Django backend, vue.js frontend Tagging support (tag roads, trails, etc) Sharing (share individual items or select items or tags to include) Organization by folder When updating items, create a new version No spatial editing Spatial statistics Track replay and stats When importing, list all new items and make it quick and easy to edit the attributes of new items Visibility: private, public, restricted (only logged in users) Save the unmodified original imported file in a special table and link it to the item ID ## Stretch Goals Additional map layers Option to add external custom layers Ability to set layer when sharing web map Geotagged photo support (set path to scan) Group support and share to group Some way to record and push to server from an app. Use GPSLogger with %ALL Download all data as KML A very simple Android app to Make it easy to push data to the server. For example, export from back country navigator, share to this app, import to server using app