from math import log2, log10 from typing import Union from hurry.filesize import size def filesize(bytes: int, spaces: bool = True, formatter: bool = True): if formatter: system = [ (1024 ** 5, ' PB'), (1024 ** 4, ' TB'), (1024 ** 3, ' GB'), (1024 ** 2, ' MB'), (1024 ** 1, ' KB'), (1024 ** 0, ' B'), ] x = size(bytes, system=system) else: x = size(bytes) if spaces: return x else: return x.replace(' ', '') def human_readable_size(size: Union[int, float], bits=False, decimal_places: int = 2, base: int = 10): # Define the units units = {False: {2: ['bytes', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB'], 10: ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']}, True: {2: ['bits', 'Kib', 'Mib', 'Gib', 'Tib', 'Pib', 'Eib', 'Zib', 'Yib'], 10: ['bits', 'Kb', 'Mb', 'Gb', 'Tb', 'Pb', 'Eb', 'Zb', 'Yb']}} # Convert bytes to bits if needed if bits: size *= 8 # Determine the unit if size == 0: return '0 ' + units[bits][base][0] else: if base == 2: log = int(log2(size)) exp = log // 10 elif base == 10: log = int(log10(size)) exp = log // 3 else: raise ValueError("Invalid base. Use either 2 or 10.") if exp >= len(units[bits][base]): exp = len(units[bits][base]) - 1 size /= base ** (exp * (10 if base == 2 else 3)) if decimal_places == 0: size = int(size) else: round(size, decimal_places) return f'{size} {units[bits][base][exp]}'