
210 lines
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import asyncio
import copy
import json
import os
import sys
import time
from pathlib import Path
import aiofiles.os
import magic
import markdown
from PIL import Image
from nio import AsyncClient, LoginResponse, MatrixRoom, RoomForgetResponse, RoomLeaveResponse, RoomSendError, UploadResponse, AsyncClientConfig
from . import nagios as nagios
def write_login_details_to_disk(resp: LoginResponse, homeserver, config_file) -> None:
"""Writes the required login details to disk so we can log in later without
using a password.
resp {LoginResponse} -- the successful client login response.
homeserver -- URL of homeserver, e.g. "https://matrix.example.org"
# open the config file in write-mode
with open(config_file, "w") as f:
# write the login details to disk
json.dump({"homeserver": homeserver, # e.g. "https://matrix.example.org"
"user_id": resp.user_id, # e.g. "@user:example.org"
"device_id": resp.device_id, # device ID, 10 uppercase letters
"access_token": resp.access_token, # cryptogr. access token
}, f, )
async def send_image(client, room_id, image):
"""Send image to room.
client : Client
room_id : str
image : str, file name of image
This is a working example for a JPG image.
"content": {
"body": "someimage.jpg",
"info": {
"size": 5420,
"mimetype": "image/jpeg",
"thumbnail_info": {
"w": 100,
"h": 100,
"mimetype": "image/jpeg",
"size": 2106
"w": 100,
"h": 100,
"thumbnail_url": "mxc://example.com/SomeStrangeThumbnailUriKey"
"msgtype": "m.image",
"url": "mxc://example.com/SomeStrangeUriKey"
mime_type = magic.from_file(image, mime=True) # e.g. "image/jpeg"
if not mime_type.startswith("image/"):
print(f'UNKNOWN: wrong mime type "{mime_type}"')
im = Image.open(image)
(width, height) = im.size # im.size returns (width,height) tuple
# first do an upload of image, then send URI of upload to room
file_stat = await aiofiles.os.stat(image)
async with aiofiles.open(image, "r+b") as f:
resp, maybe_keys = await client.upload(f, content_type=mime_type, # image/jpeg
filename=os.path.basename(image), filesize=file_stat.st_size, )
if not isinstance(resp, UploadResponse):
print(f'UNKNOWN: failed to upload image "{vars(resp)}"')
content = {"body": os.path.basename(image), # descriptive title
"info": {"size": file_stat.st_size, "mimetype": mime_type, "thumbnail_info": None, # TODO
"w": width, # width in pixel
"h": height, # height in pixel
"thumbnail_url": None, # TODO
}, "msgtype": "m.image", "url": resp.content_uri, }
return await client.room_send(room_id, message_type="m.room.message", content=content)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Image send of file {image} failed.")
print(f'UNKNOWN: failed to send image event "{e}"')
def send_msg(client, room, msg):
async def inner(client, room, msg):
r = await client.room_send(room_id=room, message_type="m.room.message", content={"msgtype": "m.text", "body": msg, "format": "org.matrix.custom.html", "formatted_body": markdown.markdown(msg), }, )
if isinstance(r, RoomSendError):
await client.close()
return asyncio.run(inner(client, room, msg))
def login(user, pw, hs, auth_file, room):
async def inner(user, pw, hs, auth_file, room):
client = AsyncClient(hs, user)
if auth_file:
# If there are no previously-saved credentials, we'll use the password
if not os.path.exists(auth_file):
resp = await client.login(pw)
# check that we logged in successfully
if isinstance(resp, LoginResponse):
write_login_details_to_disk(resp, hs, auth_file)
print(f'Failed to log in "{resp}"')
# Otherwise the config file exists, so we'll use the stored credentials
with open(auth_file, "r") as f:
config = json.load(f)
client = AsyncClient(config["homeserver"])
client.access_token = config["access_token"]
client.user_id = config["user_id"]
client.device_id = config["device_id"]
await client.login(pw)
await client.join(room)
x = client.access_token
await client.close()
return x, client
return asyncio.run(inner(user, pw, hs, auth_file, room))
async def leave_room_async(room_id, client):
l = await client.room_leave(room_id)
f = await client.room_forget(room_id)
return isinstance(l, RoomLeaveResponse) and isinstance(f, RoomForgetResponse), l, f
async def leave_all_rooms_async(client, exclude_starting_with=None):
results = []
for room_id in (await client.joined_rooms()).rooms:
room = MatrixRoom(room_id, client.user_id)
# if exclude_starting_with and room.named_room_name() is not None and room.named_room_name().startswith(exclude_starting_with):
# continue
s, l, f = await leave_room_async(room_id, client)
results.append((s, l, f))
await client.sync()
invited_rooms = copy.copy(client.invited_rooms) # RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
for name, room in invited_rooms.items():
# if exclude_starting_with and room.named_room_name() is not None and room.named_room_name().startswith(exclude_starting_with):
# continue
s, l, f = await leave_room_async(room.room_id, client)
results.append((s, l, f))
await client.close()
return results
def leave_all_rooms(client, exclude_starting_with=None):
return asyncio.run(leave_all_rooms_async(client, exclude_starting_with))
def write_details_to_disk(resp: LoginResponse, homeserver, config_file) -> None:
"""Writes the required login details to disk so we can log in later without
using a password.
resp {LoginResponse} -- the successful client login response.
homeserver -- URL of homeserver, e.g. "https://matrix.example.org"
# open the config file in write-mode
with open(config_file, "w") as f:
# write the login details to disk
json.dump({"homeserver": homeserver, # e.g. "https://matrix.example.org"
"user_id": resp.user_id, # e.g. "@user:example.org"
"device_id": resp.device_id, # device ID, 10 uppercase letters
"access_token": resp.access_token, # cryptogr. access token
}, f, )
async def login_and_cache(user_id, passwd, homeserver, auth_file=None, request_timeout=60):
auth_file = Path(auth_file).resolve().absolute().expanduser()
client = AsyncClient(homeserver, user_id, config=AsyncClientConfig(request_timeout=request_timeout, max_timeout_retry_wait_time=10))
if auth_file:
# If there are no previously-saved credentials, we'll use the password
if not os.path.exists(auth_file):
resp = await client.login(passwd)
# check that we logged in successfully
if isinstance(resp, LoginResponse):
write_details_to_disk(resp, homeserver, auth_file)
# TODO: fall back to re-logging in and caching creds
print(f'UNKNOWN: failed to log in "{resp}"')
# Otherwise the config file exists, so we'll use the stored credentials
with open(auth_file, "r") as f:
config = json.load(f)
client = AsyncClient(config["homeserver"])
client.access_token = config["access_token"]
client.user_id = config["user_id"]
client.device_id = config["device_id"]
await client.login(passwd)
return client