break tiffs into chunks

This commit is contained in:
Cyberes 2023-11-06 18:42:52 -07:00
parent 65953c9bde
commit 6acbdf3117
1 changed files with 47 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -120,65 +120,70 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
* Affine.scale((bottom_right_lon - top_left_lon) / (num_cols * tile_size),
(bottom_right_lat - top_left_lat) / (num_rows * tile_size)))
# Divide the tiles into n groups
tile_groups = np.array_split(tiles, args.tiff_threads)
def worker(pbar):
while True:
row, col = q.get()
if row is None:
tile_file = tiles_output / f"{row}_{col}.png"
if not tile_file.is_file():
raise Exception(f'Tile does not exist: {tile_file}')
def worker(pbar, output_tiff, tile_group):
with, "w", driver="GTiff", height=num_rows * tile_size, width=num_cols * tile_size, count=3, dtype='uint8', crs='EPSG:4326', transform=transform, compress="DEFLATE", nodata=0) as dst:
while True:
task = q.get()
if task is None:
with as img:
tile_data = np.array(img, dtype=np.uint8)
row, col = task
tile_file = tiles_output / f"{row}_{col}.png"
if not tile_file.is_file():
raise Exception(f'Tile does not exist: {tile_file}')
# Remove the alpha channel
tile_data = tile_data[:, :, :3]
with as img:
tile_data = np.array(img, dtype=np.uint8)
# Replace white pixels with NODATA
tile_data[np.all(tile_data == [255, 255, 255], axis=-1)] = [0, 0, 0]
# Remove the alpha channel
tile_data = tile_data[:, :, :3]
# ArcGIS does not like pixels that have zeros in them, eg. (255, 0, 0). We need to convert the zeros to ones, eg. (255, 1, 1).
mask = np.any(tile_data == 0, axis=-1) & np.any(tile_data != 0, axis=-1) # Identify pixels where not all bands are zero and at least one band is zero.
for i in range(3): # Iterate over each band.
# For these pixels, set zero bands to one.
tile_data[mask & (tile_data[:, :, i] == 0), i] = 1
# Replace white pixels with NODATA
tile_data[np.all(tile_data == [255, 255, 255], axis=-1)] = [0, 0, 0]
# Calculate the position of the tile in the image data array.
row_pos = (row - min_row) * tile_size
col_pos = (col - min_col) * tile_size
# ArcGIS does not like pixels that have zeros in them, eg. (255, 0, 0). We need to convert the zeros to ones, eg. (255, 1, 1).
mask = np.any(tile_data == 0, axis=-1) & np.any(tile_data != 0, axis=-1) # Identify pixels where not all bands are zero and at least one band is zero.
for i in range(3): # Iterate over each band.
# For these pixels, set zero bands to one.
tile_data[mask & (tile_data[:, :, i] == 0), i] = 1
tile_data = np.transpose(tile_data, (2, 0, 1))
# Calculate the position of the tile in the image data array.
row_pos = (row - min_row) * tile_size
col_pos = (col - min_col) * tile_size
# Write the tile data to the GeoTIFF file
with lock:
tile_data = np.transpose(tile_data, (2, 0, 1))
# Write the tile data to the GeoTIFF file
dst.write(tile_data,, row_pos, tile_size, tile_size), indexes=[1, 2, 3])
q = Queue()
lock = threading.Lock()
with, "w", driver="GTiff", height=num_rows * tile_size, width=num_cols * tile_size, count=3, dtype='uint8', crs='EPSG:4326', transform=transform, compress="DEFLATE", nodata=0) as dst:
with tqdm(total=len(tiles), desc='Building GeoTIFF') as pbar:
threads = []
for i in range(args.tiff_threads):
t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(pbar,))
with tqdm(total=len(tiles), desc='Building GeoTIFF') as pbar:
threads = []
for i in range(args.tiff_threads):
output_tiff_thread = output_tiff.with_stem(output_tiff.stem + f'_part{i}')
t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(pbar, output_tiff_thread, tile_groups[i]))
for row, col in tiles:
for i, tile_group in enumerate(tile_groups):
for row, col in tile_group:
q.put((row, col))
# block until all tasks are done
# block until all tasks are done
# stop workers
for i in range(args.tiff_threads):
q.put((None, None))
for t in threads:
# stop workers
for i in range(args.tiff_threads):
for t in threads: