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2024-06-30 18:59:23 -06:00
* Freematics MEMS motion sensor helper classes
* Distributed under BSD license
* Visit for more information
* (C)2016-2020 Stanley Huang <>
#include "FreematicsBase.h"
#include "utility/ICM_20948_C.h" // The C backbone
#include "utility/ICM_42627.h"
// See also MPU-9250 Register Map and Descriptions, Revision 4.0,
// RM-MPU-9250A-00, Rev. 1.4, 9/9/2013 for registers not listed in above
// document; the MPU9250 and MPU9150 are virtually identical but the latter has
// a different register map
//Magnetometer Registers
#define AK8963_ADDRESS 0x0C
#define WHO_AM_I_AK8963 0x00 // should return 0x48
#define INFO 0x01
#define AK8963_ST1 0x02 // data ready status bit 0
#define AK8963_XOUT_L 0x03 // data
#define AK8963_XOUT_H 0x04
#define AK8963_YOUT_L 0x05
#define AK8963_YOUT_H 0x06
#define AK8963_ZOUT_L 0x07
#define AK8963_ZOUT_H 0x08
#define AK8963_ST2 0x09 // Data overflow bit 3 and data read error status bit 2
#define AK8963_CNTL 0x0A // Power down (0000), single-measurement (0001), self-test (1000) and Fuse ROM (1111) modes on bits 3:0
#define AK8963_CNTL2 0x0B
#define AK8963_ASTC 0x0C // Self test control
#define AK8963_I2CDIS 0x0F // I2C disable
#define AK8963_ASAX 0x10 // Fuse ROM x-axis sensitivity adjustment value
#define AK8963_ASAY 0x11 // Fuse ROM y-axis sensitivity adjustment value
#define AK8963_ASAZ 0x12 // Fuse ROM z-axis sensitivity adjustment value
#define SELF_TEST_X_GYRO 0x00
#define SELF_TEST_Y_GYRO 0x01
#define SELF_TEST_Z_GYRO 0x02
/*#define X_FINE_GAIN 0x03 // [7:0] fine gain
#define Y_FINE_GAIN 0x04
#define Z_FINE_GAIN 0x05
#define XA_OFFSET_H 0x06 // User-defined trim values for accelerometer
#define XA_OFFSET_L_TC 0x07
#define YA_OFFSET_H 0x08
#define YA_OFFSET_L_TC 0x09
#define ZA_OFFSET_H 0x0A
#define ZA_OFFSET_L_TC 0x0B */
#define SELF_TEST_X_ACCEL 0x0D
#define SELF_TEST_Y_ACCEL 0x0E
#define SELF_TEST_Z_ACCEL 0x0F
#define SELF_TEST_A 0x10
#define XG_OFFSET_H 0x13 // User-defined trim values for gyroscope
#define XG_OFFSET_L 0x14
#define YG_OFFSET_H 0x15
#define YG_OFFSET_L 0x16
#define ZG_OFFSET_H 0x17
#define ZG_OFFSET_L 0x18
#define SMPLRT_DIV 0x19
#define CONFIG 0x1A
#define GYRO_CONFIG 0x1B
#define ACCEL_CONFIG 0x1C
#define ACCEL_CONFIG2 0x1D
#define LP_ACCEL_ODR 0x1E
#define WOM_THR 0x1F
// Duration counter threshold for motion interrupt generation, 1 kHz rate,
// LSB = 1 ms
#define MOT_DUR 0x20
// Zero-motion detection threshold bits [7:0]
#define ZMOT_THR 0x21
// Duration counter threshold for zero motion interrupt generation, 16 Hz rate,
// LSB = 64 ms
#define ZRMOT_DUR 0x22
#define FIFO_EN 0x23
#define I2C_MST_CTRL 0x24
#define I2C_SLV0_ADDR 0x25
#define I2C_SLV0_REG 0x26
#define I2C_SLV0_CTRL 0x27
#define I2C_SLV1_ADDR 0x28
#define I2C_SLV1_REG 0x29
#define I2C_SLV1_CTRL 0x2A
#define I2C_SLV2_ADDR 0x2B
#define I2C_SLV2_REG 0x2C
#define I2C_SLV2_CTRL 0x2D
#define I2C_SLV3_ADDR 0x2E
#define I2C_SLV3_REG 0x2F
#define I2C_SLV3_CTRL 0x30
#define I2C_SLV4_ADDR 0x31
#define I2C_SLV4_REG 0x32
#define I2C_SLV4_DO 0x33
#define I2C_SLV4_CTRL 0x34
#define I2C_SLV4_DI 0x35
#define I2C_MST_STATUS 0x36
#define INT_PIN_CFG 0x37
#define INT_ENABLE 0x38
#define DMP_INT_STATUS 0x39 // Check DMP interrupt
#define INT_STATUS 0x3A
#define ACCEL_XOUT_H 0x3B
#define ACCEL_XOUT_L 0x3C
#define ACCEL_YOUT_H 0x3D
#define ACCEL_YOUT_L 0x3E
#define ACCEL_ZOUT_H 0x3F
#define ACCEL_ZOUT_L 0x40
#define TEMP_OUT_H 0x41
#define TEMP_OUT_L 0x42
#define GYRO_XOUT_H 0x43
#define GYRO_XOUT_L 0x44
#define GYRO_YOUT_H 0x45
#define GYRO_YOUT_L 0x46
#define GYRO_ZOUT_H 0x47
#define GYRO_ZOUT_L 0x48
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_00 0x49
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_01 0x4A
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_02 0x4B
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_03 0x4C
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_04 0x4D
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_05 0x4E
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_06 0x4F
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_07 0x50
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_08 0x51
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_09 0x52
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_10 0x53
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_11 0x54
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_12 0x55
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_13 0x56
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_14 0x57
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_15 0x58
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_16 0x59
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_17 0x5A
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_18 0x5B
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_19 0x5C
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_20 0x5D
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_21 0x5E
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_22 0x5F
#define EXT_SENS_DATA_23 0x60
#define MOT_DETECT_STATUS 0x61
#define I2C_SLV0_DO 0x63
#define I2C_SLV1_DO 0x64
#define I2C_SLV2_DO 0x65
#define I2C_SLV3_DO 0x66
#define I2C_MST_DELAY_CTRL 0x67
#define SIGNAL_PATH_RESET 0x68
#define MOT_DETECT_CTRL 0x69
#define USER_CTRL 0x6A // Bit 7 enable DMP, bit 3 reset DMP
#define PWR_MGMT_1 0x6B // Device defaults to the SLEEP mode
#define PWR_MGMT_2 0x6C
#define DMP_BANK 0x6D // Activates a specific bank in the DMP
#define DMP_RW_PNT 0x6E // Set read/write pointer to a specific start address in specified DMP bank
#define DMP_REG 0x6F // Register in DMP from which to read or to which to write
#define DMP_REG_1 0x70
#define DMP_REG_2 0x71
#define FIFO_COUNTH 0x72
#define FIFO_COUNTL 0x73
#define FIFO_R_W 0x74
#define WHO_AM_I_MPU9250 0x75 // Should return 0x71
#define XA_OFFSET_H 0x77
#define XA_OFFSET_L 0x78
#define YA_OFFSET_H 0x7A
#define YA_OFFSET_L 0x7B
#define ZA_OFFSET_H 0x7D
#define ZA_OFFSET_L 0x7E
#define MPU9250_ADDRESS 0x68 // Device address when ADO = 0
#define AK8963_ADDRESS 0x0C // Address of magnetometer
enum {
AFS_2G = 0,
enum {
GFS_250DPS = 0,
enum {
MFS_14BITS = 0, // 0.6 mG per LSB
MFS_16BITS // 0.15 mG per LSB
// Specify sensor full scale
#define Ascale AFS_2G
#define Gscale GFS_250DPS
#define mRes (10.*4912./32760.0)
#if Ascale == AFS_2G
#define aRes (2.0/32768.0)
#elif Ascale == AFS_4G
#define aRes (4.0/32768.0)
#elif Ascale == AFS_8G
#define aRes (8.0/32768.0)
#elif Ascale == AFS_16G
#define aRes (16.0/32768.0)
#if Gscale == GFS_250DPS
#define gRes (250.0/32768.0)
#elif Gscale == GFS_500DPS
#define gRes (500.0/32768.0)
#elif Gscale == GFS_1000DPS
#define gRes (1000.0/32768.0)
#elif Gscale == GFS_2000DPS
#define gRes (2000.0/32768.0)
// 2 for 8 Hz, 6 for 100 Hz continuous magnetometer data read
#define Mmode 0x02
#define Kp 2.0f * 5.0f // these are the free parameters in the Mahony filter and fusion scheme, Kp for proportional feedback, Ki for integral
#define Ki 0.0f
class CQuaterion
void MadgwickQuaternionUpdate(float ax, float ay, float az, float gx, float gy, float gz, float mx, float my, float mz);
void getOrientation(ORIENTATION* ori);
float q[4] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; // vector to hold quaternion
// global constants for 9 DoF fusion and AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference System)
float GyroMeasError = PI * (40.0f / 180.0f); // gyroscope measurement error in rads/s (start at 40 deg/s)
float GyroMeasDrift = PI * (0.0f / 180.0f); // gyroscope measurement drift in rad/s/s (start at 0.0 deg/s/s)
float beta = sqrt(3.0f / 4.0f) * GyroMeasError; // compute beta
float zeta = sqrt(3.0f / 4.0f) * GyroMeasDrift; // compute zeta, the other free parameter in the Madgwick scheme usually set to a small or zero value
uint32_t firstUpdate = 0; // used to calculate integration interval
uint32_t lastUpdate = 0;
float deltat = 0.0f;
class MEMS_I2C
MEMS_I2C() {};
virtual ~MEMS_I2C() { uninitI2C(); };
virtual byte begin(bool fusion = false) = 0;
virtual void end() { uninitI2C(); }
virtual bool read(float* acc, float* gyr = 0, float* mag = 0, float* temp = 0, ORIENTATION* ori = 0) = 0;
bool initI2C(unsigned long clock);
void uninitI2C();
class MPU9250 : public MEMS_I2C
byte begin(bool fusion = false);
bool read(float* acc, float* gyr = 0, float* mag = 0, float* temp = 0, ORIENTATION* ori = 0);
void writeByte(uint8_t, uint8_t);
uint8_t readByte(uint8_t);
bool readBytes(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t *);
void readAccelData(int16_t *);
int16_t readTempData();
void init();
void getAres();
void getMres();
void getGres();
void readGyroData(int16_t *);
void readMagData(int16_t *);
bool initAK8963(float *);
void calibrateMPU9250(float * gyroBias, float * accelBias);
void MPU9250SelfTest(float * destination);
void writeByteAK(uint8_t, uint8_t);
uint8_t readByteAK(uint8_t);
bool readBytesAK(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t *);
float gyroBias[3] = {0};
float accelBias[3] = {0}; // Bias corrections for gyro and accelerometer
float magCalibration[3] = {0};
int16_t accelCount[3] = {0};
int16_t gyroCount[3] = {0};
int16_t magCount[3] = {0}; // Stores the 16-bit signed magnetometer sensor output
CQuaterion* quaterion = 0;
class ICM_42627 : public MEMS_I2C
byte begin(bool fusion = false);
bool read(float* acc, float* gyr = 0, float* mag = 0, float* temp = 0, ORIENTATION* ori = 0);
void writeByte(uint8_t, uint8_t);
uint8_t readByte(uint8_t);
bool readBytes(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t *);
void init();
void readAccelData(int16_t data[]);
void readGyroData(int16_t data[]);
int16_t readTempData();
#define ICM_20948_ARD_UNUSED_PIN 0xFF
// Base
class ICM_20948 {
ICM_20948_Device_t _device;
bool _has_magnetometer;
float getTempC ( int16_t val );
float getGyrDPS ( int16_t axis_val );
float getAccMG ( int16_t axis_val );
float getMagUT ( int16_t axis_val );
ICM_20948() {};
virtual ~ICM_20948() {};
ICM_20948_AGMT_t agmt; // Acceleometer, Gyroscope, Magenetometer, and Temperature data
ICM_20948_AGMT_t getAGMT ( void ); // Updates the agmt field in the object and also returns a copy directly
float magX ( void );// micro teslas
float magY ( void );// micro teslas
float magZ ( void );// micro teslas
float accX ( void );// milli g's
float accY ( void );// milli g's
float accZ ( void );// milli g's
float gyrX ( void );// degrees per second
float gyrY ( void );// degrees per second
float gyrZ ( void );// degrees per second
float temp ( void );// degrees celsius
ICM_20948_Status_e status; // Status from latest operation
const char* statusString ( ICM_20948_Status_e stat = ICM_20948_Stat_NUM ); // Returns a human-readable status message. Defaults to status member, but prints string for supplied status if supplied
// Device Level
ICM_20948_Status_e setBank ( uint8_t bank ); // Sets the bank
ICM_20948_Status_e swReset ( void ); // Performs a SW reset
ICM_20948_Status_e sleep ( bool on = false ); // Set sleep mode for the chip
ICM_20948_Status_e lowPower ( bool on = true ); // Set low power mode for the chip
ICM_20948_Status_e setClockSource ( ICM_20948_PWR_MGMT_1_CLKSEL_e source ); // Choose clock source
ICM_20948_Status_e checkID ( void ); // Return 'ICM_20948_Stat_Ok' if whoami matches ICM_20948_WHOAMI
bool dataReady ( void ); // Returns 'true' if data is ready
uint8_t getWhoAmI ( void ); // Return whoami in out prarmeter
bool isConnected ( void ); // Returns true if communications with the device are sucessful
// Internal Sensor Options
ICM_20948_Status_e setSampleMode ( uint8_t sensor_id_bm, uint8_t lp_config_cycle_mode ); // Use to set accel, gyro, and I2C master into cycled or continuous modes
ICM_20948_Status_e setFullScale ( uint8_t sensor_id_bm, ICM_20948_fss_t fss );
ICM_20948_Status_e setDLPFcfg ( uint8_t sensor_id_bm, ICM_20948_dlpcfg_t cfg );
ICM_20948_Status_e enableDLPF ( uint8_t sensor_id_bm, bool enable );
ICM_20948_Status_e setSampleRate ( uint8_t sensor_id_bm, ICM_20948_smplrt_t smplrt );
// Interrupts on INT and FSYNC Pins
ICM_20948_Status_e clearInterrupts ( void );
ICM_20948_Status_e cfgIntActiveLow ( bool active_low );
ICM_20948_Status_e cfgIntOpenDrain ( bool open_drain );
ICM_20948_Status_e cfgIntLatch ( bool latching ); // If not latching then the interrupt is a 50 us pulse
ICM_20948_Status_e cfgIntAnyReadToClear ( bool enabled ); // If enabled, *ANY* read will clear the INT_STATUS register. So if you have multiple interrupt sources enabled be sure to read INT_STATUS first
ICM_20948_Status_e cfgFsyncActiveLow ( bool active_low );
ICM_20948_Status_e cfgFsyncIntMode ( bool interrupt_mode ); // Can ue FSYNC as an interrupt input that sets the I2C Master Status register's PASS_THROUGH bit
ICM_20948_Status_e intEnableI2C ( bool enable );
ICM_20948_Status_e intEnableDMP ( bool enable );
ICM_20948_Status_e intEnablePLL ( bool enable );
ICM_20948_Status_e intEnableWOM ( bool enable );
ICM_20948_Status_e intEnableWOF ( bool enable );
ICM_20948_Status_e intEnableRawDataReady ( bool enable );
ICM_20948_Status_e intEnableOverflowFIFO ( uint8_t bm_enable );
ICM_20948_Status_e intEnableWatermarkFIFO ( uint8_t bm_enable );
// Interface Options
ICM_20948_Status_e i2cMasterPassthrough ( bool passthrough = true );
ICM_20948_Status_e i2cMasterEnable ( bool enable = true );
ICM_20948_Status_e i2cMasterConfigureSlave ( uint8_t slave, uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t len, bool Rw = true, bool enable = true, bool data_only = false, bool grp = false, bool swap = false );
ICM_20948_Status_e i2cMasterSLV4Transaction( uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data, uint8_t len, bool Rw, bool send_reg_addr = true );
ICM_20948_Status_e i2cMasterSingleW ( uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t data );
uint8_t i2cMasterSingleR ( uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg );
// Default Setup
ICM_20948_Status_e startupDefault ( void );
virtual ICM_20948_Status_e startupMagnetometer ( void );
virtual ICM_20948_Status_e getMagnetometerData ( ICM_20948_AGMT_t* pagmt );
// direct read/write
ICM_20948_Status_e read ( uint8_t reg, uint8_t* pdata, uint32_t len);
ICM_20948_Status_e write ( uint8_t reg, uint8_t* pdata, uint32_t len);
CQuaterion* quaterion = 0;
class ICM_20948_I2C : public MEMS_I2C, public ICM_20948 {
uint8_t _addr;
uint8_t _ad0;
bool _ad0val;
ICM_20948_Serif_t _serif;
virtual ICM_20948_Status_e readMag( uint8_t reg, uint8_t* pdata, uint8_t len );
virtual ICM_20948_Status_e writeMag( uint8_t reg, uint8_t* pdata, uint8_t len );
byte begin(bool fusion = false);
bool read(float* acc, float* gyr = 0, float* mag = 0, float* tmp = 0, ORIENTATION* ori = 0);
ICM_20948_Status_e startupMagnetometer( void );
ICM_20948_Status_e magWhoIAm( void );
bool magIsConnected( void );
ICM_20948_Status_e getMagnetometerData ( ICM_20948_AGMT_t* pagmt );