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Everydream 2 trainer is built using various open source technologies and packages.

This is not a thorough nor deep list, but is an opinionated list of research that is most proximal to this repo and interesting.

Stable Diffusion's Predecessors and Components

AutoencoderKL paper

DDPM paper - github

CLIP paper - github

OpenClip info - github

LAION 5B paper - datasets

Latent Diffusion

Latent Diffusion paper - github -- Stable Diffusion github

SDXL paper - github

Captioning models

Open Flamingo paper - github

BLIP/BLIP2 blip paper - blip2 github (LAVIS) - blip1 github

Kosmos-2 paper - Github - Huggingface


Adam paper

8-bit block-wise quantization paper - github

D-Adaptation paper - github

DoWG paper