
981 B


How to create Gist

Note that this will include a copy of your code. If your code is private, please create a different sample of code that reproduces the problem.

Steps 2-5 are for older versions of Atom-Beautify. In newer/latest version, Atom-Beautify will provide you with a series of prompts and guide you to create an anonymous Gist with your debugging information.

  1. In the Atom command-palette, search for and run the command Atom Beautify: Help Debug Editor. The debugging results will be copied to your clipboard.
  2. Create a new Gist at
  3. Create a file in your new Gist called
  4. Paste your debugging results from Atom beautify into file in your Gist.
  5. Add a link to your Gist in your new Issue.

Common Issues

I receive an error when I try to install or update Atom Beautify

Run apm clean from your terminal, then retry