Use the pre-built router portals
You can download all pre-built portals available for fluxion from the sites' repository, however, we advise you use git to download all of fluxion's submodules if you haven't already done so. The pre-built portals are downloaded automatically when fluxion is cloned with the --recursive
flag, but if you didn't clone with the flag, you can download the submodules with the following command:
cd fluxion # Go to fluxion's root (top-most) directory.
git submodule update --init --recursive
If you decide you'd rather download them manually, download the sites and extract them into
fluxion/attacks/Captive Portal/sites/
Using your router's portal UI
After successfully cloning the repository, you can move into the fluxion/scripts
Before you execute the download script make sure you have all dependencies installed. In debian, or its derivatives (Kali, Ubuntu, ...), you can do this by running:
[sudo] apt install -y cutycapt httrack
If you use another OS, simply replace the package manager "apt-get" with your system's default package manager (e.g. in centos, yum, etc.).
In arch, the installation is simple:
[sudo] pacman -S httrack
yaourt cutycapt --noconfirm
If you don't have yaourt installed, you can install it by running:
pacman -S base-devel
curl -O
tar -xvzf package-query.tar.gz
cd package-query
makepkg -si
cd ..
curl -O
tar -xvzf yaourt.tar.gz
cd yaourt
makepkg -si
Downloading your router's portal UI
After installing all required dependencies, you're ready to rock. Simply execute the
Sample output
You'll find the router's login page in the site's directory, named after your gateway's IP address:
Sample output
Adding fluxion support
If you're up to the [simple] task, you can make the portal pages work with fluxion yourself by following the "making portals work with Fluxion" guide. Alternatively, you can share your web page and we'll eventually get around to making it functional ourselves, probably...
Adding it to fluxion
After adding support for fluxion to your router's portal UI, you must store it in its own independent directory containing all its pages and assets. A portal directory must follow the naming scheme "BrandOrMaker_Language.portal" to be properly detected by fluxion. Once completely prepared, the portal can be moved to "fluxion/attacks/Captive Portal/sites/" for fluxion to use.