#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import sys import traceback from ipaddress import ip_network import requests from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning import checker.nagios as nagios from checker import print_icinga2_check_status from checker.http import fetch_with_retry from checker.linuxfabric.base import get_state from checker.units import filesize def is_internet_traffic(ip): private_networks = [ ip_network(""), ip_network(""), ip_network(""), ] return not any(ip in network for network in private_networks) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check OPNsense network traffic for a host.') parser.add_argument('--opnsense', required=True, help='OPNsense hostname or IP address.') parser.add_argument('--host', required=True, help='Address of the host to check.') parser.add_argument('--duration', default=60, type=int, help='How many seconds to gather statistics.') parser.add_argument('--fail-empty', action='store_true', help='If the API did not return any data, fail with UNKNOWN. Otherwise, assume that there was no traffic.') parser.add_argument('--bandwidth', type=float, required=True, help='Bandwidth speed in Mbps. Used to calculate percentage.') parser.add_argument('--bandwidth-crit', type=int, default=75, help='Critical if percent of bandwidth usage is greater than or equal to this.') parser.add_argument('--bandwidth-warn', type=int, default=50, help='Warning if percent of bandwidth usage is greater than or equal to this.') parser.add_argument('--conn-crit', type=int, default=-1, help='Set critical level for number of connections. Default: -1 (disabled).') parser.add_argument('--conn-warn', type=int, default=-1, help='Set warning level for number of connections. Default: -1 (disabled).') parser.add_argument('--timeout', type=int, default=10, help='Timeout in seconds for the HTTP requests to OPNsense. Default: 10.') args = parser.parse_args() check_result = {} requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(category=InsecureRequestWarning) response = fetch_with_retry(f'{args.opnsense}/traffic/{args.host}?seconds={args.duration}', headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}, verify=False, timeout=args.timeout) traffic_data = response.json()['data'] if not len(traffic_data) and args.fail_empty: print_icinga2_check_status(f'interface or host not found in OPNsense API response. Raw response:\n{traffic_data}', nagios.STATE_UNKNOWN) sys.exit(nagios.UNKNOWN) elif not len(traffic_data): # There was no traffic. check_result = { 'rate_in': 0, 'rate_out': 0, 'cumulative_in': 0, 'cumulative_out': 0, 'connections': 0 } else: try: check_result = { 'rate_in': traffic_data['max_rate_in'], 'rate_out': traffic_data['max_rate_out'], 'cumulative_in': traffic_data['bytes_in'], 'cumulative_out': traffic_data['bytes_out'], 'connections': traffic_data['connections'] } except Exception as e: print_icinga2_check_status(f'failed to parse traffic data: {e}\n{traceback.format_exc()}\n{traffic_data}', nagios.STATE_UNKNOWN) sys.exit(nagios.UNKNOWN) warn_b_value = int((args.bandwidth * args.bandwidth_warn / 100) * 1e+6) crit_b_value = int((args.bandwidth * args.bandwidth_crit / 100) * 1e+6) conn_warn = args.conn_warn if args.conn_warn > -1 else None conn_crit = args.conn_crit if args.conn_crit > -1 else None exit_code = nagios.STATE_OK critical = [] warn = [] ok = [] perf_data = {} def check(name, state, value, do_filesize=True): # TODO: improve this its kinda messy def do_value(v): # TODO: make filesize() handle rate return filesize(v) + 'ps' if do_filesize else v nonlocal exit_code if state == nagios.STATE_CRIT: critical.append((name, do_value(value))) exit_code = max(nagios.STATE_CRIT, exit_code) return nagios.STATE_CRIT elif state == nagios.STATE_WARN: warn.append((name, do_value(value))) exit_code = max(nagios.STATE_WARN, exit_code) return nagios.STATE_WARN elif state == nagios.STATE_OK: exit_code = max(nagios.STATE_OK, exit_code) ok.append((name, do_value(value))) return nagios.STATE_OK in_state = get_state(check_result['rate_in'], warn_b_value, crit_b_value, 'ge') in_exit_code = check(f'max_rate_in', in_state, check_result['rate_in']) out_state = get_state(check_result['rate_out'], warn_b_value, crit_b_value, 'ge') out_exit_code = check(f'max_rate_out', out_state, check_result['rate_out']) conn_state = get_state(check_result['connections'], conn_warn, conn_crit, 'ge') conn_exit_code = check(f'connections', conn_state, check_result['connections'], do_filesize=False) exit_code = max(exit_code, in_exit_code, out_exit_code, conn_exit_code) perf_data[f'max_rate_in'] = {'value': int(check_result["rate_in"]), 'warn': warn_b_value, 'crit': crit_b_value, 'min': 0, 'unit': 'B'} perf_data[f'max_rate_out'] = {'value': int(check_result["rate_out"]), 'warn': warn_b_value, 'crit': crit_b_value, 'min': 0, 'unit': 'B'} # TODO: add warn/crit values for these metrics perf_data[f'cumulative_in'] = {'value': int(check_result["cumulative_in"]), 'warn': None, 'crit': None, 'min': 0, 'unit': 'B'} perf_data[f'cumulative_out'] = {'value': int(check_result["cumulative_out"]), 'warn': None, 'crit': None, 'min': 0, 'unit': 'B'} perf_data[f'connections'] = {'value': int(check_result["connections"]), 'warn': conn_warn, 'crit': conn_crit, 'min': 0} text_result = ', '.join(f'{name}: {rate}' for name, rate in sorted([*critical, *warn, *ok, ('cumulative_in', filesize(check_result["cumulative_in"])), ('cumulative_out', filesize(check_result["cumulative_out"]))])) print_icinga2_check_status(text_result, exit_code, perf_data) sys.exit(exit_code) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except Exception as e: print_icinga2_check_status(f'exception "{e}"\n{traceback.format_exc()}', nagios.STATE_UNKNOWN) sys.exit(nagios.UNKNOWN)