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Download and setup base models

In order to train, you need a base model on which to train. This is a one-time setup to configure base models when you want to use a particular base.

Make sure the trainer is installed properly first. See SETUP.md for more details.

When you finish you should see something like this, come back to reference this picture as you go through the steps below:

models (this picture is just an EXAMPLE)

Download models

You need some sort of base model to start training. I suggest these two:

Stable Diffusion 1.5 with improved VAE:


SD2.1 768:


You can use SD2.0 512 as well, but typically SD1.5 is going to be better.


Place these in the root folder of EveryDream2.

Run these commands one time to prepare them. It's very important to use the correct YAML!

For SD1.x models, use this (note it will spill a lot of warnings to the console, but its fine):

python utils/convert_original_stable_diffusion_to_diffusers.py --scheduler_type ddim ^
--original_config_file v1-inference.yaml ^
--image_size 512 ^
--checkpoint_path sd_v1-5_vae.ckpt ^
--prediction_type epsilon ^
--upcast_attn False ^
--dump_path "ckpt_cache/sd_v1-5_vae"

And the SD2.1 768 model (uses v2-v yaml and "v_prediction" prediction type):

python utils/convert_original_stable_diffusion_to_diffusers.py --scheduler_type ddim ^
--original_config_file v2-inference-v.yaml ^
--image_size 768 ^
--checkpoint_path v2-1_768-nonema-pruned.ckpt ^
--prediction_type v_prediction ^
--upcast_attn False ^
--dump_path "ckpt_cache/v2-1_768-nonema-pruned"

And finally the SD2.0 512 base model (generally not recommended base model):

python utils/convert_original_stable_diffusion_to_diffusers.py --scheduler_type ddim ^
--original_config_file v2-inference.yaml ^
--image_size 512 ^
--checkpoint_path 512-base-ema.ckpt ^
--prediction_type epsilon ^
--upcast_attn False ^
--dump_path "ckpt_cache/512-base-ema"

If you have other models, you need to know the base model that was used for them, in particular use the correct yaml (original_config_file) or it will not properly convert. Make sure to put some sort of name in the dump_path after "ckpt_cache/" so you can reference it later.

All of the above is one time. After running, you will use --resume_ckpt and just name the file without "ckpt_cache/"


python train.py --resume_ckpt "sd_v1-5_vae" ...
python train.py --resume_ckpt "v2-1_768-ema-pruned" ...
python train.py --resume_ckpt "512-base-ema" ...