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* M O B I L E A T L A S C R E A T O R *
* V E R S I O N I N F O R M A T I O N *
+ = Additions since previous version
! = Bug fixes since previous version
~ = Changes since previous version
- = Features that has been removed
2.3.3 (2023-10-13)
! BSH map sources: fixed Cannot access method addRequestProperty when using
Java 17+ (#383)
~ Custom map sources: validate map source names for disallowed characters
- Map source "4uMaps" removed (service discontinued)
2.3.2 (2023-09-29)
! MBTiles: prevent duplicate tiles in mbtiles database
! MBTiles: atlases are now restricted to one map per zoom level
~ Updated Mapsforge to 0.20
2.3.1 (2023-01-18)
! Mapsforge: VALIDATE_COORDINATES=false to avoid problems at the borders of
the world
! "Show Readme" menu command fixed (#380)
! MBTiles bounds changed to match the specification: "Bounds must define an
area covered by all zoom levels."
2.3.0 (2022-08-11)
~ Mapsforge library updated to version 0.18
! Fixed PNG 4bit/8bit tile processing
! Fixed problems with the used Berkeley DB JE on systems with Turkish locale
(tile store database library was upgraded to version 5.0.73)
~ MBTiles database format upgraded to 1.3 (minzoom/maxzoom added, FR #307)
+ Added image format WEBP as tile type including detection on download
+ Alpine Quest Map files (.aqm) can be used as local map source
<localTileSQLite> (2022-05-15)
! Fixed StackOverflowError when opening settings dialog (#372) (2022-05-09)
! Fixed problems with MapEvaluator (missing resources #370)
2.2.3 (2022-05-06)
! Fixed fallback to English when a localized string is missing in the selected
! Fixed min/max zoom info for SQLite based atlas: RMaps, BackCountry, OsmAnd
SQLite, Maverick, MBTiles, BigPlanet Tracks (#365)
~ Detection of JPEG image type improved (more variants are now detected)
~ Mapsforge library updated to version 0.17
+ customWmsMapSource: <coordinateunit> entry allows to switch between
meter/degree (replaces wgs84 parameter)
2.2.2 (2022-01-31)
- Dropped support for Java 8 - Java 11+ is now required
~ Allow transparent background on CustomMultiLayerMap (#359)
! FreemapSlovakia maps updated
~ Boolean fields in custom map sources that can be true or false now only
accept one of those values
+ BSH Tools method "alert" added
! BSH map sources did not correctly apply ignoreError=true setting in
multi-layer maps and other occasions
! Custom multi-layer XML map source: fixed a minor problem with mapping
alpha values to layers in case not all layers return an image
+ Custom WMS map source support for v1.3.0 with EPSG:4171 and wgs84 mode
thanks to Nicolas Paour
! Tile calculation fixed for local map sources
~ Logging backend changed from log4j to slf4j+logback
2.2.1 (2021-06-02)
! Loading an MOBAC XML profile can cause java.lang.NullPointerException
! "OsmAnd tile storage" atlas format: fixed file name scheme of generated
map tiles to "YYYYYYpng.tile" (#356)
! Freemap Slovakia maps fixed (FR#306)
- Non-working maps "OSMapa-Topo..." removed
- Non-working map "FAA Sectional Charts" removed
- Non-working map "MoldovaPointMd" removed
! Fixed bounds calculation for negative lat/lon values for MBTiles and
GeoPackage maps (#358)
2.2.0 (2021-04-10)
! MOBAC build system changed to Gradle
+ Support for ARM based MacOS systems (SQLite library)
- Support for 32bit systems dropped
! fixed Jaxb problem causing a NullPointerException with defineClass
is null (#355)
2.1.4 (2020-12-22)
+ Russian translation added (thanks to xmember)
+ Preview map view: Show detailed error in each tile if download had failed.
! Default map tile expiration time was not correctly applied when the server
does not provide an expiration time (see #342).
! TileDownloader ignored used customized settings (e.g. expiration times)
see #342
! Correct handling of tile counter for multi-layered local map sources (#345)
! Custom map sources with invertYCoordinate=true save tiles in cache to the
wrong (inverted) tile coordinate (#349). Note that fixing this issue means
that all saved tile caches of custom map sources have to be cleared as the
tiles are saved to invalid coordinates.
! MBTiles bounds issue with multiple maps in one atlas fixed (#348)
2.1.3 (2020-04-13)
! Custom map sources with UTF-8 characters now loaded correctly on platforms
with a different default encoding than UTF-8 (fix for #324)
! NullPointerException when creating an Magellan RMP (fix for #325)
+ New map sources (covering Spain): Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN)
WMTS Base/MTM/PNOA (ortho)
+ Measurement ruler on preview map added (patch #45)
+ Allow to set HTTP headers that are restricted by Java in custom map sources.
Such as "Origin", "Connection" and other.
- Map source removed: "Chartbundle US World Aeronautical Charts" (#332)
- Map source added: "Chartbundle US Helicopter Charts" (#332)
! Fixed: preview selection around GPX around not visible on the map (#333)
- Removed the undocumented feature to trust TLS certificates via settings.xml
(<trustedCertificates> and <certificateHash> entries)
+ Added entries to BeanShell and custom XML map sources to explicitly trust an
TLS certificate (via it's public key). The public key is identified via it's
sha-256 hash that can be placed in the custom map xml/bsh file.
+ BSH map source tools method added: "getDirectory(...)"
+ BSH map source tools method added: "calculateTileLatLon(zoom, x, y)"
2.1.2 (2019-08-07)
~ Minimum supported Java version increased to Java 8 (1.8)
! "mapFile must not be null" error when creating an atlas
! Save settings to settings.xml in UTF-8 format (fix for #324)
! Map creation error with JPEG (Garmin Custom and others) (fix for #326)
+ Add trusted certificate for HTTPS connections via settings.xml
2.1.1a (2019-04-13)
! NoSuchMethodException when clicking the "Create Atlas" button (fix for #321)
2.1.1 (2019-04-10)
~ Changed the MOBAC website URL (e.g. used for online update): ->
! Map source initialization by atlas creation engine added (fix for #313)
! Multi-threading issue with TileImageWriter fixed
~ On Linux now always xdg-open is used for opening the atlas folder in file
manager (#317)
2.1.0 (2018-06-18)
! fixed
~ Mapsforge updated to version 0.9.1
- Removed: map source OpenPisteMap (does not exist anymore)
+ JAXB libraries included into MOBAC (for Java 9+)
2.0.1 (2017-11-11)
! Fixed: Custom maps source loading problem when using custom map sources in a
custom multi-layer map source (#294)
~ Clean-up: USGS map sources (some removed, some updated)
+ Extra start commands for Java 9:
"", "Mobile Atlas Creator Java9.exe"
2.0.0 (2017-04-14)
~ Mapsforge library updated to version 0.8.0
~ SQLite-jdbc library updated to version 3.16.1
2.0.0 beta 3 (2017-01-02)
~ Mapsforge library updated to version 0.7.0
! Fixed multi-threading problem for MapsForge maps (truncated labels)
~ Updated xerial sqlite-jdbc library to version
! Fixed: Mapsforge cusom map <textScale> did not had an effect
+ New: Mapsforge custom map property <userScaleFactor>
- MapQuest map source deleted (map not available anymore)
+ Custom Mapsforge Map: Multiple map files (<mapFile> elements) are now
possible (see example)
! Fixed: MOBAC on Windows now works when started on UNC network path
2.0.0 beta 2 (2016-04-24)
! Fixed New Zealand Topographic Maps (see bug #282 & patch #43)
- Removed maps: OpenStreetMap Mapnik and OpenSeaMap (maps are no longer
available for MOBAC)
+ Left panel is now resizeable by mouse
+ Refreshing the preview map view via "F5" now clears the label cache of
Mapsforge maps
+ BeanShell map source: "displayName" added (allows to use non-ascii characters
as map name shown in MOBAC
2.0.0 beta 1 (2015-11-26)
~ Mapsforge library updated to version 0.6.0
~ Map pack update certificate re-created due to expired certificate.
The map pack update url changed, old MOBAC versions can no longer receive
map pack online updates.
! NzTopoMaps updated to new schema
2.0.0 alpha 4 (2015-09-01)
+ Canada Toporama map source reactivated
~ Mapsforge library updated to version 0.5.2
2.0.0 alpha 3 (2015-04-16)
~ Mapsforge vector maps library updated to 0.5.1
! Mapsforge custom caching implemented (required for correct label rendering)
2.0.0 alpha 2 (2014-10-31)
! Fixed problems using mapsforge vector maps as a layer of a multi-layer map
! TrekBuddyTar: test added for too long layer & map names
+ Maverick: Old atlas format (.jpg.tile) reactivated as additional atlas format.
+ New atlas format (experimental): GeoPackage
2.0.0 alpha 1 (2014-07-31)
~ GUI design improved
+ Custom map sources can be grouped by subdirectories
+ Direct rendering of bitmap tiles based on mapsforge vector maps
(see README.HTM for details).
1.9.16 (2014-02-06)
! Background color does not work in case of a multi-layer map source with
only one layer (#252)
~ The atlas format Maverick was changed from OSMTracker format to RMaps
SQLite format (request from Maverick author).
1.9.15 (2013-11-20)
+ Selection around GPX track: preview map selection while selecting distance
+ Selection enclosed by GPX track (inner region)
! Minimum and maximum zoom level of custom multi-layer map sources in
combination with local file-based map sources corrected
! Maverick: Corrected that all files are expected to have ".jpg.tile"
! Maplorer: Custom tile width and height reactivated
extension, even if it is a PNG file.
+ Updated xerial SQLite library that comes with MOBAC to v1.3.15-M1.
1.9.14 (2013-07-29)
~ Custom SQlite map sources can now be specified using a relative path
~ BackCountry Navigator format updated - now SQLite based atlases are created
+ Japanese translation added (thanks to "u/ta-ka") [patch #33]
! Not translated tooltip corrected [patch #34]
! A problem with MapSourceInitializationException fixed (#245)
! Memory leak fixed in "TwoNav (RMAP)" atlas format causing an
OutOfMemoryError when creating a large atlas
1.9.13 (2013-05-29)
! HTML injection via Atlas name bug #242
! Workaround for Java bug in JPEG writer (if source image has alpha
transparency) implemented
+ French translation added (thanks to Jean-Claude Repetto) [patch #31]
1.9.12 (2013-04-17)
! Mapsource OpenStreetMap updated
~ Reduced the number of decimal places of coordinates in GPX files created by
MOBAC to 5 places (#242)
+ Custom multi-layer map sources: Each layer can now have an alpha
transparency value, specified as space separated list in <layersAlpha>
! Bufix of conversion between different coordinate formats (degree, deg/min,
~ localImageFile support using <retinaDisplay> (patch by miocool)
~ More atlas format support retina (scale = 2) images, including Paper(PNG),
Paper(pdf). (patch by miocool)
! More atlas format can display retina (scale = 2) images correctly
(convert to scale = 1), such as iPhone v5 (patch by miocool)
+ Add <localImageFile> map source support (patch by miocool)
! Bug fix of 512x512 map tile images in Multiple layer (patch by miocool)
+ Multiple language for Simplify-Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English
(patch by miocool)
+ View 512x512 map tile images for retina display (patch by miocool)
1.9.11 (2013-02-19)
! Bugfix for servers that send case insensitive content-types
! Bugfix OruxMapsSQlite final commit was missing (patch #30)
+ New map sources: USGS National Map Base/Satellite/Satellite+/Vector/Topo
! Bugfix Garmin Custom Map: Removed possibility to set output format to PNG
1.9.10 (2012-12-04)
! Bugfix Local tile [zip] files in quadkey format causes a
NullPointerException when creating an atlas (#229)
+ Custom multi-layer map source can now contain <customWmsMapSource> maps
1.9.9 (2012-10-09)
! Bugfix in PNGW calibration (patch by allib)
! RMAPS: Error "failed to retrieve max tile zoom info" fixed (#3561323)
! GEMF: Error "NullPointerException" fixed (#3564146)
~ OruxMaps: Patch #3300055 applied
+ Custom XML map: <invertYCoordinate> now works in simple XML map, too
+ Loading multiple GPX files at once into MOBAC (based on patch by heckie)
! Bugfix NullPointerException when aborting atlas download fixed (#3568849)
+ Automatically splitted maps because of the specified maximum map size can
now overlap 1-5 tiles
1.9.8 (2012-07-05)
! Viewranger atlas format depends on Java Advanced Imaging without checking
! OurxMaps SQLite: Memory handling changed (should prevent OutOfMemoryError)
! Fixed progress bar in atlas progress window for large atlases
+ Possibility added to use SQLite Java Wrapper (ch-werner) instead of default
sqlite library
~ Replaced the old SQLite library with recent version of Xerial. This fixes
all problems creating databases larger than 2GB on Windows 64bit
! CacheWolf: Custom tile processing re-enabled
+ New atlas format: iPhone 3 Map Tiles v5
1.9.7 (2012-05-16)
+ Custom XML map source: New parameter {$q} for Quad-Tree encoded zoom, x & y
+ New atlas output format: Osmdroid GEMF
+ Increased default map size to 65536
1.9.6 (2012-04-02)
+ New settings.xml option: <garminCustomMaxMapCount>
+ New atlas format: TomTom raster
- Map source removed: Openstreetmap Osmarenderer (project has been retired)
! Paper atlas: Disabling compass in settings was ineffective
+ New map source: OpenStreetMap (Europe)
+ backgroundColor option for customMultiLayerMapSource
! Message "The JPEG image format is not supported by OpenJDK." was shown at
start-up even is custom tiles processing was disabled
+ New atlas format: Viewranger
~ Magellan (RMP): Removed 18000 pixel check
1.9.5 (2012-03-09)
! Alpine Quest Map: Multiple bugs fixed (#3484328)
~ Improvements in atlas download progress dialog (patch by dvodvo)
~ Windows launcher "Mobile Atlas Creator.exe" increased max heap size to 1GB
~ Linux increased max heap size to 1GB
+ New selection mode: Circle (approximated by a 16 point polygon)
+ New map source: OSMapa-Topo with contours (PL)
1.9.4 (2012-01-29)
+ BeanShell map source: ignoreError=true feature added
+ Debug menu: Show/hide map tile borders
1.9.3 (2011-12-01)
+ Custom map source from local tiles XML schema changed:
new <sourceType> values: DIR_ZOOM_X_Y, DIR_ZOOM_Y_X, QUADKEY
removed flipXYDirs (use <sourceType>DIR_ZOOM_Y_X</sourceType> instead
! Custom map source from ZIPs: Handling for atlas types with two file
extensions fixed
! Bugfix Osmdroid SQlite: PRIMARY KEY must be unique (#3438206)
~ Turaterkep map updated (renamed internally to Turaterkep256 because of map
format change)
+ Support added for starting external tools from within MOBAC
1.9.2 (2011-10-12)
+ Custom map source from ZIP/files in file-system: added possibility to invert
y coordinate via "invertYCoordinate" like it is used by MapTiler
+ New settings.xml option: <downloadRetryCount> (default 1). Allows to reduce
or increase the maximum attempts MOBAC tries to download a tile in case
of errors occur while download or HTTP response is not as expected.
+ Logging verboseness now configurable for the current session via GUI
! PaperAtlas: NullPointerException when WGS Grid=off has been fixed
+ CustomSQLite atlas as map source: OSMAND format added
+ New atlas output format: OSMAND SQLite
1.9.1 (2011-09-09)
! Opening settings dialog: ClassCastException on Linux/OpenJDK
! Custom SQlite atlas as map source fixed for atlas formats AndNav,
BackCountry Navigator and Osmand
+ Background color for BeanShell map sources can be specified by adding
backgroundColor = "#ffffff";
! Custom SQLite atlas as map source had an undefined tileImageType;
Added auto-detection and user defined <tileImageType>
1.9 (2011-08-18)
! Calculation problem in MGMaps atlas format (fix by Pierre-Luc Paour)
! Custom mapsource from RMaps SQLite atlas shows wrong zoom levels
- Removed map source: Open Cycle Map (request by Andy Allan)
+ New map source: OSMapa-Topo (Poland)
+ Map source tile store coverage: button for hiding colored layer added
+ OziExplorer/Trekbuddy: MM1B calculation improved (patch by MrPete #3026830)
+ Custom XML map source: {$serverpart} / <serverParts> implemented for
balancing load among multiple servers with different DNS names
+ SQLite library included in MOBAC distribution
1.9 beta 6 (2011-06-21)
+ New atlas format: Geocaching Live offline maps
+ New atlas format: MBTiles (Experimental)
+ New atlas format: Paper Atlas (PDF) & Paper Atlas (PNG)
[provided by Ľubomír Vasek]
! Bug #3316081 - "String index out of range: -1" upon map sources update
! Incorrect selection and tile count calculation
+ New map source: Moldova (
1.9 beta 5 (2011-05-17)
+ Added possibility change directory syntax for file and zip based map sources
from zoom/x/y to zoom/y/x ("flipXYDir")
+ Added possibility to use <localTileFiles> and <localTileZip> within a custom
multi-layer map source
! CustomMultiLayerMapSource: "null" error when loading
! directories.ini: mobac.atlasprofilesdir not used for loading profiles list
+ directories.ini: System variables can be used in the form ${VARNAME}
+ Local map sources from SQLite atlases can now be used - supported formats are
RMaps, MBTiles, BigPlanetTracks, Galileo, NaviComputer
! Fixed OpenStreetMap Cycle Map
+ Experimental: adding user-defined polygon maps
~ Changed polygon selection behavior - selection stays now after adding it
1.9 beta 4 (2011-05-02)
~ Problem loading tile image type for custom map sources (ends up for TrekBuddy
atlas format in an NullPointerException like in bug #3290976
~ Settings dialog now lists all tile stores - not only the stores of loaded map
+ Experimental: Polygonal map derived from GPX track segment
! Endless opening of exception dialog (endless recursion)
1.9 beta 3 (2011-04-21)
+ Map source UMP-pcPL reactivated
+ [Nokia] Sports Tracker file extension changed to jpg (feature request #3066161)
+ Reactivated atlas format "TwoNav (RMAP)"
+ New map source: FAA Sectional Charts (
+ Reactivated map sources (Car atlas, Hiking map, Cycle map)
+ Map source New Zealand Topographic Maps ( reactivated
! OruxMapsSQLite: Last processed tiles missing in db file
1.9 beta 2 (2011-04-06)
! Custom atlas map source / locally generated tiles map source
+ New map source for using tiles from zip file(s)
+ Removed all map sources except the OSM related - for details see
1.9 beta 1 (2011-03-29)
+ New map source: OpenStreetMap MapQuest
+ New map source: OpenStreetMap Bing layer (Mapnik powered by Microsoft)
~ Maximum zoom level of OpenStreetMap Mapnik decreased to 16 (zoom levels
17+ are blocked on server side because of high server stress for
generating such tiles)
+ New custom map source type: reading tiles offline from an OSMTracker/AndNav/
BackCountry Navigator/Maverick/OSMAND atlas (from file system)
~ Atlas format PNG+Worldfile: projection file for Arcgis added and calculation
improved (patch by user mmartin2)
~ JPEG compression level selectable for Magellan (RMP) atlas format
1.9 preview 14 (2011-03-17)
+ Osmdroid SQLite: Tile image format conversion implemented
- Osm Hiking maps removed (excluding the "Wanderreitkarte Abo" version)
- maps removed as requested by map provider
1.9 preview 13 (2011-03-12)
+ Download to tile store without creating an atlas:
new atlas format "Tile store download only"
! BeanShell map sources could not be used with certain atlas formats
+ New map source: Israel Topo (Amudanan) with and without trails
1.9 preview 12 (2011-03-05)
~ Cykloatlas: max zoom level extended to 16
+ New map source: Canada Toporama
+ Convert an existing atlas profile to a different output format
! Loading of custom CloudMade maps fixed
1.9 preview 11 (2011-03-02)
! Error when using a BeanShell map source with certain atlas formats
- Removed Map+ map sources because of license problem with swisstopo
1.9 preview 10 (2011-02-28)
! Fixed map source:
+ Bookmarks can be added (saves map position and selected map source)
! Fixed map source: Cykloatlas and relief
! Fixed map source: Map+ (Switzerland)
+ New map source: Map+ Gelände (Switzerland)
+ New atlas format: nfComPass
1.9 preview 9 (2011-02-22)
+ New map source: Reit- und Wanderkarte (Abo) - (requires purchased ticket)
~ Updated New Zealand Topographic Maps url
! OpenStreetMap attribution + MOBAC user aget
1.9 preview 8 (2011-02-16)
+ NaviComputer: Possible to change tile image format (PNG, 4Bit-PNG, JPEG, ...)
+ OpenPisteMap: All three layers (base, contours and landshed are now supported)
- Disabled TwoNav RMAP output format because of legal/license problems
1.9 preview 7 (2011-02-04)
+ OSM Hiking ticket system implemented (
! NoSuchMethodError: mobac.program.ProgramInfo.getUserAgent()Ljava/lang/String;
1.9 preview 6 (2011-02-04)
! Custom tile size was not available for TrekBuddy and Glopus GFM
~ Tile usage policy implemented for OSM Mapnik
1.9 preview 5 (2011-01-21)
+ New map source: ICAO Maps (Germany)
+ Manual map pack online update via settings dialog
+ Add selection via Ctrl+A key combination possible (see "Maps" menu)
1.9 preview 4 (2011-01-14)
+ New: Support for CustomWmsMapSource (experimental)
+ Download bandwidth limitation selectable for very fast network connections
! Highest zoom level missing in tile store coverage zoom selector
+ New atlas format: OsmdroidSQlite
+ New map sources: ArcGIS topo map/satellite/street map
1.9 preview 3 (2011-01-09)
+ New atlas format: PNG + Worldfile (PNG & PGW)
~ Atlas output format has to be chosen before adding maps
~ Disabling of unsupported tile processing options (regarding the current
atlas format)
~ Enabled maps with ellipsoid projection for RMaps
1.9 preview 2 (2010-12-18)
+ New atlas format: BackCountry Navigator
+ New atlas format: TwoNav (RMAP)
+ Multi-layer maps with more than two layers are now possible
+ New map source: OSM Hiking with relief and base
+ New map source: Open Sea Map (sea layer joined with Mapnik)
+ New atlas format: MGMaps/MyTrails (MGM)
+ New map source:
~ Map sources are now packed into "MapPacks" which can be updated
without changing the main MOBAC program
~ Custom map sources are moved from settings.xml into separate xml files
in the "mapsources" sub-directory
~ XML structure of multi-layer custom maps sources has changed
+ Multi-layer maps can now contain map sources that come with MOBAC
This allows to combine existing map sources with new overlays.
+ BeanShell map sources can be used if placed in the "mapsources"
+ All direcories used by MOBAC can be pre-configured via file
directories.ini in the MOBAC program directory
+ CustomMap: new parameter: ignoreErrors and backGroundColor can have
alpha transparency parameter
+ New map source: Cloudmade Map default style (1)
+ Tile image format conversion for RMaps/BigPlanet/Galileo
1.8 final: (2010-10-31)
+ New map source: New Zealand Topographic Maps
1.8 RC 1: (2010-10-23)
+ AlpineQuest handles tiles <> 256px and ellipsoid projections
+ New atlas format: Run.GPS Atlas
! Fixed map source:
1.8 beta 4: (2010-10-09)
~ Implemented logging for ImageWriter warnings
~ Display selected areas: adding a new map selection does no longer resets the
map selection and therefore the highlighted area does not change.
1.8 beta 3: (2010-10-02)
! Fixed: NullPointerException when renaming an GPX file entry
! MyTopo URL updated and fixed
~ Unnecessary restriction of RMaps / BigPlanet Tracks to zoom 17 removed
+ New map source: Microsoft Maps with hill shade
~ Custom tile settings now possible with SportsTracker
+ New atlas format: Osmdroid ZIP
+ New map source: SIGPAC Mercator (Spain only) - patch by susinho
1.8 beta 2: (2010-09-13)
+ AlpineQuestMap atlas creator updated (patch by Camille)
+ New map source: Navitel (Russian)
! GPS Sport Tracker: space removed in tile file name
! MyTopo URL updated
1.8 beta 1: (2010-08-24)
! Fixed PNG 256 color output
+ New atlas format: OruxMaps (Android)
+ New atlas format: Glopus Map File (AFTrack and others)
~ BigPlanet SQL commit rate changed
! #2963490 Using custom tile size with multi-layer maps creates black map
+ GPX file editor improved
~ Austrian Map removed (does not work anymore - unable to fix)
+ Yandex Map & Sat added (works only with selected atlas creators because of a
different projection category - Yandex uses an ellipsoid)
~ Map source change: replaces
+ New atlas format: PathAway
! Alpha transparency problem with multi-layer maps
+ New atlas format: AFTrack (OSZ)
~ CacheBox layer name uses now the map source name
+ New atlas format: AlpineQuestMap (AQM)
+ New atlas format: Ublox
! Fixed OSM Hiking relief
+ New map source: Cykloatlas with relief
+ Custom Map Sources extended to multi-layer map source (2 layers)
+ New map source: Statkart sea/nautical (AKA "sjo_hovedkart2")
~ TouretechQV: Corrected "projparams" (removed unset UTM zone) - see #2970353
+ New atlas format: Google Earth Overlay (unrestricted Google Custom Map)
! Fixed: #3008934 (MM1B calculation problem in .map file)
+ New map source: (USA only)
+ New map source: Yahoo Maps Japan
+ New atlas format: GPS Sports Tracker
+ New atlas format: Sports Tracker
+ New map source: OSM
+ Background color for custom maps added
~ maps updated and changed
+ New atlas format: Maplorer
+ New map source: Yahoo Taiwan
+ New map sources: Aero Charts VFR/IFR/IFR-H (USA only from
+ New atlas format: OruxMaps Sqlite
+ New map source: Ordnance Survey Explorer Maps (UK)
+ Proxy authentication by user name/password added in GUI
+ New atlas format: OSMAND
~ SQLite back-end replaced - Zentus SqliteJDBC is now used
(see README.HTM for details)
! OpenPisteMap tile url updated
+ New atlas format: NaviComputer
1.7: (2010-02-05)
~ Project has been renamed to "Mobile Atlas Creator" taking account that
besides TrekBuddy a large number of atlas and map formats are supported
and for ending the mix-up of "TrekBuddy" and "TrekBuddy Atlas Creator"
~ Tiles tore now uses database (BerkelyDB) instead of tile files in file
+ Old tiles saved in the tile store are checked and updated when used
(displayed in map view or used in an atlas). Updating is done via
expiration settings - those provided by the server or otherwise user
+ Atlas output directory can be specified via settings dialog
+ AndNav and OSMTracker: Tile format conversion (JPG <->PNG) implemented
including color reduction
~ can update it's base URL like the Google map sources do
~ Pause/resume button now works while map creation (not only while download)
+ New experimental map source: Turaterkep (Hungary hiking)
Uses tiles of size 512x512 (not supported by all atlas formats)
+ Multi-layer map sources such as Google Hybrid or OSM Hiking with relief
background can be used with all atlas creators
+ New map: NearMap Australia (high-resolution aerial images for Australia)
! GPX addWpt: Multiple way points added by one mouse click fixed
! Java max heap setting was ignored by Java because of
the position at the end of the command line
! #2904937 and #2905182 1px map calibration bug
+ New map source: Humbermedia Bavaria
+ New atlas format: Mobile Trail Explorer Cache (writes single MTECache file
per atlas)
+ New map sources: (Norway) Statkart Topo2, Toporaster2 (limited to 10.000
tiles per day and IP)
+ Drag & Drop for maps in "Atlas content" tree
+ New atlas format: Magellan RMP / VantagePoint
+ New atlas format: Touratech QV
! Fixed #2913874: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in PNG 4-bit writer
+ New map source: map/aerial/nautical (Sweden, Norway, Finland)
+ Checkbox added in atlas progress dialog for ignoring all download errors
+ New atlas format: CacheWolf (as one large 24bit png + WFL or tiled with
multiple WLF files using the configured image format and tile size)
+ New map source: (Switzerland)
+ Coordinate format changeable ("deg" / "deg,min" / "deg,min,sec")
+ New atlas format: CacheBox
+ New atlas format: Garmin Custom Map
Image downscaling uses bilinear filter (improves image quality)
+ Each map source has now a background color (usually black) that is used
in case of missing tiles
+ Content-type check after download (HTTP header and image data header)
+ New map source: Ovi/Nokia Maps
+ New map source: Bergfex (Austria)
! Grid paint juddering on high zoom levels fixed
~ OpenStreetMap Hiking updated
1.6.1: (2009-10-30)
! Loading and saving of GPX failed
1.6: (2009-10-27)
+ Loading & saving of GPX 1.1 files (way- track- and routepoints are displayed
as overlay)
+ GPX 1.0 files are automatically transformed to GPX 1.1 file on load
+ Route and tracks are painted as connected line
+ Add new way points to a GPX file (properties: lat, lon, name)
+ Map scale bar added (metric/imperial selectable)
+ New atlas format: Mobile Trail Explorer (MTE)
+ New atlas format: RMaps / BigPlanet SQLite (Android applications, requires
additional SQLite libraries)
+ New atlas format: OSMTracker
+ New map source: OpenStreetMap Public Transport (ö
+ New map source: AustrianMap (z14 & z15 of
[provided by Guenther Hoelzl]
+ New map sources: Freemap Slovakia (normal, hiking & hiking plus hill shade)
+ New map sources: Google Maps Korea
+ New map sources: Open Piste Map (
+ New atlas format: Maverick (Android application)
+ New map sources: (Poland)
+ New atlas format: Glopus (PNG & KAL)
+ New map sources: Austria and South Tyrol
~ Max zoom level of Google Maps increased from 17 to 19
~ Behavior on adding new maps and layers changed: the number of layers has
been reduced to a minimum making it easier switch between different zoom
levels when using TrekBuddy
! Extreme performance break-in in grid-mode fixed
! Map selections do no longer unwanted enlarge itself in grid mode beyond the
selected grid
1.5: (2009-08-01)
+ Flexible atlases containing different areas of multiple map sources are possible
+ New atlas output format: AndNav - Android Navigation System
+ Atlas download can be paused/resumed interactively
+ Proxy settings rewritten - now system/Java wide or application settings can be
used alternatively to the user defined proxy
+ New regional map sources (Poland): and
+ Map sources can now be disabled which hides them from the list
+ Merging different layers via drag & drop
+ Custom map sources can be defined via settings.xml (see README.HTM)
+ Map sources manual online update via settings dialog
+ New atlas format: OziExplorer / large PNG export
~ Java requirement has changed: Now at least Java 1.6 is required!
~ Profile saving updated to new atlas structure
~ Fullscreen mode is currently unavailable
~ Google Maps, Earth, Mapmaker, Maps China url updated
~ Settings.xml format has changed
~ Max zoom for Cycloatlas changed from 14 to 15
~ Removed OpenArialMap map source
~ Panels on the left can be collapsed to save space
! Editing the atlas content while map creation in progress resulted in
unusable/abnormal atlases (see bug #2819613)
1.1: (2009-05-13)
+ New output format: JPEG with different quality levels
+ added map source Microsoft Maps China (Ditu)
~ Fixed url and name of Cykloatlas (fixes also bug #2755108)
~ Updated url of Google Map Maker & Earth
~ Fixed tar creation which had problems with default charset on some systems
~ Changed the color depth selector to an output format selector
~ OSM Hiking map moved to new server - url adapted
! "Open atlas folder" does now work on Linux (Gnome and may be Kde)
1.0: (2009-04-10)
+ Reload current map view by pressing "F5"
+ First experimental implementation of color reducing implemented (requires
additional library "Java Advanced Imaging":
Download the library and place the Jar[s] in the same directory as TrekBuddyAtlasCreator
+ Experimental: Color reduced (<16) png files are saved using an own implementation
that writes real 4 bit PNG files (instead to the default Java one that only creates
8 bit or true color files)
+ added map source OSM hiking:
+ added map source OpenArialMap
~ Maximum map size reduced to 32767 (1 pixel less)
~ Atlas output format can now be specified: Tared or untared atlas. The created atlas
is always created in the folder "atlases" - the folder "atlasestared" is no longer used.
~ "ozi" / "tac_tmp" directory no longer used. Instead one temporary tar file per map
layer is created (and later deleted) in the default system temp directory
~ fixed GoogleMapMaker map source
! Loading tile store information in settings dialog blocked GUI
0.9.7: (2009-03-05)
+ New map sources (full support): Microsoft Maps, Earth, Hybrid,
Cycloatlas (Czech Republic only)
+ New map sources (partial support):
+ Window position, size and state (maximized or not) is saved
+ Preview map allows zoom move/zoom via keyboard controls (patch by Martin Loetzsch)
+ Fullscreen mode hides left panel and places control inside the preview map
(patch by Martin Loetzsch)
~ Google Maps, Earth & MapsChina urls updated
~ Custom tile size selection controls combined
~ Fixed several Swing thread safety problems (patch by Martin Loetzsch)
0.9.6: (2009-01-08)
+ New map source: Google Terrain
+ Download error counter added to atlas progress dialog
! Updated OpenCycleMap url (fixes zoom level > 13)
+ New map source: Yahoo Maps
+ New map source: Google Maps China (Ditu)
+ New map source (Germany only):
+ Selected/entered tile size is now saved/restored in/from settings.xml
+ Tooltip of "tiles-to-download-counter-label" (located right to the label
"Zoom levels (..)") now shows the breakdown of the number of tiles
to the different zoom levels including the area calculation
~ Exceptions that occur while downloading/creating an atlas are now displayed
in an dialog showing detailed information about the system and the exception
~ Updated Google Maps url & removed "Galileo" appendix
~ New experimental implementation for creating tile of custom size.
Disdvantage: Much slower that the algorithm before
Advantage: Only constant memory needed (approx. less than 10 MB)
~ Using custom tile size now does not concert the tiles to png format.
Instead the format used by the maps source is used.
0.9.5: (2008-10-27)
+ Detailed log files can be created by providing a configuration file log4j.xml
(see README.txt for details).
+ HTTP Proxy (host & port) can be specified via GUI
+ Added information about amount of tiles and total size for each tile source store
in Settings window.
+ Multithreaded download of tiles implemented (number of parallel download threads
changeable via settings dialog
~ Tile download system now reuses HTTP connections for HTTP 1.1 servers instead of
opening a new TCP connection for each tile
! Selection of whole world resulted in a wrong max longitude (-180 instead of 180)
! Tile number and index calculations near to the border of the world corrected
! Saving profiles works now (including map source, zoom levels and tile size)
! Aborting of stalled downloads works now as expected
0.9.1: (2008-10-17)
! Fixed wrong calculation of number of tiles when the amount was large.
0.9 alpha: (2008-10-15)
+ Added resizeable GUI
+ Added possibility to select map area by selection an area with mouse
+ Added tmi files for the tared atlases which make the map loading faster
~ Changed preview viewer to JMapViewer. It has several advantages:
different map sources
preview loads in background automatically
easy zooming (mouse wheel) and movement (right mouse button)
~ Tar generation rewritten, each tar is now only opened one time, not
once for each tile to be added (increases tar creation in case of a virus
scanner being active)
+ Added xml based settings file via Java Properties
+ Added possibility to change tile size for the downloaded tiles.
+ Added possibility to set map size in atlas. Giving the possibility to create
large atlases
! Fixed the non working setting tile store enabled. It was always enabled,
despite of what was written in the settings file
! Fixed (hopefully) the generation of mixed up atlases at some Linux operating
! Fixed bugs related to defect profiles in profiles.xml file by adding some
validation of the xml data at application start.
+ Added possibility to abort an ongoing download of Atlas
+ Added label that shows how many tiles that will be downloaded with current
lat, long & zoom settings
+ Added persistent tile store (cache of tiles in a store which is persistent
between program sessions)
! Fixed wrong download link to
+ Added a possibility to select to download tiles from either
! Fixed hard coded look and feel, which resulted in an
javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException at other environments then Windows