30 lines
1.8 KiB
30 lines
1.8 KiB
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Jon Harald Søby",
"contactpage": "{{Identical|ContactPage}}",
"contactpage-desc": "Extension description displayed on [[Special:Version]].",
"contactpage-title": "Used as page title.\n{{Identical|Contact}}",
"contactpage-pagetext": "Used as page text.\n\nThe page title for this message is {{msg-mw|Contactpage-title}}.",
"contactpage-legend": "{{Identical|E-mail}}",
"contactpage-defsubject": "Default subject for sent e-mail. {{Identical|Contact}}",
"contactpage-subject-and-sender": "Subject with sender included. Parameters:\n* $1 - original subject or default subject {{msg-mw|contactpage-defsubject}}\n* $2 - username, email address or IP address",
"contactpage-subject-and-sender-withip": "Subject with sender and IP address included. Parameters:\n* $1 - original subject or default subject {{msg-mw|contactpage-defsubject}}\n* $2 - username, email address\n* $3 - IP address",
"contactpage-fromname": "{{Identical|Your name}}",
"contactpage-fromaddress": "{{Identical|E-mail address}}",
"contactpage-formfootnotes": "Message to notify users that an email address is needed if an answer is required",
"contactpage-includeip": "Used as checkbox label in the ContactPage form.",
"contactpage-usermailererror": "Error message displayed when no email could be sent by the MediWiki UserMailer script.",
"contactpage-captcha-error": "Error message displayed when there was a CAPTCHA error (i.e. the user failed to enter the correct CAPTCHA, or didn't enter one at all, etc.)",
"contactpage-config-error-title": "Page title of Special:Contact when the requested form is configured incorrectly.",
"contactpage-config-error": "Used as the content of Special:Contact when the requested form is configured incorrectly."