template Host "proxmox-host" { import "generic-host" vars.pve_host = name vars.pve_node = name.split(".")[0] // ... or if not matching the fqdn (nodename.domain.example) // vars.pve_node = "proxmox-host" // if your icinga host don't trust your pve certificate, you'll have to uncomment this line // vars.pve_insecure_connection = true vars.pve_user = "monitor@pve" vars.pve_password = "SuperSecretPassw0rd" // change to false, if node is no member of a pve cluster vars.pve_cluster = true } object Host "proxmox-host.domain.example" { import "proxmox-host" address = "" vars.pve_storage["flashpool"] = { pve_warning = 80 pve_critical = 90 } vars.pve_storage["diskpool"] = { pve_warning = 80 pve_critical = 90 } // Ignore these disks in health check (USB sticks, SD cards, etc.) vars.pve_ignore_disks = [ "sdn", "sdg" ] vars.virtual_machines["vm-01"] = { } } template Service "pve-service" { import "generic-service" check_command = "pve" } apply Service "cluster" { import "pve-service" vars.pve_mode = "cluster" assign where host.vars.pve_host && host.vars.pve_cluster } apply Service "services" { import "pve-service" vars.pve_mode = "services" // Ignore cluster status on single nodes if (!host.vars.pve_cluster) { vars.pve_ignore_services = host.vars.pve_ignore_services || [] vars.pve_ignore_services.add("corosync") } assign where host.vars.pve_host } apply Service "updates" { import "pve-service" check_interval = 12h retry_interval = 2h max_check_attempts = 3 vars.pve_mode = "updates" assign where host.vars.pve_host } apply Service "disk-health" { import "pve-service" vars.pve_mode = "disk-health" assign where host.vars.pve_host } apply Service "io_wait" { import "pve-service" vars.pve_mode = "io_wait" vars.pve_warning = 10 vars.pve_critical = 30 assign where host.vars.pve_host } apply Service "cpu" { import "pve-service" vars.pve_mode = "cpu" vars.pve_warning = 70 vars.pve_critical = 90 assign where host.vars.pve_host } apply Service "memory" { import "pve-service" vars.pve_mode = "memory" vars.pve_warning = 80 vars.pve_critical = 90 assign where host.vars.pve_host } apply Service "storage " for (storage => config in host.vars.pve_storage) { import "pve-service" vars += config vars.pve_mode = "storage" vars.pve_resource_name = storage } apply Service "pve-vm " for (vm => config in host.vars.virtual_machines) { import "pve-service" vars += config vars.pve_mode = "vm" vars.pve_resource_name = vm assign where host.vars.pve_host }