import sys def create_description_list(data: list): """ Create a Description List HTML element based on the input list. Args: data (list): A list containing lists, where each inner list has two elements: the description term and the description details. Returns: str: A string containing the HTML representation of the description list. Example: data = [ ["Description Term 1", "Description Details 1"], ["Description Term 2", "Description Details 2"], ["Description Term 3", "Description Details 3"], ] html = create_description_list(data) print(html) """ html = "
" for item in data: html += f"
" html += "
" return html def dict_to_perfdata(data: dict, replace_dashes=True): """ Transforms a dictionary into Icinga2 perfdata format. The input dictionary should have the following structure: { "item1": { "value": any_type (required), "warn": any_type (optional), "crit": any_type (optional), "min": any_type (optional), "max": any_type (optional), "unit": string (optional), }, ... } :param data: A dictionary containing the perfdata items and their values. :type data: dict :param replace_dashes: If True, replace dashes in perfdata names/keys with underscores. Default is True. :type replace_dashes: bool :return: A string in Icinga2 perfdata format. :rtype: str """ perfdata = [] for key, values in data.copy().items(): # Remove values that are None for k, v in values.copy().items(): if v is None: del values[k] if replace_dashes: key = key.replace('-', '_') item = f"{key.strip()}={values['value']}{values.get('unit', '')}" for k in ['warn', 'crit', 'min', 'max']: if k in values: item += f";{values[k]}" else: item += ";" perfdata.append(item) return " ".join(perfdata) def print_icinga2_check_status(text_result: str, return_code: int, perfdata=None): """ Prints the status of an Icinga2 check with the given text result, return code, and perfdata. Example: sample_text_result = "check is good, time 120s" sample_return_code = 0 sample_perfdata = { "time": { "value": 120, "warn": 3, "crit": 100, "min": 0, "max": 200, }, } print_icinga2_check_status(sample_text_result, sample_return_code, sample_perfdata) :param text_result: The text result of the check command. :type text_result: str :param return_code: The return code of the check (UNKNOWN=-1, OK=0, WARNING=1, CRITICAL=2). :type return_code: int :param perfdata: A dictionary containing the perfdata items and their values, defaults to an empty dictionary. :type perfdata: dict, optional :raises ValueError: If an invalid return code is passed. """ if perfdata is None: perfdata = {} status_codes = { -1: "UNKNOWN", 0: "OK", 1: "WARNING", 2: "CRITICAL", } if return_code not in status_codes: raise ValueError(f"Invalid return code: {return_code}") status = status_codes[return_code] perfdata_str = f' | {dict_to_perfdata(perfdata)}' if perfdata else '' print(f"{status} - {text_result.strip()}{perfdata_str}") def quit_check(text_result: str, exit_code: int, perfdata=None): print_icinga2_check_status(text_result, exit_code, perfdata=perfdata) sys.exit(exit_code)