#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # check_pve.py - A check plugin for Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE). # Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Nicolai Buchwitz # # Version: 1.2.2 # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import re import sys try: from enum import Enum from datetime import datetime from packaging import version import argparse import requests except ImportError as e: print("Missing python module: {}".format(str(e))) sys.exit(255) class CheckState(Enum): OK = 0 WARNING = 1 CRITICAL = 2 UNKNOWN = 3 class CheckThreshold: def __init__(self, value: float): self.value = value def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other.value def __lt__(self, other): return self.value < other.value def __le__(self, other): return self.value <= other.value def __gt__(self, other): return self.value > other.value def __ge__(self, other): return self.value >= other.value def check(self, value: float, lower: bool = False): if lower: return value < self.value else: return value > self.value @staticmethod def threshold_type(arg: str): thresholds = {} try: thresholds[None] = CheckThreshold(float(arg)) except: for t in arg.split(','): m = re.match("([a-z_0-9]+):([0-9.]+)", t) if m: thresholds[m.group(1)] = CheckThreshold(float(m.group(2))) else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "invalid threshold format: {}".format(t)) return thresholds class CheckPVE: VERSION = '1.2.2' API_URL = 'https://{hostname}:{port}/api2/json/{command}' UNIT_SCALE = { "GB": 10 ** 9, "MB": 10 ** 6, "KB": 10 ** 3, "GiB": 2 ** 30, "MiB": 2 ** 20, "KiB": 2 ** 10, "B": 1 } def check_output(self): message = self.check_message if self.perfdata: message += self.get_perfdata() self.output(self.check_result, message) @staticmethod def output(rc, message): prefix = rc.name message = '{} - {}'.format(prefix, message) print(message) sys.exit(rc.value) def get_url(self, command): return self.API_URL.format(hostname=self.options.api_endpoint, command=command, port=self.options.api_port) def request(self, url, method='get', **kwargs): response = None try: if method == 'post': response = requests.post( url, verify=not self.options.api_insecure, data=kwargs.get('data', None), timeout=5 ) elif method == 'get': response = requests.get( url, verify=not self.options.api_insecure, cookies=self.__cookies, headers=self.__headers, params=kwargs.get('params', None), ) else: self.output(CheckState.CRITICAL, "Unsupport request method: {}".format(method)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: self.output(CheckState.UNKNOWN, "Could not connect to PVE API: Connection timeout") except requests.exceptions.SSLError: self.output(CheckState.UNKNOWN, "Could not connect to PVE API: Certificate validation failed") except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.output(CheckState.UNKNOWN, "Could not connect to PVE API: Failed to resolve hostname") if response.ok: return response.json()['data'] else: message = "Could not fetch data from API: " if response.status_code == 401: message += "Could not connection to PVE API: invalid username or password" elif response.status_code == 403: message += "Access denied. Please check if API user has sufficient permissions / the role has been " \ "assigned." else: message += "HTTP error code was {}".format(response.status_code) self.output(CheckState.UNKNOWN, message) def get_ticket(self): url = self.get_url('access/ticket') data = {"username": self.options.api_user, "password": self.options.api_password} result = self.request(url, "post", data=data) return result['ticket'] def check_api_value(self, url, message, **kwargs): result = self.request(url) used = None if 'key' in kwargs: result = result[kwargs.get('key')] if isinstance(result, (dict,)): used_percent = self.get_value(result['used'], result['total']) used = self.get_value(result['used']) total = self.get_value(result['total']) self.add_perfdata(kwargs.get('perfkey', 'usage'), used_percent) self.add_perfdata(kwargs.get('perfkey', 'used'), used, max=total, unit=self.options.unit) else: used_percent = round(float(result) * 100, 2) self.add_perfdata(kwargs.get('perfkey', 'usage'), used_percent) if self.options.values_mb: message += ' {} {}'.format(used, self.options.unit) value = used else: message += ' {} {}'.format(used_percent, '%') value = used_percent self.check_thresholds(value, message) def check_vm_status(self, idx, **kwargs): url = self.get_url('cluster/resources', ) data = self.request(url, params={'type': 'vm'}) expected_state = kwargs.get("expected_state", "running") only_status = kwargs.get("only_status", False) found = False for vm in data: if vm['name'] == idx or vm['vmid'] == idx: # Check if VM (default) or LXC vm_type = "VM" if vm['type'] == 'lxc': vm_type = "LXC" if vm['status'] != expected_state: self.check_message = "{} '{}' is {} (expected: {})".format(vm_type, vm['name'], vm['status'], expected_state) if not self.options.ignore_vm_status: self.check_result = CheckState.CRITICAL else: if self.options.node and self.options.node != vm['node']: self.check_message = "{} '{}' is {}, but located on node '{}' instead of '{}'" \ .format(vm_type, vm['name'], expected_state, vm['node'], self.options.node) self.check_result = CheckState.WARNING else: self.check_message = "{} '{}' is {} on node '{}'" \ .format(vm_type, vm['name'], expected_state, vm['node']) if vm['status'] == 'running' and not only_status: cpu = round(vm['cpu'] * 100, 2) self.add_perfdata("cpu", cpu) if self.options.values_mb: memory = self.scale_value(vm['mem']) self.add_perfdata("memory", memory, unit=self.options.unit, max=self.scale_value(vm['maxmem'])) else: memory = self.get_value(vm['mem'], vm['maxmem']) self.add_perfdata("memory", memory) self.check_thresholds({"cpu": cpu, "memory": memory}, message=self.check_message) found = True break if not found: self.check_message = "VM or LXC '{}' not found".format(idx) self.check_result = CheckState.WARNING def check_disks(self): url = self.get_url('nodes/{}/disks'.format(self.options.node)) failed = [] unknown = [] disks = self.request(url + '/list') for disk in disks: name = disk['devpath'].replace('/dev/', '') if name in self.options.ignore_disks: continue if disk['health'] == 'UNKNOWN': if not self.options.ignore_unknown_disks: self.check_result = CheckState.WARNING unknown.append({"serial": disk["serial"], "device": disk['devpath']}) elif disk['health'] not in ('PASSED', 'OK'): self.check_result = CheckState.WARNING failed.append({"serial": disk["serial"], "device": disk['devpath']}) if disk['wearout'] != 'N/A': self.add_perfdata('wearout_{}'.format(name), disk['wearout']) if failed: self.check_message = "{} of {} disks failed the health test:\n".format(len(failed), len(disks)) for disk in failed: self.check_message += "- {} with serial '{}'\n".format(disk['device'], disk['serial']) if unknown: self.check_message += "{} of {} disks have unknown health status:\n".format(len(unknown), len(disks)) for disk in unknown: self.check_message += "- {} with serial '{}'\n".format(disk['device'], disk['serial']) if not failed and not unknown: self.check_message = "All disks are healthy" def check_replication(self): url = self.get_url('nodes/{}/replication'.format(self.options.node)) if self.options.vmid: data = self.request(url, params={'guest': self.options.vmid}) else: data = self.request(url) failed_jobs = [] # format: [{guest: str, fail_count: int, error: str}] performance_data = [] for job in data: if job['fail_count'] > 0: failed_jobs.append({'guest': job['guest'], 'fail_count': job['fail_count'], 'error': job['error']}) else: performance_data.append({'id': job['id'], 'duration': job['duration']}) if len(failed_jobs) > 0: message = "Failed replication jobs on {}: ".format(self.options.node) for job in failed_jobs: message = message + "GUEST: {j[guest]}, FAIL_COUNT: {j[fail_count]}, ERROR: {j[error]} ; ".format(j=job) self.check_message = message self.check_result = CheckState.WARNING else: self.check_message = "No failed replication jobs on {}".format(self.options.node) self.check_result = CheckState.OK if len(performance_data) > 0: for metric in performance_data: self.add_perfdata('duration_' + metric['id'], metric['duration'], unit='s') def check_services(self): url = self.get_url('nodes/{}/services'.format(self.options.node)) data = self.request(url) failed = {} for service in data: if service['state'] != 'running' \ and service.get('active-state', 'active') == 'active' \ and service['name'] not in self.options.ignore_services: failed[service['name']] = service['desc'] if failed: self.check_result = CheckState.CRITICAL message = "{} services are not running:\n\n".format(len(failed)) message += "\n".join(['- {} ({}) is not running'.format(failed[i], i) for i in failed]) self.check_message = message else: self.check_message = "All services are running" def check_subscription(self): url = self.get_url('nodes/{}/subscription'.format(self.options.node)) data = self.request(url) if data['status'] == 'NotFound': self.check_result = CheckState.WARNING self.check_message = "No valid subscription found" if data['status'] == 'Inactive': self.check_result = CheckState.CRITICAL self.check_message = "Subscription expired" elif data['status'] == 'Active': subscription_due_date = data['nextduedate'] subscription_product_name = data['productname'] date_expire = datetime.strptime(subscription_due_date, '%Y-%m-%d') date_today = datetime.today() delta = (date_expire - date_today).days message = '{} is valid until {}'.format( subscription_product_name, subscription_due_date) message_warning_critical = '{} will expire in {} days ({})'.format( subscription_product_name, delta, subscription_due_date) self.check_thresholds(delta, message, messageWarning=message_warning_critical, messageCritical=message_warning_critical, lowerValue=True) def check_updates(self): url = self.get_url('nodes/{}/apt/update'.format(self.options.node)) count = len(self.request(url)) if count: self.check_result = CheckState.WARNING msg = "{} pending update" if count > 1: msg += "s" self.check_message = msg.format(count) else: self.check_message = "System up to date" def check_cluster_status(self): url = self.get_url('cluster/status') data = self.request(url) nodes = {} quorate = None cluster = '' for elem in data: if elem['type'] == 'cluster': quorate = elem['quorate'] cluster = elem['name'] elif elem['type'] == 'node': nodes[elem['name']] = elem['online'] if quorate is None: self.check_message = 'No cluster configuration found' elif quorate: node_count = len(nodes) nodes_online_count = len({k: v for k, v in nodes.items() if v}) if node_count > nodes_online_count: diff = node_count - nodes_online_count self.check_result = CheckState.WARNING self.check_message = "Cluster '{}' is healthy, but {} node(s) offline'".format(cluster, diff) else: self.check_message = "Cluster '{}' is healthy'".format(cluster) self.add_perfdata('nodes_total', node_count, unit='') self.add_perfdata('nodes_online', nodes_online_count, unit='') else: self.check_result = CheckState.CRITICAL self.check_message = 'Cluster is unhealthy - no quorum' def check_zfs_fragmentation(self, name=None): url = self.get_url('nodes/{}/disks/zfs'.format(self.options.node)) data = self.request(url) warnings = [] critical = [] found = name is None for pool in data: found = found or name == pool['name'] if (name is not None and name == pool['name']) or name is None: key = "fragmentation" if name is None: key += '_{}'.format(pool['name']) self.add_perfdata(key, pool['frag']) threshold_name = "fragmentation_{}".format(pool['name']) threshold_warning = self.threshold_warning(threshold_name) threshold_critical = self.threshold_critical(threshold_name) if threshold_critical is not None and pool['frag'] > float( threshold_critical.value): critical.append(pool) elif threshold_warning is not None and pool['frag'] > float( threshold_warning.value): warnings.append(pool) if not found: self.check_result = CheckState.UNKNOWN self.check_message = "Could not fetch fragmentation of ZFS pool '{}'".format(name) else: if warnings or critical: value = None if critical: self.check_result = CheckState.CRITICAL if name is not None: value = critical[0]['frag'] else: self.check_result = CheckState.WARNING if name is not None: value = warnings[0]['frag'] if name is not None: self.check_message = "Fragmentation of ZFS pool '{}' is above thresholds: {} %".format(name, value) else: message = "{} of {} ZFS pools are above fragmentation thresholds:\n\n".format( len(warnings) + len(critical), len(data)) message += "\n".join( ['- {} ({} %) is CRITICAL\n'.format(pool['name'], pool['frag']) for pool in critical]) message += "\n".join( ['- {} ({} %) is WARNING\n'.format(pool['name'], pool['frag']) for pool in warnings]) self.check_message = message else: self.check_result = CheckState.OK if name is not None: self.check_message = "Fragmentation of ZFS pool '{}' is OK".format(name) else: self.check_message = "Fragmentation of all ZFS pools is OK" def check_zfs_health(self, name=None): url = self.get_url('nodes/{}/disks/zfs'.format(self.options.node)) data = self.request(url) unhealthy = [] found = name is None healthy_conditions = ['online'] for pool in data: found = found or name == pool['name'] if (name is not None and name == pool['name']) or name is None: if pool['health'].lower() not in healthy_conditions: unhealthy.append(pool) if not found: self.check_result = CheckState.UNKNOWN self.check_message = "Could not fetch health of ZFS pool '{}'".format(name) else: if unhealthy: self.check_result = CheckState.CRITICAL message = "{} ZFS pools are not healthy:\n\n".format(len(unhealthy)) message += "\n".join( ['- {} ({}) is not healthy'.format(pool['name'], pool['health']) for pool in unhealthy]) self.check_message = message else: self.check_result = CheckState.OK if name is not None: self.check_message = "ZFS pool '{}' is healthy".format(name) else: self.check_message = "All ZFS pools are healthy" def check_ceph_health(self): url = self.get_url('cluster/ceph/status') data = self.request(url) ceph_health = data.get('health', {}) if 'status' not in ceph_health: self.check_result = CheckState.UNKNOWN self.check_message = "Could not fetch Ceph status from API. " \ "Check the output of 'pvesh get cluster/ceph' on your node" return if ceph_health['status'] == 'HEALTH_OK': self.check_result = CheckState.OK self.check_message = "Ceph Cluster is healthy" elif ceph_health['status'] == 'HEALTH_WARN': self.check_result = CheckState.WARNING self.check_message = "Ceph Cluster is in warning state" elif ceph_health['status'] == 'HEALTH_CRIT': self.check_result = CheckState.CRITICAL self.check_message = "Ceph Cluster is in critical state" else: self.check_result = CheckState.UNKNOWN self.check_message = "Ceph Cluster is in unknown state" def check_storage(self, name): # check if storage exists url = self.get_url('nodes/{}/storage'.format(self.options.node)) data = self.request(url) if not any(s['storage'] == name for s in data): self.check_result = CheckState.CRITICAL self.check_message = "Storage '{}' doesn't exist on node '{}'".format(name, self.options.node) return url = self.get_url('nodes/{}/storage/{}/status'.format(self.options.node, name)) self.check_api_value(url, "Usage of storage '{}' is".format(name)) def check_version(self): url = self.get_url('version') data = self.request(url) if not data['version']: self.check_result = CheckState.UNKNOWN self.check_message = "Unable to determine pve version" elif self.options.min_version and version.parse(self.options.min_version) > version.parse(data['version']): self.check_result = CheckState.CRITICAL self.check_message = "Current pve version '{}' ({}) is lower than the min. required version '{}'".format( data['version'], data['repoid'], self.options.min_version) else: self.check_message = "Your pve instance version '{}' ({}) is up to date".format(data['version'], data['repoid']) def check_memory(self): url = self.get_url('nodes/{}/status'.format(self.options.node)) self.check_api_value(url, 'Memory usage is', key='memory') def check_swap(self): url = self.get_url('nodes/{}/status'.format(self.options.node)) self.check_api_value(url, 'Swap usage is', key='swap') def check_cpu(self): url = self.get_url('nodes/{}/status'.format(self.options.node)) self.check_api_value(url, 'CPU usage is', key='cpu') def check_io_wait(self): url = self.get_url('nodes/{}/status'.format(self.options.node)) self.check_api_value(url, 'IO wait is', key='wait', perfkey='wait') def check_thresholds(self, value, message, **kwargs): is_warning = False is_critical = False if not isinstance(value, dict): value = {None: value} for metric, value in value.items(): value_warning = self.threshold_warning(metric) if value_warning is not None: is_warning = is_warning or value_warning.check(value, kwargs.get('lowerValue', False)) value_critical = self.threshold_critical(metric) if value_critical is not None: is_critical = is_critical or value_critical.check(value, kwargs.get('lowerValue', False)) if is_critical: self.check_result = CheckState.CRITICAL self.check_message = kwargs.get('messageCritical', message) elif is_warning: self.check_result = CheckState.WARNING self.check_message = kwargs.get('messageWarning', message) else: self.check_message = message def scale_value(self, value): if self.options.unit in self.UNIT_SCALE: return value / self.UNIT_SCALE[self.options.unit] else: assert ('wrong unit') def threshold_warning(self, name: str): return self.options.threshold_warning.get(name, self.options.threshold_warning.get(None, None)) def threshold_critical(self, name: str): return self.options.threshold_critical.get(name, self.options.threshold_critical.get(None, None)) def get_value(self, value, total=None): value = float(value) if total: value /= float(total) / 100 else: value = self.scale_value(value) return round(value, 2) def add_perfdata(self, name, value, **kwargs): unit = kwargs.get('unit', '%') perfdata = '{}={}{}'.format(name, value, unit) threshold_warning = self.threshold_warning(name) threshold_critical = self.threshold_critical(name) perfdata += ';' if threshold_warning: perfdata += str(threshold_warning.value) perfdata += ';' if threshold_critical: perfdata += str(threshold_critical.value) perfdata += ';{}'.format(kwargs.get('min', 0)) perfdata += ';{}'.format(kwargs.get('max', '')) self.perfdata.append(perfdata) def get_perfdata(self): perfdata = '' if len(self.perfdata): perfdata = '|' perfdata += ' '.join(self.perfdata) return perfdata def check(self): self.check_result = CheckState.OK if self.options.mode == 'cluster': self.check_cluster_status() elif self.options.mode == 'version': self.check_version() elif self.options.mode == 'memory': self.check_memory() elif self.options.mode == 'swap': self.check_swap() elif self.options.mode == 'io_wait': self.check_io_wait() elif self.options.mode == 'disk-health': self.check_disks() elif self.options.mode == 'cpu': self.check_cpu() elif self.options.mode == 'services': self.check_services() elif self.options.mode == 'updates': self.check_updates() elif self.options.mode == 'subscription': self.check_subscription() elif self.options.mode == 'storage': self.check_storage(self.options.name) elif self.options.mode in ['vm', 'vm_status']: only_status = self.options.mode == 'vm_status' if self.options.name: idx = self.options.name else: idx = self.options.vmid if self.options.expected_vm_status: self.check_vm_status(idx, expected_state=self.options.expected_vm_status, only_status=only_status) else: self.check_vm_status(idx, only_status=only_status) elif self.options.mode == 'replication': self.check_replication() elif self.options.mode == 'ceph-health': self.check_ceph_health() elif self.options.mode == 'zfs-health': self.check_zfs_health(self.options.name) elif self.options.mode == 'zfs-fragmentation': self.check_zfs_fragmentation(self.options.name) else: message = "Check mode '{}' not known".format(self.options.mode) self.output(CheckState.UNKNOWN, message) self.check_output() def parse_args(self): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check command for PVE hosts via API') api_opts = p.add_argument_group('API Options') api_opts.add_argument("-e", "--api-endpoint", required=True, help="PVE api endpoint hostname") api_opts.add_argument("--api-port", required=False, help="PVE api endpoint port") api_opts.add_argument("-u", "--username", dest='api_user', required=True, help="PVE api user (e.g. icinga2@pve or icinga2@pam, depending on which backend you " "have chosen in proxmox)") group = api_opts.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest='api_password', help="PVE API user password") group.add_argument("-t", "--api-token", dest="api_token", help="PVE API token (format: TOKEN_ID=TOKEN_SECRET") api_opts.add_argument("-k", "--insecure", dest='api_insecure', action='store_true', default=False, help="Don't verify HTTPS certificate") api_opts.set_defaults(api_port=8006) check_opts = p.add_argument_group('Check Options') check_opts.add_argument("-m", "--mode", choices=( 'cluster', 'version', 'cpu', 'memory', 'swap', 'storage', 'io_wait', 'updates', 'services', 'subscription', 'vm', 'vm_status', 'replication', 'disk-health', 'ceph-health', 'zfs-health', 'zfs-fragmentation'), required=True, help="Mode to use.") check_opts.add_argument('-n', '--node', dest='node', help='Node to check (necessary for all modes except cluster and version)') check_opts.add_argument('--name', dest='name', help='Name of storage, vm, or container') check_opts.add_argument('--vmid', dest='vmid', type=int, help='ID of virtual machine or container') check_opts.add_argument('--expected-vm-status', choices=('running', 'stopped', 'paused'), help='Expected VM status') check_opts.add_argument('--ignore-vm-status', dest='ignore_vm_status', action='store_true', help='Ignore VM status in checks', default=False) check_opts.add_argument('--ignore-service', dest='ignore_services', action='append', metavar='NAME', help='Ignore service NAME in checks', default=[]) check_opts.add_argument('--ignore-disk', dest='ignore_disks', action='append', metavar='NAME', help='Ignore disk NAME in health check', default=[]) check_opts.add_argument('-w', '--warning', dest='threshold_warning', type=CheckThreshold.threshold_type, default={}, help='Warning threshold for check value. Mutiple thresholds with name:value,name:value') check_opts.add_argument('-c', '--critical', dest='threshold_critical', type=CheckThreshold.threshold_type, default={}, help='Critical threshold for check value. Mutiple thresholds with name:value,name:value') check_opts.add_argument('-M', dest='values_mb', action='store_true', default=False, help='Values are shown in the unit which is set with --unit (if available). Thresholds are also treated in this unit') check_opts.add_argument('-V', '--min-version', dest='min_version', type=str, help='The minimal pve version to check for. Any version lower than this will return ' 'CRITICAL.') check_opts.add_argument('--unit', choices=self.UNIT_SCALE.keys(), default='MiB', help='Unit which is used for performance data and other values') check_opts.add_argument('--ignore-unknown-disks', action='store_true', help='Skip checking disks that have an unknown health status (usually because they don\'t support SMART.') options = p.parse_args() if not options.node and options.mode not in ['cluster', 'vm', 'vm_status', 'version', 'ceph-health']: p.print_usage() message = "{}: error: --mode {} requires node name (--node)".format(p.prog, options.mode) self.output(CheckState.UNKNOWN, message) if not options.vmid and not options.name and options.mode in ('vm', 'vm_status'): p.print_usage() message = "{}: error: --mode {} requires either vm name (--name) or id (--vmid)".format(p.prog, options.mode) self.output(CheckState.UNKNOWN, message) if not options.name and options.mode == 'storage': p.print_usage() message = "{}: error: --mode {} requires storage name (--name)".format(p.prog, options.mode) self.output(CheckState.UNKNOWN, message) def compare_thresholds(threshold_warning, threshold_critical, comparator): ok = True keys = set(list(threshold_warning.keys()) + list(threshold_critical.keys())) for key in keys: if (key in threshold_warning and key in threshold_critical) or (None in threshold_warning and None in threshold_critical): ok = ok and comparator(threshold_warning[key], threshold_critical[key]) elif key in threshold_warning and None in threshold_critical: ok = ok and comparator(threshold_warning[key], threshold_critical[None]) elif key in threshold_critical and None in threshold_warning: ok = ok and comparator(threshold_warning[None], threshold_critical[key]) return ok if options.threshold_warning and options.threshold_critical: if options.mode != 'subscription' and not compare_thresholds(options.threshold_warning, options.threshold_critical, lambda w, c: w <= c): p.error("Critical value must be greater than warning value") elif options.mode == 'subscription' and not compare_thresholds(options.threshold_warning, options.threshold_critical, lambda w, c: w >= c): p.error("Critical value must be lower than warning value") self.options = options def __init__(self): self.options = {} self.ticket = None self.perfdata = [] self.check_result = CheckState.UNKNOWN self.check_message = "" self.__headers = {} self.__cookies = {} self.parse_args() if self.options.api_insecure: # disable urllib3 warning about insecure requests requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) if self.options.api_password is not None: self.__cookies['PVEAuthCookie'] = self.get_ticket() elif self.options.api_token is not None: self.__headers["Authorization"] = "PVEAPIToken={}!{}".format(self.options.api_user, self.options.api_token) pve = CheckPVE() pve.check()