#!/bin/sh ulimit -s 256 . /etc/sysenv.conf export PATH="/rtbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/bin/vs/cgi-bin:/bin/vs:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/rt/bin:/tmpfs" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib:/lib:/rt/lib" ####设置默认开机时间 date -s "2020-01-01 08:00:00" . ${BOARD_CONF} BoardType=$boardtype echo "=== start run boottab ===" cd /komod && ./load AUTO echo "start_up" > /proc/rt/led if [ -x /bin/vslocal/autostartup.sh ];then /bin/vslocal/autostartup.sh fi #start syslogd syslogd -m 0 -O /tmpfs/syslog.txt -S -s 100 -b 0 & #log when start LOGINFO="`date` BOOTTAB: System Start!" echo "$LOGINFO" >> /tmpfs/syslog.txt /bin/vs/sysmon.sh & if [ -x /bin/vs/cgi-bin/net_serv.sh ];then /bin/vs/cgi-bin/net_serv.sh & fi #add hostname hostname RT-IPC #start the program of app cd /bin/vs logger -t vs "ipcvs_server start !" file="/bin/vslocal/ipcam" restartcnt=0 . ${SENSOR_CONF} SensorType=$sensortype while [ 1 ] do if [ -e "$file" ] then ./ipcam -sensortype ${SensorType} -boardtype ${BoardType} -restartcnt ${restartcnt} if [ -e /tmpfs/ipcam.pid ] then sleep 10 exit 1 else restartcnt=`expr $restartcnt + 1` echo $restartcnt restart if [ ${restartcnt} -ge 3 ];then ###超过3次都启动失败,刷除config分区 config_mtd="/dev/mtd4" flash_eraseall ${config_mtd} flashcp /bin/vslocal/config.bin ${config_mtd} reboot fi fi else exit 1 fi done