
4.5 KiB




  • Most components have been completely rewritten to address some fundamental design issues with the previous codebase, This update will provide a better base for new features in the future.
  • Some Most configuration options have been renamed, please check your configuration file.
  • There is a new library path for playlists, existing playlists will stay where they are.


  • Genre metadata available for all tracks
  • Boolean command line options are now set like --save-metadata or --no-save-metadata for True or False
  • Setting --config (formerly --config-location) can be set to "None" to not use any config file
  • Search result selector now accepts both comma-seperated and hyphen-seperated values at the same time
  • Renamed --liked/-l to --liked-tracks/-lt
  • Renamed root_path and root_podcast_path to album_library and podcast_library
  • --username and --password arguments now take priority over saved credentials
  • On Linux both config.json and credentials.json are now kept under $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zotify/, (~/.config/zotify/ by default).
  • The output template used is now based on track info rather than search result category
  • Search queries with spaces no longer need to be in quotes
  • File metadata no longer uses sanitized file metadata, this will result in more accurate metadata.
  • Replaced ffmpy with custom implementation providing more tags
  • Fixed artist download missing some tracks


  • New library location for playlists playlist_library
  • Added new command line arguments
    • --library/-l overrides both album_library and podcast_library options similar to --output/-o
    • --category/-c will limit search results to a certain type, accepted values are "album", "artist", "playlist", "track", "show", "episode". Accepts multiple choices.
    • --debug shows full tracebacks on crash instead of just the final error message
    • Added new shorthand aliases to some options:
      • -oa = --output-album
      • -opt = --output-playlist-track
      • -ope = --output-playlist-episode
      • -op = --output-podcast
  • Search results can be narrowed down using search filters
    • Available filters are 'album', 'artist', 'track', 'year', 'upc', 'tag:hipster', 'tag:new', 'isrc', and 'genre'.
    • The 'artist' and 'year' filters only shows results from the given year or a range (e.g. 1970-1982).
    • The 'album' filter only shows results from the given album(s)
    • The 'genre' filter only shows results from the given genre(s)
    • The 'isrc' and 'track' filters can be used while searching tracks
    • The 'upc', tag:new and tag:hipster filters can only be used while searching albums
      • 'tag:new' filter will show albums released within the past two weeks
      • 'tag:hipster' will only show albums in the lowest 10% of popularity
  • Search has been expanded to include podcasts and episodes
  • New output placeholders / metadata tags for tracks
    • {artists}
    • {album_artist}
    • {album_artists}
    • {duration} (milliseconds)
    • {explicit}
    • {isrc}
    • {licensor}
    • {playlist}
    • {playlist_number}
    • {playlist_owner}
    • {popularity}
    • {release_date}
    • {track_number}
  • Genre information is now more accurate and is always enabled
  • Added download option for "liked episodes" --liked-episodes/-le
  • Added save_metadata option to fully disable writing track metadata
  • Added support for ReplayGain
  • Added support for transcoding to wav and wavpack formats
  • Unsynced lyrics are saved to a txt file instead of lrc
  • Unsynced lyrics can now be embedded directly into file metadata (for supported file types)
  • Added new option save_lyrics_file
    • This option only affects the external lyrics files
    • Embedded lyrics are controlled with save_metadata


  • Removed "Zotify" ASCII banner
  • Removed search prompt, searches can only be done as cli arguments now.
  • Removed song archive files
  • Removed {ext} option in output formats as file extentions are managed automatically
  • Removed split_album_discs because the same functionality can be achieved by using output formatting
  • Removed print_api_errors because API errors are now treated like regular errors
  • Removed the following config options due to their corresponding features being removed:
    • bulk_wait_time
    • chunk_size
    • download_real_time
    • md_allgenres
    • md_genredelimiter
    • metadata_delimiter
    • override_auto_wait
    • retry_attempts
    • save_genres
    • temp_download_dir