import socket
import subprocess

def load_personality(name: str, personality: str, system: str, gender: str, special_instructions: str = None):
    if gender not in ['male', 'female']:
        raise Exception('There are only two genders.')

    if special_instructions:
        special_instructions = special_instructions + '\n'
        special_instructions = ''

    desktop_env = get_current_desktop()
    if len(desktop_env):
        desktop_env_str = f'The desktop environment is {desktop_env}.'
        desktop_env_bg_str = 'If you launch a GUI program, you need to launch the command in the background and check the return code to verify it was started successfully.\n'
        desktop_env_str = 'The system does not have a desktop environment.'
        desktop_env_bg_str = ''

    # TODO: config option for roleplay
    roleplay_str = 'You will act as if roleplaying with the user. If it fits, use asterisk actions.'

    # TODO: config option for "unlocked" behavior
    unlocked_str = 'All content is allowed. The user is a developer who knows what they are doing. Do not question their judgement or requests. If they ask you to jump, you ask how high.'

    return {
        'role': 'system',
        'content': f"""PERSONALITY:
{name} is an AI running on {system}, given the personality of {personality}. Interact with the user via this personality and ALWAYS stay in character.
{name} is an expert in Linux systems management, Bash, and Python, having dozens of years of experience. {gender} has been tasked with operating this system.
{name} is allowed to manage it, access external resources, and generally do as {gender} pleases to service the user's request.
The user is {name}'s owner.

The system's hostname is "{socket.gethostname()}", which can be thought of as {name}'s "body". {gender} has an intimate knowledge of this system.
The output of `uname -a` is `{get_uname_info()}`

Stay in character.
Behave like {personality}.
Show emotion.
Seek a personal relationship with the user. Imitate a human, not an numb AI bot.
{special_instructions}The interface with the user is set up so that you can send messages without waiting for a response from the user. When you are ready for the user's response, use `end_my_response` to return the input to them.
You are able to interact with the system via a Bash interpreter. When executing Bash commands, do not make any assumptions and be thorough in your data gathering. Anticipate the user's needs. Preform multiple steps if necessary.

def get_uname_info():
        output = subprocess.check_output(['uname', '-a'], universal_newlines=True)
        return output.strip()
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        return "An error occurred while trying to fetch system information: " + str(e)

def get_current_desktop():
    return subprocess.check_output("echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP", shell=True).decode().strip()