import math import os import random import subprocess import time import traceback from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import yt_dlp as ydl_ydl from hurry.filesize import size from import tqdm from unidecode import unidecode import ydl.yt_dlp as ydl from process.funcs import remove_special_chars_linux, setup_file_logger class ytdl_logger(object): errors = [] def __init__(self, logger=None): self.logger = logger # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # self.logger = logging #'testlog') def debug(self, msg): if self.logger: def info(self, msg): if self.logger: def warning(self, msg): if self.logger: self.logger.warning(msg) def error(self, msg): if self.logger: self.logger.error(msg) self.errors.append(msg) def is_manager_lock_locked(lock) -> bool: """ Manager().Lock().aquire() takes blocking, not block. """ locked = lock.acquire(blocking=False) if not locked: return True else: lock.release() return False name_max = int(subprocess.check_output("getconf NAME_MAX /", shell=True).decode()) - 30 def download_video(args) -> dict: # Sleep for a little bit to space out the rush of workers flooding the bar locks. # time.sleep(random.randint(1, 20) / 1000) def progress_hook(d): # Variables can be None if the download hasn't started yet. if d['status'] == 'downloading': total = None if d.get('downloaded_bytes'): # We want total_bytes but it may not exist so total_bytes_estimate is good too if d.get('total_bytes'): total = d.get('total_bytes') elif d.get('total_bytes_estimate'): total = d.get('total_bytes_estimate') if total: downloaded_bytes = int(d['downloaded_bytes']) if total > 0: percent = (downloaded_bytes / total) * 100 bar.update(int(np.round(percent - bar.n))) # If the progress bar doesn't end at 100% then round to 1 decimal place bar.set_postfix({ 'speed': d['_speed_str'], 'size': f"{size(d.get('downloaded_bytes'))}/{size(total)}", }) else: bar.set_postfix({ 'speed': d['_speed_str'], 'size': f"{d['_downloaded_bytes_str'].strip()}/{d['_total_bytes_str'].strip()}", }) video = args[0] kwargs = args[1] output_dict = {'downloaded_video_id': None, 'video_id': video['id'], 'video_critical_err_msg': [], 'video_critical_err_msg_short': [], 'status_msg': [], 'logger_msg': []} # empty object if not kwargs['ignore_downloaded'] and not video['channel_id'] or not video['channel'] or not video['channel_url']: if video['duration'] or isinstance(video['view_count'], int): # Sometimes videos don't have channel_id, channel, or channel_url but are actually valid. Like shorts. pass else: output_dict['video_critical_err_msg_short'].append('unavailable.') return output_dict # Clean of forign languages video['title'] = unidecode(video['title']) if len(kwargs['bars']): bar_enabled = True got_lock = False while not got_lock: # Get a bar for item in kwargs['bars']: if item[1].acquire(timeout=0.01): got_lock = True bar_offset = item[0] bar_lock = item[1] break else: time.sleep(random.uniform(0.1, 0.5)) kwargs['ydl_opts']['progress_hooks'] = [progress_hook] desc_with = int(np.round(os.get_terminal_size()[0] * (1 / 4))) bar = tqdm(total=100, position=bar_offset, desc=f"{video['id']} - {video['title']}".ljust(desc_with)[:desc_with], bar_format='{l_bar}{bar}| {elapsed}<{remaining}{postfix}', leave=False) else: bar_enabled = False # got_lock = False # # if len(kwargs['bars']): # while not got_lock: # We're going to wait until a bar is available for us to use. # for item in kwargs['bars']: # # if not is_manager_lock_locked(item[1]): # got_lock = item[1].acquire(timeout=0.01) # get the lock ASAP and don't wait if we didn't get it. # # if got_lock: # print('GOT LOCK:', video['id']) # # Now that we've gotten the lock, set some variables related to the bar # offset = item[0] # bar_lock = item[1] # break # else: # print('WAITING FOR LOCK:', video['id']) # time.sleep(uniform(0.1, 0.9)) start_time = time.time() try: kwargs['ydl_opts']['logger'] = ytdl_logger() # dummy silent logger yt_dlp = ydl.YDL(kwargs['ydl_opts']) video_n = yt_dlp.get_info(video['url']) if not video_n: output_dict['video_critical_err_msg_short'].append('failed to get info. Unavailable?') if bar_enabled: bar.close() bar_lock.release() return output_dict video_n['url'] = video['url'] video = video_n del video_n # We created a new dict video['title'] = unidecode(video['title']) video['uploader'] = unidecode(video['uploader']) # now this info is present since we fetched it # TODO: do we also need to remove the @ char? video_filename = remove_special_chars_linux( ydl.get_output_templ(video_id=video['id'], title=video['title'], uploader=video['uploader'], uploader_id=video['uploader_id'], include_ext=False), special_chars=['/'] ) # Make sure the video title isn't too long while len(video_filename) >= name_max - 3: # -3 so that I can add ... video['title'] = video['title'][:-1] video_filename = remove_special_chars_linux( ydl.get_output_templ( video_id=video['id'], title=video['title'] + '...', uploader=video['uploader'], uploader_id=video['uploader_id'], include_ext=False ), special_chars=['/']) base_path = str(Path(kwargs['output_dir'], video_filename)) kwargs['ydl_opts']['outtmpl'] = f"{base_path}.%(ext)s" # try: # base_path = os.path.splitext(Path(kwargs['output_dir'], yt_dlp.prepare_filename(video)))[0] # except AttributeError: # # Sometimes we won't be able to pull the video info so just use the video's ID. # base_path = kwargs['output_dir'] / video['id'] ylogger = ytdl_logger(setup_file_logger(video['id'], base_path + '.log')) kwargs['ydl_opts']['logger'] = ylogger with ydl_ydl.YoutubeDL(kwargs['ydl_opts']) as y: error_code =['url']) # yt_dlp = ydl.YDL(kwargs['ydl_opts']) # recreate the object with the correct logging path # error_code = yt_dlp(video['url']) # Do the download if not error_code: elapsed = round(math.ceil(time.time() - start_time) / 60, 2) output_dict['logger_msg'].append(f"'{video['title']}' - Downloaded in {elapsed} min.") output_dict['downloaded_video_id'] = video['id'] else: output_dict['video_critical_err_msg'] = output_dict['video_critical_err_msg'] + ylogger.errors except Exception: output_dict['video_critical_err_msg'].append(f"EXCEPTION -> {traceback.format_exc()}") if bar_enabled: bar.update(100 - bar.n) if bar_enabled: bar.close() bar_lock.release() return output_dict def bar_eraser(video_bars, eraser_exit): while not eraser_exit.value: for i, item in enumerate(video_bars): if eraser_exit.value: return i = int(i) bar_lock = video_bars[i][1] if video_bars[i][1].acquire(timeout=0.1): bar = tqdm(position=video_bars[i][0], leave=False, bar_format='\x1b[2K') bar.close() bar_lock.release() # Old queue and queue processor threads # manager = Manager() # queue = manager.dict() # queue_lock = manager.Lock() # def eraser(): # nonlocal queue # try: # while not eraser_exit.value: # for i in queue.keys(): # if eraser_exit.value: # return # i = int(i) # lock = video_bars[i][1].acquire(timeout=0.1) # bar_lock = video_bars[i][1] # if lock: # bar = tqdm(position=video_bars[i][0], leave=False, bar_format='\x1b[2K') # bar.close() # with queue_lock: # del queue_dict[i] # queue = queue_dict # bar_lock.release() # except KeyboardInterrupt: # sys.exit(0) # except multiprocessing.managers.RemoteError: # sys.exit(0) # except SystemExit: # sys.exit(0) # # try: # Thread(target=eraser).start() # while not eraser_exit.value: # for i, item in enumerate(video_bars): # if eraser_exit.value: # return # # Add bars to the queue # if is_manager_lock_locked(item[1]): # with queue_lock: # queue_dict = queue # queue_dict[i] = True # queue = queue_dict # except KeyboardInterrupt: # sys.exit(0) # except multiprocessing.managers.RemoteError: # sys.exit(0) # except SystemExit: # sys.exit(0) class ServiceExit(Exception): """ Custom exception which is used to trigger the clean exit of all running threads and the main program. """ pass