IncludeIP'] ) && $config['IncludeIP'] && ( $user->isAnon() || $formData['IncludeIP'] ); $subject = $formData['Subject']; if ( $fromName !== '' ) { if ( $includeIP ) { $subject = $this->msg( 'contactpage-subject-and-sender-withip', $subject, $fromName, $senderIP )->inContentLanguage()->text(); } else { $subject = $this->msg( 'contactpage-subject-and-sender', $subject, $fromName )->inContentLanguage()->text(); } } elseif ( $fromAddress !== '' ) { if ( $includeIP ) { $subject = $this->msg( 'contactpage-subject-and-sender-withip', $subject, $fromAddress, $senderIP )->inContentLanguage()->text(); } else { $subject = $this->msg( 'contactpage-subject-and-sender', $subject, $fromAddress )->inContentLanguage()->text(); } } elseif ( $includeIP ) { $subject = $this->msg( 'contactpage-subject-and-sender', $subject, $senderIP )->inContentLanguage()->text(); } $text = ''; foreach ( $config['AdditionalFields'] as $name => $field ) { $class = HTMLForm::getClassFromDescriptor( $name, $field ); $value = ''; // TODO: Support selectandother/HTMLSelectAndOtherField // options, options-messages and options-message if ( isset( $field['options-messages'] ) ) { // Multiple values! if ( is_string( $formData[$name] ) ) { $optionValues = array_flip( $field['options-messages'] ); if ( isset( $optionValues[$formData[$name]] ) ) { $value = $this->msg( $optionValues[$formData[$name]] )->inContentLanguage()->text(); } else { $value = $formData[$name]; } } elseif ( count( $formData[$name] ) ) { $formValues = array_flip( $formData[$name] ); $value .= "\n"; foreach ( $field['options-messages'] as $msg => $optionValue ) { $msg = $this->msg( $msg )->inContentLanguage()->text(); $optionValue = $this->getYesOrNoMsg( isset( $formValues[$optionValue] ) ); $value .= "\t$msg: $optionValue\n"; } } } elseif ( isset( $field['options'] ) ) { if ( is_string( $formData[$name] ) ) { $value = $formData[$name]; } elseif ( count( $formData[$name] ) ) { $formValues = array_flip( $formData[$name] ); $value .= "\n"; foreach ( $field['options'] as $msg => $optionValue ) { $optionValue = $this->getYesOrNoMsg( isset( $formValues[$optionValue] ) ); $value .= "\t$msg: $optionValue\n"; } } } elseif ( $class === 'HTMLCheckField' ) { $value = $this->getYesOrNoMsg( $formData[$name] xor ( isset( $field['invert'] ) && $field['invert'] ) ); } elseif ( isset( $formData[$name] ) ) { // HTMLTextField, HTMLTextAreaField // HTMLFloatField, HTMLIntField // Just dump the value if its wordy $value = $formData[$name]; } else { continue; } if ( isset( $field['contactpage-email-label'] ) ) { $name = $field['contactpage-email-label']; } elseif ( isset( $field['label-message'] ) ) { $name = $this->msg( $field['label-message'] )->inContentLanguage()->text(); } else { $name = $field['label']; } $text .= "{$name}: $value\n"; } /* @var SimpleCaptcha $wgCaptcha */ if ( $this->useCaptcha() && !$wgCaptcha->passCaptchaFromRequest( $request, $user ) ) { return $this->msg( 'contactpage-captcha-error' )->plain(); } // Stolen from Special:EmailUser $error = ''; if ( !Hooks::run( 'EmailUser', [ &$contactRecipientAddress, &$senderAddress, &$subject, &$text, &$error ] ) ) { return $error; } if ( !Hooks::run( 'ContactForm', [ &$contactRecipientAddress, &$replyTo, &$subject, &$text, $this->formType, $formData ] ) ) { return false; // TODO: Need to do some proper error handling here } wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ': sending mail from ' . $senderAddress->toString() . ' to ' . $contactRecipientAddress->toString() . ' replyto ' . ( $replyTo == null ? '-/-' : $replyTo->toString() ) . "\n" ); $mailResult = UserMailer::send( $contactRecipientAddress, $senderAddress, $subject, $text, [ 'replyTo' => $replyTo ] ); if ( !$mailResult->isOK() ) { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ': got error from UserMailer: ' . $mailResult->getMessage() . "\n" ); return $this->msg( 'contactpage-usermailererror' )->text() . $mailResult->getMessage(); } // if the user requested a copy of this mail, do this now, // unless they are emailing themselves, in which case one copy of the message is sufficient. if ( $formData['CCme'] && $fromAddress ) { $cc_subject = $this->msg( 'emailccsubject', $contactRecipientUser->getName(), $subject )->text(); if ( Hooks::run( 'ContactForm', [ &$senderAddress, &$contactSender, &$cc_subject, &$text, $this->formType, $formData ] ) ) { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ': sending cc mail from ' . $contactSender->toString() . ' to ' . $senderAddress->toString() . "\n" ); $ccResult = UserMailer::send( $senderAddress, $contactSender, $cc_subject, $text ); if ( !$ccResult->isOK() ) { // At this stage, the user's CC mail has failed, but their // original mail has succeeded. It's unlikely, but still, what to do? // We can either show them an error, or we can say everything was fine, // or we can say we sort of failed AND sort of succeeded. Of these options, // simply saying there was an error is probably best. return $this->msg( 'contactpage-usermailererror' )->text() . $ccResult->getMessage(); } } } Hooks::run( 'ContactFromComplete', [ $contactRecipientAddress, $replyTo, $subject, $text ] ); return true; } /** * @param bool $value * @return string */ private function getYesOrNoMsg( $value ) { return $this->msg( $value ? 'htmlform-yes' : 'htmlform-no' )->inContentLanguage()->text(); } /** * @return boolean True if CAPTCHA should be used, false otherwise */ private function useCaptcha() { global $wgCaptchaClass, $wgCaptchaTriggers; return $wgCaptchaClass && isset( $wgCaptchaTriggers['contactpage'] ) && $wgCaptchaTriggers['contactpage'] && !$this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'skipcaptcha' ); } /** * @return string CAPTCHA form HTML */ private function getCaptcha() { // NOTE: make sure we have a session. May be required for CAPTCHAs to work. \MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::getGlobalSession()->persist(); $captcha = ConfirmEditHooks::getInstance(); $captcha->setTrigger( 'contactpage' ); $captcha->setAction( 'contact' ); $formInformation = $captcha->getFormInformation(); $formMetainfo = $formInformation; unset( $formMetainfo['html'] ); $captcha->addFormInformationToOutput( $this->getOutput(), $formMetainfo ); return '
' . $formInformation['html'] . "
\n"; } }