23 Competing Apps
Dominik Schürmann edited this page 2017-08-21 23:19:43 +02:00

OpenPGP key manager

Name License Active Development?
APG GPLv3, Github no
GPG for Android GPLv3, Github no
OpenPGP Manager closed no
PGP KeyRing closed yes

Mail Apps with OpenPGP support

Name License Tech
Pretty Easy Privacy (Android) GPL C-lib + Java, based on K-9
WEB.DE/GMX closed based on old K-9

TODO: find more email provider with integrated PGP

Name License Tech
Squeaky Mail (for PGP KeyRing) Apache v2, Github ?
R2Mail2 closed ?
PGP Mail closed ?
Secure Email closed ?
Maildroid closed ?
SMail - Secure Email closed ?
Trustera closed ?
EmailSecure ? ?

Other end-to-end email encryption tools (NOT OpenPGP compatible)

Name License
Tutanota (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9616743) GPLv3
Mynigma ?
Protonmail MIT? GitHub


Name License
https://lavaboom.com/ (PGP)
Whiteout.io MIT, Github


Name License