reload input file, more arg stuff

This commit is contained in:
Cyberes 2023-02-07 13:15:59 -07:00
parent 4b391b9c9c
commit 14f3914574
3 changed files with 48 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ parser.add_argument('--daemon', '-d', action='store_true', help="Run in daemon m
parser.add_argument('--sleep', type=float, default=60, help='How many minutes to sleep when in daemon mode.')
parser.add_argument('--download-cache-file-directory', default=user_data_dir('automated-youtube-dl', 'cyberes'), help='The path to the directory to track downloaded videos. Defaults to your appdata path.')
parser.add_argument('--silence-errors', '-s', action='store_true', help="Don't print any error messages to the console.")
parser.add_argument('--ignore-downloaded', '-i', action='store_true', help='Ignore videos that have been already downloaded and let youtube-dl handle everything.')
parser.add_argument('--ignore-downloaded', '-i', action='store_true', help='Ignore videos that have been already downloaded and disable checks. Let youtube-dl handle everything.')
parser.add_argument('--erase-downloaded-tracker', '-e', action='store_true', help='Erase the tracked video file.')
parser.add_argument('--ratelimit-sleep', type=int, default=5,
help='How many seconds to sleep between items to prevent rate-limiting. Does not affect time between videos as you should be fine since it takes a few seconds to merge everything and clean up.')
@ -85,43 +85,50 @@ if args.verbose:
log_time = time.time()
# Get the URLs of the videos to download. Is the input a URL or file?
url_list = {}
if not re.match(url_regex, str(args.file)) or args.input_datatype in ('txt', 'yaml'):
args.file = resolve_path(args.file)
if not args.file.exists():
print('Input file does not exist:', args.file)
input_file = [x.strip().strip('\n') for x in list(]
if args.input_datatype == 'yaml' or (re.match(r'^.*?:\w*', input_file[0]) and args.input_datatype == 'auto'):
with open(args.file, 'r') as file:
url_list = yaml.safe_load(file)
except yaml.YAMLError as e:
print('Failed to load config file, error:', e)
elif args.input_datatype == 'txt' or (re.match(url_regex, input_file[0]) and args.input_datatype == 'auto'):
if not args.output:
print('You must specify an output path with --output when the input datatype is a text file.')
def load_input_file():
# Get the URLs of the videos to download. Is the input a URL or file?
url_list = {}
if not re.match(url_regex, str(args.file)) or args.input_datatype in ('txt', 'yaml'):
args.file = resolve_path(args.file)
if not args.file.exists():
print('Input file does not exist:', args.file)
url_list[str(args.output)] = input_file
input_file = [x.strip().strip('\n') for x in list(]
if args.input_datatype == 'yaml' or (re.match(r'^.*?:\w*', input_file[0]) and args.input_datatype == 'auto'):
with open(args.file, 'r') as file:
url_list = yaml.safe_load(file)
except yaml.YAMLError as e:
print('Failed to load config file, error:', e)
elif args.input_datatype == 'txt' or (re.match(url_regex, input_file[0]) and args.input_datatype == 'auto'):
if not args.output:
args.output = resolve_path(Path(os.getcwd(), 'automated-youtube-dl_output'))
# print('You must specify an output path with --output when the input datatype is a text file.')
# sys.exit(1)
url_list[str(args.output)] = input_file
print('Unknown file type:', args.input_datatype)
del input_file # release file object
# Verify each line in the file is a valid URL.
for directory, urls in url_list.items():
for item in urls:
if not re.match(url_regex, str(item)):
print(f'Not a url:', item)
print('Unknown file type:', args.input_datatype)
del input_file # release file object
# Verify each line in the file is a valid URL.
for directory, urls in url_list.items():
for item in urls:
if not re.match(url_regex, str(item)):
print(f'Not a url:', item)
if not args.output:
args.output = resolve_path(Path(os.getcwd(), 'automated-youtube-dl_output'))
# print('You must specify an output path with --output when the input is a URL.')
# sys.exit(1)
url_list[str(args.output)] = [args.file]
if not args.output:
args.output = resolve_path(Path(os.getcwd(), 'automated-youtube-dl_output'))
# print('You must specify an output path with --output when the input is a URL.')
# sys.exit(1)
url_list[str(args.output)] = [args.file]
return url_list
url_list = load_input_file()
# Create directories AFTER loading the file
create_directories(*url_list.keys(), args.download_cache_file_directory)
@ -319,6 +326,8 @@ while True:
url_list = load_input_file()
download_archive_file = args.download_cache_file_directory / (str(playlist['id']) + '.log')
if args.erase_downloaded_tracker and not already_erased_downloaded_tracker:
if download_archive_file.exists():
@ -361,7 +370,7 @@ while True:
# OSError: [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device
status_bar.set_description_str('=' * os.get_terminal_size()[0])'Starting downloads...')
for result in pool.imap_unordered(download_video, ((video, {'bars': video_bars, 'ydl_opts': playlist_ydl_opts, 'output_dir': Path(output_path), }) for video in download_queue)):
for result in pool.imap_unordered(download_video, ((video, {'bars': video_bars, 'ydl_opts': playlist_ydl_opts, 'output_dir': Path(output_path), 'ignore_downloaded': args.ignore_downloaded}) for video in download_queue)):
# Save the video ID to the file
if result['downloaded_video_id']:['downloaded_video_id'])

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def download_video(args) -> dict:
kwargs = args[1]
output_dict = {'downloaded_video_id': None, 'video_id': video['id'], 'video_error_logger_msg': [], 'status_msg': [], 'logger_msg': []} # empty object
if not video['channel_id'] or not video['channel'] or not video['channel_url']:
if not kwargs['ignore_downloaded'] and not video['channel_id'] or not video['channel'] or not video['channel_url']:
if video['duration'] or isinstance(video['view_count'], int):
# Sometimes videos don't have channel_id, channel, or channel_url but are actually valid. Like shorts.

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@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ mergedeep