Compare commits


17 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Cyberes e93f353860 delete old file 2024-05-14 17:54:36 -06:00
Cyberes c3e60eaca9 adjust logging and track how long the validation checks take 2024-05-14 17:41:47 -06:00
Cyberes 8a2ee75188 mimic chrome on windows headers when testing proxy 2024-05-14 16:59:23 -06:00
Cyberes a886056d7f add option to block domains, add option to resolve specific domains through specific proxies, option to set the check interval 2024-05-06 21:00:35 -06:00
Cyberes 2ce41d0637 fix issue with "total valid" showing up as negative 2024-04-30 18:15:35 -06:00
Cyberes ea89052ef0 fix issue with invalid third-party proxy ending up in the valid third-party list 2024-04-22 20:55:37 -06:00
Cyberes 68a444c17c update readme 2024-04-16 21:48:06 -06:00
Cyberes 3b66b63469 update readme, update config, require proxies to start, track offline proxies, move shuffle behind config, modify json response 2024-04-12 22:50:44 -06:00
Cyberes 9316c0c1bc update readme 2024-04-12 20:50:06 -06:00
Cyberes d10c84d974 don't check for duplicates when getting a proxy 2024-04-12 20:47:55 -06:00
Cyberes 5273d1b16f improve background thread resouce locking, adjust printing 2024-04-12 20:44:05 -06:00
Cyberes fb124561eb adjust logging 2024-04-12 20:36:25 -06:00
Cyberes dd1a880e41 fix exception from proxy server when background thread is updating proxies, return the proxied status code instead of handling it on the server,add more fields to request logging 2024-04-12 20:31:59 -06:00
Cyberes 8cddcbcb2c make request logging info level, add request logging to webserver, update service file 2024-04-12 19:31:28 -06:00
Cyberes 684d9c8adf log rejection request 2024-04-12 19:26:18 -06:00
Cyberes 341b82c2e4 remove proxy creds from json status 2024-04-12 19:21:11 -06:00
Cyberes a38cc92700 add homepage and json status page 2024-04-12 19:15:37 -06:00
11 changed files with 315 additions and 109 deletions

View File

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
_A round-robin load balancer for HTTP proxies._
This is a simple proxy load balancer that will route requests to a cluster of proxy backends in a round-robin fashion.
This makes it easy to connect your clients to a large number of proxy servers without worrying about implementing
anything special clientside.
This is a simple proxy load balancer that will route requests to a cluster of proxy backends in a round-robin fashion. This makes it easy to connect your clients to a large number of proxy servers without worrying about implementing anything special clientside.
HTTPS proxy servers are not supported.
This proxy server will transparently forward HTTPS requests without terminating them, meaning a self-signed certificate is not required. Downstream HTTPS proxy servers are not supported.
Memory usage sits at around 25M under load.
## Install
@ -15,13 +15,28 @@ HTTPS proxy servers are not supported.
3. Edit the config.
4. Start the loadbalancer with `./proxy-loadbalancer --config [path to your config.yml]`
## Use
You can run your own "public IP delivery server" `canihazip` <> or use the default ``
An example systemd service `loadbalancer.service` is provided.
The server displays health, stats, info at `/json`.
=== Proxy Load Balancer ===
Usage of ./proxy-loadbalancer:
--config [string]
Path to the config file
-d, --debug
Enable debug mode
--v Print version and exit
-h, --help Print this help message
## Special Headers
The load balancer accepts special headers to control its behavior.
The load balancer accepts special headers to control its behavior:
- `Thirdparty-Bypass`: don't use any third-party endpoints for this request.
- `Thirdparty-Include-Broken`: use all online endpoints for this request, including third-party ones that failed the special test.

View File

@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ http_port: 9000
# How many proxies will be checked at once?
proxy_checkers: 50
# The interval between proxy checks in seconds.
proxy_check_interval: 60
# URL to get a proxy's IP.
# Connection timeout for the proxies in seconds.
proxy_connect_timeout: 10
proxy_connect_timeout: 60
# Your proxies.
@ -28,3 +31,16 @@ thirdparty_test_urls:
# Don't route requests for these domains through the third-party proxies.
# Shuffle the proxy lists whenever the background thread refreshes them.
# If false, round-robin on default order.
shuffle_proxies: false
# Don't allow requests to these domains through the proxy.
# Resolve specific domains through specific proxies.
# Proxies here are not validated.

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
ExecStart=/srv/loadbalancer/proxy-loadbalancer --config /etc/proxy-loadbalancer/config.yml
ExecStart=/srv/loadbalancer/proxy-loadbalancer -d --config /etc/proxy-loadbalancer/config.yml

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ @ git+

View File

@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ type Config struct {
ProxyPoolThirdparty []string
ThirdpartyTestUrls []string
ThirdpartyBypassDomains []string
ShuffleProxies bool
BlockedDomains []string
ResolveThrough map[string]string
ProxyCheckInterval int
func SetConfig(configFile string) (*Config, error) {
@ -29,11 +33,15 @@ func SetConfig(configFile string) (*Config, error) {
viper.SetDefault("http_port", "5000")
viper.SetDefault("proxy_checkers", 50)
viper.SetDefault("proxy_connect_timeout", 10)
viper.SetDefault("proxy_connect_timeout", 60)
viper.SetDefault("proxy_pool_ours", make([]string, 0))
viper.SetDefault("proxy_pool_thirdparty", make([]string, 0))
viper.SetDefault("thirdparty_test_urls", make([]string, 0))
viper.SetDefault("thirdparty_bypass_domains", make([]string, 0))
viper.SetDefault("shuffle_proxies", false)
viper.SetDefault("blocked_domains", make([]string, 0))
viper.SetDefault("resolve_through", make(map[string]string))
viper.SetDefault("proxy_check_interval", 60)
err := viper.ReadInConfig()
if err != nil {
@ -48,6 +56,14 @@ func SetConfig(configFile string) (*Config, error) {
ProxyPoolThirdparty: viper.GetStringSlice("proxy_pool_thirdparty"),
ThirdpartyTestUrls: viper.GetStringSlice("thirdparty_test_urls"),
ThirdpartyBypassDomains: viper.GetStringSlice("thirdparty_bypass_domains"),
ShuffleProxies: viper.GetBool("shuffle_proxies"),
BlockedDomains: viper.GetStringSlice("blocked_domains"),
ResolveThrough: viper.GetStringMapString("resolve_through"),
ProxyCheckInterval: viper.GetInt("proxy_check_interval"),
if len(config.ProxyPoolOurs) == 0 && len(config.ProxyPoolThirdparty) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no proxies configured")
if config.IpCheckerURL == "" {

View File

@ -82,13 +82,18 @@ func main() {
log.Fatalf(`Failed to load config: %s`, err)
log.Debugf(`Proxy check interval: %d sec`, config.GetConfig().ProxyCheckInterval)
proxyCluster := proxy.NewForwardProxyCluster()
go proxyCluster.ValidateProxiesThread()
go func() {
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":"+configData.HTTPPort, proxyCluster))
log.Infof("-> Server started on and accepting requests <-", configData.HTTPPort)
log.Infof("-> Server started on <-", configData.HTTPPort)
go proxyCluster.ValidateProxiesThread()
log.Infoln("-> Proxy server accepting requests <-")
select {}

View File

@ -25,17 +25,35 @@ func sendRequestThroughProxy(pxy string, targetURL string) (string, error) {
Timeout: config.GetConfig().ProxyConnectTimeout,
response, err := client.Get(targetURL)
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", targetURL, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer response.Body.Close()
if response.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
bodyBytes, err := io.ReadAll(response.Body)
req.Header.Set("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7")
req.Header.Set("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.9")
req.Header.Set("Priority", "u=0, i")
req.Header.Set("Sec-Ch-Ua", `"Chromium";v="124", "Google Chrome";v="124", "Not-A.Brand";v="99"`)
req.Header.Set("Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile", "?0")
req.Header.Set("Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform", `"Windows"`)
req.Header.Set("Sec-Fetch-Dest", "document")
req.Header.Set("Sec-Fetch-Mode", "navigate")
req.Header.Set("Sec-Fetch-Site", "cross-site")
req.Header.Set("Sec-Fetch-User", "?1")
req.Header.Set("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", "1")
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36")
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
bodyBytes, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(bodyBytes), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("bad response code %d", response.StatusCode)
return "", fmt.Errorf("bad response code %d", resp.StatusCode)

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
var (
@ -18,9 +19,19 @@ var (
HeaderThirdpartyBypass = "Thirdparty-Bypass"
func logProxyRequest(remoteAddr string, proxyHost string, targetHost string, returnCode *int, proxyConnectMode string, requestStartTime time.Time, errorMsg *string) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(`%s -> %s -> %s -> %d -- %s -- %d ms`, remoteAddr, proxyHost, targetHost, *returnCode, proxyConnectMode, time.Since(requestStartTime).Milliseconds())
if *errorMsg == "" {
} else {
log.Errorf(`%s -- %s`, msg, *errorMsg)
func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) validateRequestAndGetProxy(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (string, string, string, string, *url.URL, error) {
if p.BalancerOnline.GetCount() != 0 {
errStr := "balancer is not ready"
urlHostname := req.URL.Hostname()
if p.BalancerReady.GetCount() != 0 {
errStr := "proxy is not ready"
http.Error(w, errStr, http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
return "", "", "", "", nil, errors.New(errStr)
@ -34,6 +45,12 @@ func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) validateRequestAndGetProxy(w http.ResponseWriter,
return "", "", "", "", nil, errors.New(errStr)
if slices.Contains(config.GetConfig().BlockedDomains, urlHostname) {
errStr := "this domain has been blocked"
http.Error(w, errStr, http.StatusUnavailableForLegalReasons)
return "", "", "", "", nil, errors.New(errStr)
headerIncludeBrokenThirdparty := req.Header.Get(HeaderThirdpartyIncludeBroken)
headerBypassThirdparty := req.Header.Get(HeaderThirdpartyBypass)
@ -45,7 +62,11 @@ func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) validateRequestAndGetProxy(w http.ResponseWriter,
var selectedProxy string
if slices.Contains(config.GetConfig().ThirdpartyBypassDomains, req.URL.Hostname()) {
if val, ok := config.GetConfig().ResolveThrough[urlHostname]; ok {
selectedProxy = val
} else {
if slices.Contains(config.GetConfig().ThirdpartyBypassDomains, urlHostname) {
selectedProxy = p.getProxyFromOurs()
} else {
if headerIncludeBrokenThirdparty != "" {
@ -56,6 +77,7 @@ func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) validateRequestAndGetProxy(w http.ResponseWriter,
selectedProxy = p.getProxyFromAll()
if selectedProxy == "" {
panic("selected proxy was empty!")
@ -72,14 +94,26 @@ func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) validateRequestAndGetProxy(w http.ResponseWriter,
func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) proxyHttpConnect(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
requestStartTime := time.Now()
remoteAddr, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(req.RemoteAddr)
_, proxyUser, proxyPass, proxyHost, parsedProxyUrl, err := p.validateRequestAndGetProxy(w, req)
if err != nil {
// Error has already been handled, just log and return.
log.Errorf(`Failed to validate and get proxy: "%s"`, err)
if proxyHost == "" {
proxyHost = "none"
log.Debugf(`%s -> %s -> %s -- HTTP -- Rejecting request: %s`, remoteAddr, proxyHost, req.Host, err)
remoteAddr, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(req.RemoteAddr)
defer log.Debugf(`%s -> %s -> %s -- HTTP`, remoteAddr, proxyHost, req.Host)
// Variables for later
var returnCode *int
returnCode = new(int)
*returnCode = -1
var errorMsg *string
errorMsg = new(string)
*errorMsg = ""
defer logProxyRequest(remoteAddr, proxyHost, req.Host, returnCode, "HTTP", requestStartTime, errorMsg)
parsedProxyUrl.Scheme = "http"
if proxyUser != "" && proxyPass != "" {
@ -94,7 +128,7 @@ func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) proxyHttpConnect(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.
proxyReq, err := http.NewRequest(req.Method, req.URL.String(), req.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(`Failed to make %s request to "%s": "%s"`, req.Method, req.URL.String(), err)
*errorMsg = fmt.Sprintf(`Failed to make %s request to "%s": %s`, req.Method, req.URL.String(), err)
http.Error(w, "failed to make request to downstream", http.StatusInternalServerError)
@ -104,11 +138,12 @@ func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) proxyHttpConnect(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.
resp, err := client.Do(proxyReq)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(`Failed to execute %s request to "%s": "%s"`, req.Method, req.URL.String(), err)
*errorMsg = fmt.Sprintf(`Failed to execute %s request to "%s": %s`, req.Method, req.URL.String(), err)
http.Error(w, "failed to execute request to downstream", http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
defer resp.Body.Close()
*returnCode = resp.StatusCode
copyHeader(w.Header(), resp.Header)
@ -116,20 +151,30 @@ func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) proxyHttpConnect(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.
func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) proxyHttpsConnect(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
requestStartTime := time.Now()
remoteAddr, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(req.RemoteAddr)
targetHost, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(req.Host)
_, proxyUser, proxyPass, proxyHost, _, err := p.validateRequestAndGetProxy(w, req)
if err != nil {
// Error has already been handled, just log and return.
log.Errorf(`Failed to validate and get proxy: "%s"`, err)
if proxyHost == "" {
proxyHost = "none"
log.Debugf(`%s -> %s -> %s -- CONNECT -- Rejecting request: %s`, remoteAddr, proxyHost, targetHost, err)
remoteAddr, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(req.RemoteAddr)
targetHost, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(req.Host)
defer log.Debugf(`%s -> %s -> %s -- CONNECT`, remoteAddr, proxyHost, targetHost)
var returnCode *int
returnCode = new(int)
*returnCode = -1
var errorMsg *string
errorMsg = new(string)
*errorMsg = ""
defer logProxyRequest(remoteAddr, proxyHost, targetHost, returnCode, "CONNECT", requestStartTime, errorMsg)
// Connect to the downstream proxy server instead of the target host
// Start a connection to the downstream proxy server.
proxyConn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", proxyHost, config.GetConfig().ProxyConnectTimeout)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(`Failed to dial proxy %s - %s`, proxyHost, err)
*errorMsg = fmt.Sprintf(`Failed to dial proxy %s - %s`, proxyHost, err)
http.Error(w, "failed to make request to downstream", http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
@ -145,38 +190,26 @@ func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) proxyHttpsConnect(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http
resp, err := http.ReadResponse(bufio.NewReader(proxyConn), req)
if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != 200 {
var errStr string
if err != nil {
// `err` may be nil
errStr = err.Error()
statusCode := -1
if resp != nil {
statusCode = resp.StatusCode
log.Errorf(`Failed to CONNECT to %s using proxy %s. Status code : %d - "%s"`, req.Host, proxyHost, statusCode, errStr)
// Return the original status code.
returnStatusCode := http.StatusServiceUnavailable
if statusCode != -1 {
returnStatusCode = statusCode
http.Error(w, "failed to execute request to downstream", returnStatusCode)
if resp == nil {
*errorMsg = fmt.Sprintf(`Failed to CONNECT to %s using proxy %s: %s`, req.Host, proxyHost, err)
http.Error(w, "failed to execute request to downstream", http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
} else if err != nil {
log.Warnf(`Error while performing CONNECT to %s using proxy %s: %s`, req.Host, proxyHost, err)
*returnCode = resp.StatusCode
hj, ok := w.(http.Hijacker)
if !ok {
log.Errorf(`Failed to forward connection to %s using proxy %s`, req.Host, proxyHost)
*errorMsg = fmt.Sprintf(`Failed to forward connection to %s using proxy %s`, req.Host, proxyHost)
http.Error(w, "failed to forward connection to downstream", http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
clientConn, _, err := hj.Hijack()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(`Failed to execute connection forwarding to %s using proxy %s`, req.Host, proxyHost)
*errorMsg = fmt.Sprintf(`Failed to execute connection forwarding to %s using proxy %s`, req.Host, proxyHost)
http.Error(w, "failed to execute connection forwarding to downstream", http.StatusServiceUnavailable)

View File

@ -11,13 +11,17 @@ import (
type ForwardProxyCluster struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
ourOnlineProxies []string
ourOfflineProxies []string
thirdpartyOnlineProxies []string
thirdpartyBrokenProxies []string
thirdpartyOfflineProxies []string
ipAddresses []string
BalancerOnline WaitGroupCountable
BalancerReady WaitGroupCountable
BalancerOnline bool
currentProxyAll int32
currentProxyOurs int32
currentProxyAllWithBroken int32
refreshInProgress bool
var log *logrus.Logger
@ -31,23 +35,31 @@ func NewForwardProxyCluster() *ForwardProxyCluster {
atomic.StoreInt32(&p.currentProxyAll, 0)
atomic.StoreInt32(&p.currentProxyOurs, 0)
atomic.StoreInt32(&p.currentProxyAllWithBroken, 0)
p.BalancerOnline = false
return p
func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) cycleProxy(validProxies []string, currentProxy *int32) string {
// Just round robin
currProxy := atomic.LoadInt32(currentProxy)
currProxy := int(atomic.LoadInt32(currentProxy))
if currProxy > len(validProxies)-1 {
// This might happen if the background thread is currently making changes to the list of proxies.
// Just set it to the current length of the proxies array and move on.
currProxy = len(validProxies) - 1
downstreamProxy := validProxies[currProxy]
newCurrentProxy := (currProxy + 1) % int32(len(validProxies))
atomic.StoreInt32(currentProxy, newCurrentProxy)
newCurrentProxy := (currProxy + 1) % len(validProxies)
atomic.StoreInt32(currentProxy, int32(newCurrentProxy))
return downstreamProxy
func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) getProxyFromAll() string {
validProxies := removeDuplicates(append(p.ourOnlineProxies, p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies...))
validProxies := append(p.ourOnlineProxies, p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies...)
return p.cycleProxy(validProxies, &p.currentProxyAll)
@ -61,7 +73,7 @@ func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) getProxyFromOurs() string {
func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) getProxyFromAllWithBroken() string {
validProxies := removeDuplicates(slices.Concat(p.ourOnlineProxies, p.thirdpartyBrokenProxies, p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies))
validProxies := slices.Concat(p.ourOnlineProxies, p.thirdpartyBrokenProxies, p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies)
return p.cycleProxy(validProxies, &p.currentProxyAllWithBroken)

View File

@ -1,26 +1,90 @@
package proxy
import (
var startTime time.Time
func init() {
startTime = time.Now()
func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if req.Method == http.MethodConnect {
p.proxyHttpsConnect(w, req)
} else {
if req.URL.Scheme != "http" {
//msg := fmt.Sprintf(`unsupported protocal "%s"`, req.URL.Scheme)
//http.Error(w, msg, http.StatusBadRequest)
if req.URL.Scheme == "" {
// When the client connects using the server as a web server.
remoteAddr, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(req.RemoteAddr)
defer log.Infof(`%s -- %s`, remoteAddr, req.URL.Path)
if req.URL.Path == "/" {
fmt.Fprint(w, "proxy-loadbalancer\n<>\n\n"+retardation[rand.Intn(len(retardation))])
fmt.Fprint(w, "proxy-loadbalancer <>\nSee /json for status info.\n\n\n\n"+retardation[rand.Intn(len(retardation))])
} else if req.URL.Path == "/json" {
response := map[string]interface{}{
"uptime": int(math.Round(time.Since(startTime).Seconds())),
"online": p.BalancerOnline && p.BalancerReady.GetCount() == 0,
"refreshInProgress": p.refreshInProgress,
"proxies": map[string]interface{}{
"totalOnline": len(p.ourOnlineProxies) + len(p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies),
"ours": map[string]interface{}{
"online": removeCredentials(p.ourOnlineProxies),
"offline": removeCredentials(p.ourOfflineProxies),
"thirdParty": map[string]interface{}{
"online": removeCredentials(p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies),
"broken": removeCredentials(p.thirdpartyBrokenProxies),
"offline": removeCredentials(p.thirdpartyOfflineProxies),
jsonResponse, err := json.MarshalIndent(response, "", " ")
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Path not found", http.StatusInternalServerError)
w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-store")
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
} else {
http.Error(w, "Path not found", http.StatusNotFound)
} else {
// When the client connects using the server as a proxy.
p.proxyHttpConnect(w, req)
func removeCredentials(proxyURLs []string) []string {
var newURLs []string
for _, proxyURL := range proxyURLs {
u, err := url.Parse(proxyURL)
if err != nil {
// Skip if invalid.
u.User = nil
newURLs = append(newURLs, u.String())
if len(newURLs) == 0 {
newURLs = make([]string, 0)
return newURLs

View File

@ -17,22 +17,29 @@ func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) ValidateProxiesThread() {
ctx := context.TODO()
for {
// TODO: need to have these be temp vars and then copy them over when finished
startTime := time.Now()
p.refreshInProgress = true
allProxies := removeDuplicates(append(config.GetConfig().ProxyPoolOurs, config.GetConfig().ProxyPoolThirdparty...))
p.ourOnlineProxies = make([]string, 0)
p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies = make([]string, 0)
p.thirdpartyBrokenProxies = make([]string, 0)
p.ipAddresses = make([]string, 0)
newOurOnlineProxies := make([]string, 0)
newOurOfflineProxies := make([]string, 0)
newThirdpartyOnlineProxies := make([]string, 0)
newThirdpartyBrokenProxies := make([]string, 0)
newThirdpartyOfflineProxies := make([]string, 0)
newIpAddresses := make([]string, 0)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, pxy := range allProxies {
// TODO: semaphore to limit active checks
go func(pxy string) {
defer wg.Done()
if err := sem.Acquire(ctx, 1); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Validate - failed to acquire semaphore: %v\n", err)
log.Errorf("Validate - failed to acquire semaphore: %v", err)
if isThirdparty(pxy) {
newThirdpartyOfflineProxies = append(newThirdpartyOfflineProxies, pxy)
} else {
newOurOfflineProxies = append(newOurOfflineProxies, pxy)
defer sem.Release(1)
@ -40,58 +47,88 @@ func (p *ForwardProxyCluster) ValidateProxiesThread() {
_, _, proxyHost, _, err := splitProxyURL(pxy)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(`Invalid proxy "%s"`, pxy)
if isThirdparty(pxy) {
newThirdpartyOfflineProxies = append(newThirdpartyOfflineProxies, pxy)
} else {
newOurOfflineProxies = append(newOurOfflineProxies, pxy)
// Test the proxy.
ipAddr, testErr := sendRequestThroughProxy(pxy, config.GetConfig().IpCheckerURL)
if testErr != nil {
log.Warnf("Validate - proxy %s failed: %s", proxyHost, testErr)
log.Debugf("Validate - %s failed: %s", proxyHost, testErr)
if isThirdparty(pxy) {
newThirdpartyOfflineProxies = append(newThirdpartyOfflineProxies, pxy)
} else {
newOurOfflineProxies = append(newOurOfflineProxies, pxy)
if slices.Contains(p.ipAddresses, ipAddr) {
log.Warnf("Validate - duplicate IP Address %s for proxy %s", ipAddr, proxyHost)
if slices.Contains(newIpAddresses, ipAddr) {
log.Warnf("Validate - duplicate IP Address %s for %s", ipAddr, proxyHost)
if isThirdparty(pxy) {
newThirdpartyOfflineProxies = append(newThirdpartyOfflineProxies, pxy)
} else {
newOurOfflineProxies = append(newOurOfflineProxies, pxy)
p.ipAddresses = append(p.ipAddresses, ipAddr)
newIpAddresses = append(newIpAddresses, ipAddr)
// Sort the proxy into the right groups.
if isThirdparty(pxy) {
p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies = append(p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies, pxy)
okToAdd := true
for _, d := range config.GetConfig().ThirdpartyTestUrls {
_, bv3hiErr := sendRequestThroughProxy(pxy, d)
if bv3hiErr != nil {
log.Debugf("Validate - Third-party %s failed: %s\n", proxyHost, bv3hiErr)
p.thirdpartyBrokenProxies = append(p.thirdpartyBrokenProxies, pxy)
okToAdd = false
newThirdpartyBrokenProxies = append(newThirdpartyBrokenProxies, pxy)
log.Debugf("Validate - %s failed third-party test: %s", proxyHost, bv3hiErr)
if okToAdd {
newThirdpartyOnlineProxies = append(newThirdpartyOnlineProxies, pxy)
} else {
p.ourOnlineProxies = append(p.ourOnlineProxies, pxy)
newOurOnlineProxies = append(newOurOnlineProxies, pxy)
if !started {
p.ourOnlineProxies = removeDuplicates(newOurOnlineProxies)
p.ourOfflineProxies = newOurOfflineProxies
p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies = removeDuplicates(newThirdpartyOnlineProxies)
p.thirdpartyBrokenProxies = removeDuplicates(newThirdpartyBrokenProxies)
p.thirdpartyOfflineProxies = newThirdpartyOfflineProxies
p.ipAddresses = removeDuplicates(newIpAddresses)
p.BalancerOnline = len(slices.Concat(p.ourOnlineProxies, p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies, p.thirdpartyBrokenProxies)) > 0 // Online only if there are active and online proxies.
if config.GetConfig().ShuffleProxies {
p.ourOnlineProxies = shuffle(p.ourOnlineProxies)
p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies = shuffle(p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies)
if !started {
started = true
log.Infof("Our Endpoints Online: %d, Third-Party Endpoints Online: %d, Third-Party Broken Endpoints: %d, Total Valid: %d\n",
len(p.ourOnlineProxies), len(p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies), len(p.thirdpartyBrokenProxies), len(p.ourOnlineProxies)+(len(p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies)-len(p.thirdpartyBrokenProxies)))
log.Infof("Our Endpoints Online: %d, Third-Party Endpoints Online: %d, Third-Party Broken Endpoints: %d, Total Valid: %d, Elapsed: %s",
len(p.ourOnlineProxies), len(p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies), len(p.thirdpartyBrokenProxies), len(p.ourOnlineProxies)+len(p.thirdpartyOnlineProxies), time.Since(startTime),
time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)
p.refreshInProgress = false
time.Sleep(time.Duration(config.GetConfig().ProxyCheckInterval) * time.Second)
@ -115,12 +152,9 @@ func removeDuplicates(elements []string) []string {
if encountered[elements[v]] == true {
// Do not add duplicate.
} else {
// Record this element as an encountered element.
encountered[elements[v]] = true
// Append to result slice.
result = append(result, elements[v])
// Return the new slice.
return result