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If you haven't setup matrix-public-archive yet, see the Setup section in the root

Sorry, this isn't automated yet when you run the tests 🙇

$ docker pull matrixdotorg/synapse:latest
$ docker build -t matrix-public-archive-test-homeserver -f test/dockerfiles/Synapse.Dockerfile test/dockerfiles/

$ docker-compose --project-name matrix_public_archive_test -f test/docker-compose.yml up -d --no-recreate

Running the tests

$ npm run test

Or if you want to keep matrix-public-archive server running after the tests run and explore the output from the interactive URL's printed on the screen, use:

$ npm run test-interactive

Developer utility

$ docker ps --all | grep test_hs
$ docker logs -f --tail 10 matrix_public_archive_test_hs1_1
$ docker logs -f --tail 10 matrix_public_archive_test_hs2_1

$ docker stop matrix_public_archive_test_hs1_1 matrix_public_archive_test_hs2_1
$ docker rm matrix_public_archive_test_hs1_1 matrix_public_archive_test_hs2_1